UL Prospector


133 条结果
Acronal® 296 D ap BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 阴离子乳液聚合物,粘度中等。它含有细小、良好分散的颗粒。它与颜填料具有出色的相容性。对颜料具有非常高的粘合力。未着色的Acronal®296 D apare涂膜透明、柔韧、高光泽,具有极高的耐水性和非常好的耐皂化性能
Acronal® 296 DS ap BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 高品质、通用型建筑涂料用乳液聚合物。Acronal® 296 DS ap是一种阴离子型低粘度的乳液聚合物,它由细小的微粒组成。与颜填料有出色的兼容性,具备超强的颜料粘结力。Acronal® 296 DS ap乳液膜在室温下不粘手。Acronal® 296 DS ap乳液膜透明,柔软且有光泽,具有极好的耐水性,且具备出色的耐皂化特性。
Acronal® 7016 G BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 一种阴离子型中等粘度的乳液聚合物。它由细小的微粒组成,是一种拥有优异户外耐久性和耐沾污性的纯丙烯酸共聚物。能使涂膜拥有良好的耐擦洗性、抗粘连性、对混凝土表面有良好的附着力。
Acronal® 7026 BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 良好分散的的聚合物乳液,粘度低。该乳液形成的涂膜在很宽的温度范围内具有高弹性,尤其是在寒冷气候环境下。与填料和颜料具有出色的相容性。它具有非常高的颜料粘合力。用Acronal®7026形成的涂膜具有出色的耐水、耐碱性能和耐风化性能。Acronal®7026配制的弹性墙面涂料具有良好的耐毛细裂纹,由于采用了紫外表面交联技术,即使在温暖高污染的环境下也具有非常好的耐玷污性能
Acronal® 7035 BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 耐擦洗性能优异的高PVC内墙涂料用乳液聚合物 Acronal®7035是不含APEO的低粘度阴离子乳液.它由细小的乳液粒子组成. Acronal®7035具有很高的对颜填料的粘结力,因此它即使在很高PVC时仍然 使得涂料具有突出的耐擦洗性
Acronal® 7035 G BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 耐擦洗性能优异的高PVC内墙涂料用乳液聚合物。Acronal®7035G是不含APEO的低粘度阴离子乳液.它由细小的乳液粒子组成。Acronal®7035G具有很高的对颜填料的粘结力,因此它即使在很高PVC时仍然使得涂料具有突出的耐擦洗性
Acronal® 7037 BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 具有极佳耐擦洗性多功能内墙建筑涂料用乳液聚合物,Acronal® 7037是一种不含APEO的低黏度阴离子乳液聚合物。它由细小的乳液粒子组成。Acronal® 7037 具有很高的对颜填料的粘结力,因此它即使在很高PVC时仍然使得涂料具有突出的耐擦洗性。
Acronal® 7051 BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 适用于真石漆和质感涂料的水性聚合物乳液 Acronal®7051是一种具有中等黏度的细微分散乳液聚合物。它是一种与常用颜料及骨料具有良好相容性的纯丙烯酸乳液,同时其具有优异的钙离子稳定性。其涂膜坚韧,具有柔性及抗粘连性。Acronal® 7051形成的膜具高耐水性、耐光性,优异的抗皂化性及耐候性。即使在水中长时间浸泡,涂膜也不会水白。
Acronal® A 684 BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 通用型,具有出色的附着力和出色的耐候性
Acronal® DS 6266 ap BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 可广泛用于各种乳胶漆和质感面漆的聚合物乳液 Acronal®DS 6266 ap 是一种中等粘度的阴离子型聚合物乳液。它拥有极细的 粒径,能形成无色、透明滑爽的涂膜。产品性能优异,具有良好的抗发白性、低吸水性和高耐候性。
Acronal® ECO 338 AP BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 是一种细粒径,低黏度的水性乳液。无气味,而且不包含氨水,溶剂及增塑剂。它与常用的颜料与填料展现优异的相容性。形成的涂膜透明,柔性且有光泽,并具备好的耐水性及耐水解性。
Acronal® ECO 502 AP BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 是低黏度,细小乳胶,无气味,不含氨水及任何溶剂或增塑剂,拥有出色的颜料相容性和粘结能力,而且配方内不需要助成膜助剂。其干膜透明,有光泽和弹性,并有很好的耐水和抗水解性能。
Acronal® ECO 612 AP BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 全丙烯酸共聚物,用于低光泽建筑涂料。用Acronal®ECO 612 ap形成的涂料能在保持VOC含量接近零的条件下满足严苛性能。由于其出色的附着力和抗粘连性能,Acronal®ECO 612 ap配制的涂料非常适合各种表面类型和应用。另外,Acronal®ECO 612 ap表现出优秀的耐常规家庭污染物的能力
