UL Prospector

Cocoa Nibs Roasted - Organic Fair Trade


Cocoa nibs are crushed cocoa seeds from the Theobroma cacao tree and have a chocolate flavor without the sweetness. Roasted cocoa nibs are produced by first breaking the unshelled cacao beans down into chopped bits of cocoa seeds. Unlike the raw variety, these nibs go through an additional roasting step to result in a more flavorful and less bitter-tasting cocoa nib. Widely used throughout the food industry in restaurants, baking, packaged goods, and grocery stores, they are a rich source of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber; and are commonly used in various snacks, desserts, and trail mixes, granola recipes, and chocolate-flavored beverages.


Jedwards International supplies an extensive line of refined, virgin, and kosher oils to the food, cosmetic and dietary supplement markets. They began by supplying cod liver oil and now have expanded into a wide range of essential oils, seed oils and shea butter. Jedwards has developed a global network of manufacturing partners and suppliers, combining each strengths under one location.


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Jedwards International, Inc.

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