UL Prospector

Hersbrucker Spaet


Hersbrucker Spaet, a traditional variety from the growing region of the same name, has strong growth characteristics and a particularly robust nature. It is largely resistant to diseases. It is an aroma type hop grown in Germany and has a land variety lineage. Hersbrucker contains 1.5-4.0% alpha acids and 2.5-6.0% beta acids. The myrcene level of this product is 15-30.0% of total and Hersbrucker contains 5.0-6.0% total oils.


Barth-Haas Group is a premiere developer and manufacturer of hops and hop ingredients used in the Food, Beverage, and Nutrition industry. Currently the biggest global hop supplier, it is actively involved in hop production, breeding, and processing. Barth-Haas provides a vast array of brewing essentials, including Amarillo® Hops, Hexahop® 95, Lipohop® C-Plus, Redihop®, and Summit® Hops.


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