UL Prospector



BioDHA is an algal DHA produced from microalgae schizochytrium. Although fish oil is well known for having a high content of EPA and DHA, microalgae such as zooplankton and phytoplankton are the original source of DHA and EPA omega-3 fatty acids. BioDHA oil and microencapsulated powder can be appropriately used for fortifying variety of foods. Typical applications include in bakery products, dairy, beverages, cereals, protein mixes, dry blends, etc.


BioPlus is a family majority owned business with over 500 employees, multiple manufacturing sites and business in over 50+ countries. Their products are focused on naturally sourced, renewable resource compounds validated by advanced science. Their focus is on licensed and OTC (nutritional) pharmaceuticals or healthcare products, novel drug delivery, excellence in carbohydrate chemistry and biopharmaceuticals.


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