UL Prospector


36 条结果
Ascophyllum nodosum Acadian Seaplants Limited Ascophyllum nodosum is a wild-harvested brown seaweed from the cold, pristine North Atlantic. It is naturally rich in antioxidants and marine-based secondary metabolites such as phlorotannins, fucoxanthin and organic iodine. This product is used in the e...展开 Ascophyllum nodosum is a wild-harvested brown seaweed from the cold, pristine North Atlantic. It is naturally rich in antioxidants and marine-based secondary metabolites such as phlorotannins, fucoxanthin and organic iodine. This product is used in the extraction of alginic acid and has applications in the health and wellness industries. 收起
Cracked Brown Mustard Seed #303 G.S. Dunn Dry Mustard Millers Cracked Brown Mustard Seed #303 is a natural, yellow, mild strength, cracked/crushed yellow mustard seed milled from #1CW brown mustard seed with the hulls cracked and not removed. It contains a minimum volatile oil amount of 0.4%. Cracked Brown Mustard S...展开 Cracked Brown Mustard Seed #303 is a natural, yellow, mild strength, cracked/crushed yellow mustard seed milled from #1CW brown mustard seed with the hulls cracked and not removed. It contains a minimum volatile oil amount of 0.4%. Cracked Brown Mustard Seed #303 provides a clean, characteristic mustard flavor and is most commonly used in mustard and salad dressing applications. 收起
Cracked Oriental Mustard Seed #302 G.S. Dunn Dry Mustard Millers Cracked Oriental Mustard Seed #302 is a natural, yellow, mild strength, cracked/crushed yellow mustard seed milled from #1CW Oriental mustard seed with the hulls cracked and not removed. It contains a minimum volatile oil amount of 0.4%. Cracked Oriental ...展开 Cracked Oriental Mustard Seed #302 is a natural, yellow, mild strength, cracked/crushed yellow mustard seed milled from #1CW Oriental mustard seed with the hulls cracked and not removed. It contains a minimum volatile oil amount of 0.4%. Cracked Oriental Mustard Seed #302 provides a clean, characteristic mustard flavor and is most commonly used in mustard and salad dressing applications. View All Descriptions 收起
Cracked Yellow Mustard Seed #301 G.S. Dunn Dry Mustard Millers Cracked Yellow Mustard Seed #301 is a natural, yellow, mild strength, cracked/crushed yellow mustard seed milled from #1CW yellow mustard seed with the hulls cracked and not removed. It contains a trace amount of volatile oil. Cracked Yellow Mustard See...展开 Cracked Yellow Mustard Seed #301 is a natural, yellow, mild strength, cracked/crushed yellow mustard seed milled from #1CW yellow mustard seed with the hulls cracked and not removed. It contains a trace amount of volatile oil. Cracked Yellow Mustard Seed #301 provides a clean, characteristic mustard flavor and is most commonly used in mustard and salad dressing applications. 收起
D-Alanine Anhui Huaheng Biotechnology Co., Ltd. D-Alanine is a white crystal or crystalline powder that is soluble in water but insoluble in ether. It is a non-essential amino acid that is added to foods as a nutritional supplement or sweetener.
Deactivated Fine Yellow Mustard #615 G.S. Dunn Dry Mustard Millers Deactivated Fine Yellow Mustard #615 is a pale yellow, bland strength, fine ground yellow mustard seed that has had the enzyme "myrosinade" deactivated from within it. Deactivated Fine Yellow Mustard #615 provides a clean flavor and is most commonly used ...展开 Deactivated Fine Yellow Mustard #615 is a pale yellow, bland strength, fine ground yellow mustard seed that has had the enzyme "myrosinade" deactivated from within it. Deactivated Fine Yellow Mustard #615 provides a clean flavor and is most commonly used in mayonnaise, sauce, bakery product, and tomato based sauce applications. 收起
Deactivated Yellow Mustard #601 G.S. Dunn Dry Mustard Millers Deactivated Yellow Mustard #601 is a pale yellow, bland strength, yellow mustard seed that has had the enzyme "myrosinade" deactivated from within it. Deactivated Yellow Mustard #601 provides a clean flavor and is most commonly used in meat product appli...展开 Deactivated Yellow Mustard #601 is a pale yellow, bland strength, yellow mustard seed that has had the enzyme "myrosinade" deactivated from within it. Deactivated Yellow Mustard #601 provides a clean flavor and is most commonly used in meat product applications. 收起
DL-Alanine Anhui Huaheng Biotechnology Co., Ltd. DL-Alanine appears as a white crystalline powder. This product is used in the food industry to add a mild and rich flavor as well as bring out the natural flavor of food. DL-Alanine has a PH value between 5.5-7 and a melting point between 289-291°C.