Acronal® ECO 702 AP BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 是一种阴离子型中等黏度,细小粒径的水性乳胶。拥有优异的颜料和填料的相容性与粘结性能。Acronal ECO 702 ap 在无颜填料时形成的膜透明,有弹性和光泽,并具有出色的耐水和抗皂化性能。
Acronal® ECO 9056 AP BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 阴离子乳液聚合物,具有中等粘度。它含有细小良好分散的颗粒。它与颜料和填料具有出色的相容性。它具有非常高的颜料粘合力。未着色的Acronal®ECO 9056涂膜可在室温下指干。Acronal®ECO 9056的涂膜透明、柔韧和高光,具有极高的耐水性和非常好的耐皂化性能
Acronal® Flex SC 138 AP BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 良好分散的聚合物乳液,粘度低。与填料和颜料具有出色的相容性。它具有非常高的颜料粘合力。用Acronal®FLEX SC 138形成的涂膜具有出色的耐水、耐碱性能和耐候性。Acronal®FLEX SC 138配制的弹性墙面涂料即使在温暖高污染的环境下也具有良好的耐毛细裂纹以及非常好的耐玷污性能
Acronal® GS 409 AP BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 是一种低粘度细小粒径聚合物乳液。它与填料和颜料具有优异的相容性,同时具有极高的颜料粘结力。由Acronal GS 409 ap形成的漆膜具有优异的耐水性、耐碱性和耐候性。采用Acronal GS 409 ap配制的弹性涂料能能够提供毛细裂纹的桥接,即使在温暖和污染的环境中,也具有非常出色的耐沾污性。
Acronal® JC 7043 X BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 是一种拥有细小粒径和低粘度的阴离子R-C乳液。它是一 种长链的丙烯酸和苯乙烯共聚物,具备优异的对粉化基材的渗透性和优异的耐碱性,适用于水性渗透性和耐碱性底漆,该底漆可替代溶剂型体系。该产品对粉化砖石基材具有优异的粘结力。 Acronal® JC 7043 适用于制备全效合一水性底漆产品。
Acronal® PA 510 BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 是一种阴离子型的分散介质的粘度。该乳液具有非常细的颗粒,提供优良的增稠响应。 ACRONAL®PA510配方的高光泽涂料耐高挡。 ACRONAL®PA510具有优异的湿附着力对木材和任何关键基材,尤其是老化醇酸的基材.
Acronal® PA 807 ap BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 乳液聚合物,耐久、低粘灰,用于高品质户外乳胶漆。Acronal® PA 807 ap是一种阴离子乳液聚合物,粘度中等,含有细小、良好分散的颗粒。它是一种全丙烯酸共聚物具有出色的户外耐久性和良好的耐玷污性能。该聚合物制备的涂膜具有良好的耐擦洗性能,防粘连性能,良好的对圬工表面的附着力以及特别好的湿遮盖力。Acronal® PA 807 ap适合用于制备各种应用的油漆,可配制不同光泽水平。
Acronal® PS 791 AP BASF Dispersions & Pigments Asia Pacific 巴斯夫亚洲分散液 & 颜料 乳液聚合物,用于高品质通用型建筑涂料,Acronal® PS 791 ap是一种阴离子乳液聚合物,粘度低,含有细小、良好分散的颗粒。它具有与颜填料出色的相容性和非常高的颜料粘合力。未着色的Acronal® PS 791 ap涂膜可在室温下指干。Acronal® PS 791 ap形成的涂膜透明、柔韧、光泽高,具有极高的耐水性,和非常好的耐皂化性能
AG-500 Chan Sieh Enterprises Co, Ltd. AG-500 is a contaminant-free acrylic resin that, together with EL-8300, is ideal for use in one-shot, adjustable, low-gloss exterior powder coating systems.
AG-750 Chan Sieh Enterprises Co, Ltd. AG-750 is a contaminant-free acrylic resin that, together with EL-8300, is ideal for use in one-shot, adjustable, low-gloss exterior powder coating systems.
AG-800 Chan Sieh Enterprises Co, Ltd. AG-800 is a contaminant-free acrylic resin that, together with EL-8300, is ideal for use in one-shot, adjustable, low-gloss exterior powder coating systems.
Akuapol AL 2200 T&L Co., Ltd. Polymer Technology Centre Akuapol AL 2200 is a solvent/APEO free, high gloss, milky white, waterborne acrylic polyol featuring fast drying and good water, weather, and chemical resistance. This product is ideal for use in wood, floor, and metal coatings.
