UL Prospector

Dermatology Studies - Safety


Dermatology Studies - Safety is offered by proDERM. Irritancy and inflammation of the skin is a common problem be it a result of contact with an allergen, irritant, soaps and detergents or cosmetic products. Not all susceptible individuals can be identified by history, age atopy skin type etc. Therefore there is a need for clinical protocols for human testing for irritation in relation to these product types: 21 Cummulative Irritation Patch Test, Forearm-Wash-Test, HRIPT – Human Repeat Insult Patch Test, Open Epicutaneous Test, Repetitive Epicutaneous Test, ROAT – Repeated Open Application Test, Simple Epicutaneous Test, Soap Chamber Test.


proDERM is an international leading CRO offering claim support, tolerability and safety testing with a focus on topical applications. Being headquartered in Schenefeld/Hamburg, the institute today has over 85 full-time staff members including over 20 scientists and certified specialists in dermatology, ophthalmology, dentistry, pediatrics and gynaecology. proDERM is a high-quality provider of clinical trial services on the basis of outstanding technical equipment and extraordinary know-how.

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