Fine Ground Mixed Mustard Bran #411 G.S. Dunn Dry Mustard Millers Fine Ground Mixed Mustard Bran #411 is a natural, light brownish yellow mustard bran with a clean characteristic mustard bran flavor. It is milled from the hulls of #1CW yellow and Oriental mustard seed from which most of the flour has been removed, with...展开 Fine Ground Mixed Mustard Bran #411 is a natural, light brownish yellow mustard bran with a clean characteristic mustard bran flavor. It is milled from the hulls of #1CW yellow and Oriental mustard seed from which most of the flour has been removed, with none of the fixed oil removed. Fine Ground Mixed Mustard Bran #411 is most commonly used as a bulking and thickening agent in food applications. 收起
Fucus vesiculosus Acadian Seaplants Limited Fucus vesiculosus is a wild-harvested, edible brown seaweed from the cold, pristine North Atlantic. It contains a significant amount of fucoidan and a wide range of bioactive compounds. It is used in food applications.
Furcellaria lumbricalis Acadian Seaplants Limited Furcellaria lumbricalis is a wild-harvested, edible red seaweed from the cold, pristine North Atlantic. This product is naturally rich in antioxidants and it contains furcellaran, a novel sulphated galactan (polysaccharide). This product has food applicat...展开 Furcellaria lumbricalis is a wild-harvested, edible red seaweed from the cold, pristine North Atlantic. This product is naturally rich in antioxidants and it contains furcellaran, a novel sulphated galactan (polysaccharide). This product has food applications. 收起
Ground #1 Yellow Mustard #201 G.S. Dunn Dry Mustard Millers Ground #1 Yellow Mustard #201 is a natural, yellow, mild strength, whole ground mustard seed with a trace amount of volatile oil. It is milled from #1CW yellow mustard seed with the hull ground and not removed. Ground #1 Yellow Mustard #201 is most comm...展开 Ground #1 Yellow Mustard #201 is a natural, yellow, mild strength, whole ground mustard seed with a trace amount of volatile oil. It is milled from #1CW yellow mustard seed with the hull ground and not removed. Ground #1 Yellow Mustard #201 is most commonly used in mustard and salad dressing applications. 收起
Ground #4 Yellow Mustard #204 G.S. Dunn Dry Mustard Millers Ground #4 Yellow Mustard #204 is a natural, yellow, mild strength, ground whole yellow mustard seed powder with a trace amount of volatile oil. It is milled from #4CW yellow mustard seed with the hull ground and not removed. Ground #4 Yellow Mustard #20...展开 Ground #4 Yellow Mustard #204 is a natural, yellow, mild strength, ground whole yellow mustard seed powder with a trace amount of volatile oil. It is milled from #4CW yellow mustard seed with the hull ground and not removed. Ground #4 Yellow Mustard #204 provides a clean, characteristic mustard flavor and is most commonly used in meat product and prepared mustard applications. 收起
Ground Brown Mustard #203 G.S. Dunn Dry Mustard Millers Ground Brown Mustard #203 is a natural, brown with yellow specks, medium to hot strength, ground brown mustard seed with a minimum volatile oil content of 0.4%. It is milled from #1CW brown mustard seed with the hull ground and not removed. Ground Brown...展开 Ground Brown Mustard #203 is a natural, brown with yellow specks, medium to hot strength, ground brown mustard seed with a minimum volatile oil content of 0.4%. It is milled from #1CW brown mustard seed with the hull ground and not removed. Ground Brown Mustard #203 is most commonly used in meat product and prepared mustard applications. 收起
Ground Mustard Seed #205 G.S. Dunn Dry Mustard Millers Ground Mustard Seed #205 is a natural, yellow, mild to medium strength, whole ground mustard seed with a minimum volatile oil amount of 0.3%. It is milled from #1CW yellow and Oriental mustard seed with the hull ground and not removed. Ground Mustard Seed...展开 Ground Mustard Seed #205 is a natural, yellow, mild to medium strength, whole ground mustard seed with a minimum volatile oil amount of 0.3%. It is milled from #1CW yellow and Oriental mustard seed with the hull ground and not removed. Ground Mustard Seed #205 is most commonly used in mustard and salad dressing applications. 收起
