UL Prospector

Brufasol® Yellow AL 2300 Bismuth Vanadate PY184


Un pigmento de Vanadato de Bismuto.


Bruchsaler Farbenfabrik was founded in 1896 and continues to operate as an independent, 4th generation family-owned producer of high quality inorganic and blended pigments for the Coatings industry. It is known for three trademarks: Brufasol® - Bismuth Vanadate (P.Y. 184) pigments, Brufatec® - True orange and red pigments, and Brufablend® - Our range of dry pigment blends. The Bruchsaler Farbenfabrik can manufacture dry pigment blends according to RAL, Pantone, NCS and customer specific requirements.

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Bruchsaler Farbenfabrik

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