Akuapol AL 2300 T&L Co., Ltd. Polymer Technology Centre Akuapol AL 2300 is a solvent/APEO free, high gloss, milky white, waterborne acrylic polyol featuring fast drying and good water, weather, and chemical resistance. This product is ideal for use in wood, floor, and metal coatings.
Akuapol AL 2400 T&L Co., Ltd. Polymer Technology Centre Akuapol AL 2400 is a solvent/APEO free, high gloss, milky white, waterborne acrylic polyol featuring fast drying and good water, weather, and chemical resistance. This product is ideal for use in wood, floor, and metal coatings.
Akuapol AL 4500 T&L Co., Ltd. Polymer Technology Centre Akuapol AL 4500 is a solvent/APEO free, high gloss, milky white, waterborne acrylic polyol featuring fast drying and good water, weather, and chemical resistance. This product is ideal for use in wood, floor, and metal coatings.
AM-200 Chan Sieh Enterprises Co, Ltd. AM-200 is an acrylic resin blend in the form of a white emulsion. This product features a hard film, excellent blocking and water resistance, and a high sheen. It can be used as a gloss agent for paper and wallpaper coatings.
AR-511 Chan Sieh Enterprises Co, Ltd. AR-511 is a styrene copolymer acrylic resin. This product has good hardness, is clear and flexible, and provides outdoor durability. It can be used in road paints, marine paints, exterior coatings, and metal paints. AR-511 is soluble in ketones, aromat...展开 AR-511 is a styrene copolymer acrylic resin. This product has good hardness, is clear and flexible, and provides outdoor durability. It can be used in road paints, marine paints, exterior coatings, and metal paints. AR-511 is soluble in ketones, aromatics, and esters. 收起
AR-517 Chan Sieh Enterprises Co, Ltd. AR-517 is a styrene-acrylic copolymer resin that displays good hardness, high gloss, and good chemical resistance. This product can be used in paints and coatings for road marking, marine, concrete, and interior and exterior wall applications.
AR-531 Chan Sieh Enterprises Co, Ltd. AR-531 is a BMA copolymer acrylic resin. This product has a high tolerance for pigments, and shows good heat resistance. It can be used in aerosols, packaging inks, flexo and gravure printing inks, alkyd paints, and parquet polishes. AR-531 is solvent ...展开 AR-531 is a BMA copolymer acrylic resin. This product has a high tolerance for pigments, and shows good heat resistance. It can be used in aerosols, packaging inks, flexo and gravure printing inks, alkyd paints, and parquet polishes. AR-531 is solvent in alcohols, ketones, aromatics, and esters. 收起
AT-3430 Antex Chemicals (Zhongshan) Limited AT-3430 is a veova acrylic copolymer emulsion that appears as a milky, white liquid and features excellent wear, water, alkali, and dirt pick-up resistance. This product features excellent durability, chemical, blush, and salt spray resistance, and high g...展开 AT-3430 is a veova acrylic copolymer emulsion that appears as a milky, white liquid and features excellent wear, water, alkali, and dirt pick-up resistance. This product features excellent durability, chemical, blush, and salt spray resistance, and high gloss. It can be used to make metal coatings and floor paints. 收起
BYD2610 Tianyi Chemical Engineering Material Co., Ltd. BYD2610, in the form of a waterborne, white anionic emulsion, is an acrylic copolymer that can be used in weatherproof exterior wall coatings and high-quality interior wall coatings. This product is resistant to yellowing, alkaline substrates, and water....展开 BYD2610, in the form of a waterborne, white anionic emulsion, is an acrylic copolymer that can be used in weatherproof exterior wall coatings and high-quality interior wall coatings. This product is resistant to yellowing, alkaline substrates, and water. Its pH value is 8.0 +/- 1.0. 收起
BYD2620 Tianyi Chemical Engineering Material Co., Ltd. BYD2620, in the form of a waterborne, white anionic emulsion, is an acrylic copolymer that can be used in high quality exterior wall coatings and stain-resistant interior wall coatings. This product is resistant to yellowing, alkaline substrates, and wat...展开 BYD2620, in the form of a waterborne, white anionic emulsion, is an acrylic copolymer that can be used in high quality exterior wall coatings and stain-resistant interior wall coatings. This product is resistant to yellowing, alkaline substrates, and water. Its pH value is 8.0 +/- 1.0. 收起
BYD2630 Tianyi Chemical Engineering Material Co., Ltd. BYD2630, in the form of a waterborne, white anionic emulsion, is an acrylic copolymer that can be used in elastic interior or exterior wall coatings, and in gigging coatings. This product is resistant to yellowing, alkaline substrates, and water. Its pH...展开 BYD2630, in the form of a waterborne, white anionic emulsion, is an acrylic copolymer that can be used in elastic interior or exterior wall coatings, and in gigging coatings. This product is resistant to yellowing, alkaline substrates, and water. Its pH value is 8.0 +/- 1.0. 收起