Ground Oriental Mustard #202 G.S. Dunn Dry Mustard Millers Ground Oriental Mustard #202 is a natural, yellow, medium to hot strength, whole ground mustard seed with a minimum volatile oil amount of 0.7%. It is milled from #1CW Oriental mustard seed with the hull ground and not removed. Ground Oriental Mustard #20...展开 Ground Oriental Mustard #202 is a natural, yellow, medium to hot strength, whole ground mustard seed with a minimum volatile oil amount of 0.7%. It is milled from #1CW Oriental mustard seed with the hull ground and not removed. Ground Oriental Mustard #202 is most commonly used in mustard and salad dressing applications. 收起
Irish Moss Acadian Seaplants Limited Irish Moss - also known as Chondrus Crispus or Carrageen Moss - is a red algae (type of seaweed). It functions as a fining agent, providing optimal clarity and haze control in the brewing process. This product can be used in the production of almost any v...展开 Irish Moss - also known as Chondrus Crispus or Carrageen Moss - is a red algae (type of seaweed). It functions as a fining agent, providing optimal clarity and haze control in the brewing process. This product can be used in the production of almost any variety of beer. 收起
L-Alanine Anhui Huaheng Biotechnology Co., Ltd. L-Alanine is a white and odorless crystal powder with a special, sweet taste. This product is used as a seasoning and to enrich the nutritional benefits in health foods and drinks. L-Alanine is soluble in water, slightly soluble in alcohol and insoluble...展开 L-Alanine is a white and odorless crystal powder with a special, sweet taste. This product is used as a seasoning and to enrich the nutritional benefits in health foods and drinks. L-Alanine is soluble in water, slightly soluble in alcohol and insoluble in ether. This product has a PH value between 5.7-6.7 and has the chemical formula C3 H7 NO2. 收起
Laminaria digitata Acadian Seaplants Limited Laminaria digitata is a wild-harvested, edible brown seaweed from the cold, pristine North Atlantic. This product is an alginate-containing seaweed naturally rich in polyphenols, fucoidan, organic iodine, and dietary fibres such as laminarin. This product...展开 Laminaria digitata is a wild-harvested, edible brown seaweed from the cold, pristine North Atlantic. This product is an alginate-containing seaweed naturally rich in polyphenols, fucoidan, organic iodine, and dietary fibres such as laminarin. This product is used in the food and nutraceutical industries. 收起
Mixed Mustard Bran #401 G.S. Dunn Dry Mustard Millers Mixed Mustard Bran #401 is a natural, light brownish yellow, medium strength, ground mustard bran milled from the hulls of #1CW yellow and Oriental mustard seeds. It has a minimum volatile oil content of 0.4%. Yellow bran is highly functional having the ...展开 Mixed Mustard Bran #401 is a natural, light brownish yellow, medium strength, ground mustard bran milled from the hulls of #1CW yellow and Oriental mustard seeds. It has a minimum volatile oil content of 0.4%. Yellow bran is highly functional having the ability to hold up to 9 times its weight in water, and is widely used as a natural thickener in sauces. Mixed Mustard Bran #401 provides a clean, characteristic mustard bran flavor and is most commonly used as a bulking and thickening agent, as well as a seed extender. 收起
Oat-Beta-Glucan Guangdong Food Industry Institute Oat-Beta-Glucan is a mustard-yellow powder derived from the cellulose structure of oats. It promotes wound healing, immune function, and digestion. It is used as a direct nutritional supplement and fortification in many food products, though not in brew...展开 Oat-Beta-Glucan is a mustard-yellow powder derived from the cellulose structure of oats. It promotes wound healing, immune function, and digestion. It is used as a direct nutritional supplement and fortification in many food products, though not in brewing. 收起
Oriental Mustard Bran #403 G.S. Dunn Dry Mustard Millers Oriental Mustard Bran #403 is a natural, light brownish yellow, hot strength, ground mustard bran milled from the hulls of #1CW Oriental mustard seed. It has a maximum volatile oil content of 0.6%. Oriental Mustard Bran #403 provides a clean, characteri...展开 Oriental Mustard Bran #403 is a natural, light brownish yellow, hot strength, ground mustard bran milled from the hulls of #1CW Oriental mustard seed. It has a maximum volatile oil content of 0.6%. Oriental Mustard Bran #403 provides a clean, characteristic mustard bran flavor and is most commonly used as a bulking agent as well as a seed extender. 收起
Palmaria palmata Acadian Seaplants Limited Palmaria palmata is a wild-harvested, edible red seaweed from the cold, pristine North Atlantic. It is a rich source of potassium; mycosporine-like amino acids, floridoside, highly bioactive glycolipid and pigment content. It has applications in food indu...展开 Palmaria palmata is a wild-harvested, edible red seaweed from the cold, pristine North Atlantic. It is a rich source of potassium; mycosporine-like amino acids, floridoside, highly bioactive glycolipid and pigment content. It has applications in food industries. 收起
Pure Mustard Flour #101 G.S. Dunn Dry Mustard Millers Pure Mustard Flour #101 is a natural, yellow, finely ground, medium to hot strength mustard powder with a volatile oil content of 0.55-0.65%. Pure Mustard Flour #101 contains a clean, characteristic hot mustard flavor and is most commonly used in salad d...展开 Pure Mustard Flour #101 is a natural, yellow, finely ground, medium to hot strength mustard powder with a volatile oil content of 0.55-0.65%. Pure Mustard Flour #101 contains a clean, characteristic hot mustard flavor and is most commonly used in salad dressing and mayonnaise applications. 收起
Pure Mustard Flour #103 G.S. Dunn Dry Mustard Millers Pure Mustard Flour #103 is a natural, yellow, medium strength, finely ground mustard powder with a volatile oil content of 0.45-0.55%. Pure Mustard Flour #103 contains a clean, characteristic hot mustard flavor and is most commonly used in sauce, mustard...展开 Pure Mustard Flour #103 is a natural, yellow, medium strength, finely ground mustard powder with a volatile oil content of 0.45-0.55%. Pure Mustard Flour #103 contains a clean, characteristic hot mustard flavor and is most commonly used in sauce, mustard, batter system, predust, and spice blend applications. 收起
Pure Mustard Flour #105 G.S. Dunn Dry Mustard Millers Pure Mustard Flour #105 is a natural, yellow, mild to medium strength finely ground mustard powder with a volatile oil content of 0.25-0.35%. Pure Mustard Flour #105 has a clean, characteristic hot mustard flavor and is most commonly used in the producti...展开 Pure Mustard Flour #105 is a natural, yellow, mild to medium strength finely ground mustard powder with a volatile oil content of 0.25-0.35%. Pure Mustard Flour #105 has a clean, characteristic hot mustard flavor and is most commonly used in the production of mustards and mild mustard sauces. 收起
Pure Mustard Flour #110 G.S. Dunn Dry Mustard Millers Pure Mustard Flour #110 is a natural, yellow, hot strength, finely ground mustard powder with a volatile oil content of 0.65-0.75%. Pure Mustard Flour #110 contains a clean characteristic hot mustard flavor and is most commonly used in barbecue sauce, Ch...展开 Pure Mustard Flour #110 is a natural, yellow, hot strength, finely ground mustard powder with a volatile oil content of 0.65-0.75%. Pure Mustard Flour #110 contains a clean characteristic hot mustard flavor and is most commonly used in barbecue sauce, Chinese sauce, and wasabi paste applications. 收起
Pure Mustard Flour #111 G.S. Dunn Dry Mustard Millers Pure Mustard Flour #111 is a natural, yellow, hot strength, finely ground mustard powder with a volatile oil content of 0.75-0.85%. Pure Mustard Flour #111 contains a clean, characteristic hot mustard flavor and is most commonly used in English-style mus...展开 Pure Mustard Flour #111 is a natural, yellow, hot strength, finely ground mustard powder with a volatile oil content of 0.75-0.85%. Pure Mustard Flour #111 contains a clean, characteristic hot mustard flavor and is most commonly used in English-style mustard applications. 收起
Pure Mustard Flour #117 G.S. Dunn Dry Mustard Millers Pure Mustard Flour #117 is a natural, yellow, very hot strength, finely ground yellow and oriental mustard seed powder with a minimum volatile oil content of 0.75%. Pure Mustard Flour #117 provides a clean, characteristic hot mustard flavor and is most c...展开 Pure Mustard Flour #117 is a natural, yellow, very hot strength, finely ground yellow and oriental mustard seed powder with a minimum volatile oil content of 0.75%. Pure Mustard Flour #117 provides a clean, characteristic hot mustard flavor and is most commonly used in barbecue sauce, Chinese sauce, and wasabi paste applications. 收起
Pure Oriental Mustard Flour #107 G.S. Dunn Dry Mustard Millers Pure Oriental Mustard Flour #107 is a natural, yellow, very hot strength, finely ground mustard powder with a minimum volatile oil content of 0.75%. Pure Oriental Mustard Flour #107 contains a clean, characteristic hot mustard flavor and is most commonly...展开 Pure Oriental Mustard Flour #107 is a natural, yellow, very hot strength, finely ground mustard powder with a minimum volatile oil content of 0.75%. Pure Oriental Mustard Flour #107 contains a clean, characteristic hot mustard flavor and is most commonly used in barbecue sauce, Chinese sauce, and wasabi paste applications. 收起
Pure Oriental Mustard Flour #107F G.S. Dunn Dry Mustard Millers Pure Oriental Mustard Flour #107F is a natural, yellow, very hot strength, finely ground mustard powder with a minimum volatile oil content of 0.90%. Pure Oriental Mustard Flour #107F contains a clean, characteristic hot mustard flavor and is most commonl...展开 Pure Oriental Mustard Flour #107F is a natural, yellow, very hot strength, finely ground mustard powder with a minimum volatile oil content of 0.90%. Pure Oriental Mustard Flour #107F contains a clean, characteristic hot mustard flavor and is most commonly used in barbecue sauce, Chinese sauce, and wasabi paste applications. 收起
Pure Yellow Mustard Flour #106 G.S. Dunn Dry Mustard Millers Pure Yellow Mustard Flour #106 is a yellow, mild strength finely ground mustard powder with a characteristic hot mustard flavor. Pure Yellow Mustard Flour #106 is most commonly used in salad dressing, salad cream, mayonnaise, and mustard production appli...展开 Pure Yellow Mustard Flour #106 is a yellow, mild strength finely ground mustard powder with a characteristic hot mustard flavor. Pure Yellow Mustard Flour #106 is most commonly used in salad dressing, salad cream, mayonnaise, and mustard production applications. 收起
Resistant Dextrin Guangdong Food Industry Institute Resistant Dextrin is a white to off-white powder produced by the hydrolosis of starch, with an E number of 1400 . It helps thicken and add dietary fiber to food and beverages. It is used in many foods and beverages, especially batters and coatings.
Sucralose Guangdong Food Industry Institute Sucralose is a white or off-white crystalline powder that dissolves easily in water and other solvents. It acts as a high-intensity, no-calorie sweetener that leaves a clean finish. It used in over 80 countries in products across a wide range of industr...展开 Sucralose is a white or off-white crystalline powder that dissolves easily in water and other solvents. It acts as a high-intensity, no-calorie sweetener that leaves a clean finish. It used in over 80 countries in products across a wide range of industries, wherever sugar substitutes are necessary. 收起
TBHQ Guangdong Food Industry Institute TBHQ, or tert-Butylhydroquinone, is a highly effective antioxidant with an E-number of 319. It produces no discoloration or flavor changes in food, and extends shelf life substantially. It is used as a preservative in a wide variety of food products aro...展开 TBHQ, or tert-Butylhydroquinone, is a highly effective antioxidant with an E-number of 319. It produces no discoloration or flavor changes in food, and extends shelf life substantially. It is used as a preservative in a wide variety of food products around the world, especially fish. Also excellent antioxidant performance can be achieved when useing TBHQ as an anti-oxidant in vegetable oil. 收起
Yellow Mustard Bran #402 G.S. Dunn Dry Mustard Millers Yellow Mustard Bran #402 is a natural, light brownish yellow, ground mustard bran milled from the hulls of #1CW yellow mustard seed with most of the flour removed. It contains a trace amount of volatile oil. Yellow Mustard Bran #402 provides a clean, ch...展开 Yellow Mustard Bran #402 is a natural, light brownish yellow, ground mustard bran milled from the hulls of #1CW yellow mustard seed with most of the flour removed. It contains a trace amount of volatile oil. Yellow Mustard Bran #402 provides a clean, characteristic mustard bran flavor and is most commonly used as a bulking and thickening agent. 收起