BYD3053 Tianyi Chemical Engineering Material Co., Ltd. BYD3053, in the form of a white, water-based anionic emulsion, is a styrene acrylic copolymer that can be used in alkaline-resistant exterior wall coatings and sealer primers for construction applications. This product is waterproof and alkali-resistant....展开 BYD3053, in the form of a white, water-based anionic emulsion, is a styrene acrylic copolymer that can be used in alkaline-resistant exterior wall coatings and sealer primers for construction applications. This product is waterproof and alkali-resistant. It is compatible with color pastes and cements. 收起
BYD3064 Tianyi Chemical Engineering Material Co., Ltd. BYD3064, in the form of a white, water-based anionic emulsion, is a styrene acrylic copolymer that can be used in sealer primers for construction applications. This product is waterproof and alkali-resistant. It is compatible with color pastes and cemen...展开 BYD3064, in the form of a white, water-based anionic emulsion, is a styrene acrylic copolymer that can be used in sealer primers for construction applications. This product is waterproof and alkali-resistant. It is compatible with color pastes and cements. 收起
BYD3510 Tianyi Chemical Engineering Material Co., Ltd. BYD3510, in the form of a white, water-based anionic emulsion, is a styrene acrylic copolymer that can be used in elastic interior or exterior wall coatings, gigging coatings, and one-component waterproof coatings. This product is waterproof and alkali-r...展开 BYD3510, in the form of a white, water-based anionic emulsion, is a styrene acrylic copolymer that can be used in elastic interior or exterior wall coatings, gigging coatings, and one-component waterproof coatings. This product is waterproof and alkali-resistant. It is compatible with color pastes and cements. 收起
BYD3520 Tianyi Chemical Engineering Material Co., Ltd. BYD3520, in the form of a white, water-based anionic emulsion, is a styrene acrylic copolymer that can be used in two-component waterproof coatings. This product is waterproof and alkali-resistant. It is compatible with color pastes and cements.
BYD3910 Tianyi Chemical Engineering Material Co., Ltd. BYD3910, in the form of a white, water-based anionic emulsion, is a styrene acrylic copolymer that can be used in exterior wall coatings, stone coatings, and textured coatings. This product is waterproof and alkali-resistant. It is compatible with color...展开 BYD3910, in the form of a white, water-based anionic emulsion, is a styrene acrylic copolymer that can be used in exterior wall coatings, stone coatings, and textured coatings. This product is waterproof and alkali-resistant. It is compatible with color pastes and cements. 收起
BYD3928 Tianyi Chemical Engineering Material Co., Ltd. BYD3928, in the form of a white, water-based anionic emulsion, is a styrene acrylic copolymer that can be used in stone coatings, relief coatings and both exterior and interior wall coatings. This product is waterproof and alkali-resistant. It is compat...展开 BYD3928, in the form of a white, water-based anionic emulsion, is a styrene acrylic copolymer that can be used in stone coatings, relief coatings and both exterior and interior wall coatings. This product is waterproof and alkali-resistant. It is compatible with color pastes and cements. 收起
BYD3998 Tianyi Chemical Engineering Material Co., Ltd. BYD3998, in the form of a white, water-based anionic emulsion, is a styrene acrylic copolmer that can be used in exterior and interior wall coatings. This product is waterproof and alkali-resistant. It is compatible with color pastes and cements.
BYD5110 Tianyi Chemical Engineering Material Co., Ltd. BYD5110, in the form of a white, waterborne anionic emulsion, is a vinyl acrylic copolymer that can be used in Mercerized interior wall coatings and PVC interior coatings. This product carries pigment well and is compatible with color pastes. Its pH val...展开 BYD5110, in the form of a white, waterborne anionic emulsion, is a vinyl acrylic copolymer that can be used in Mercerized interior wall coatings and PVC interior coatings. This product carries pigment well and is compatible with color pastes. Its pH value is 4.0 +/- 1.0. 收起
BYD8001 Tianyi Chemical Engineering Material Co., Ltd. BYD8001, in the form of a waterborne, white anionic emulsion, is a silicone acrylic copolymer that can be used in exterior wall coatings, natural stone coatings, and top coats. This product has yellowing and water resistance, color retention, and stain r...展开 BYD8001, in the form of a waterborne, white anionic emulsion, is a silicone acrylic copolymer that can be used in exterior wall coatings, natural stone coatings, and top coats. This product has yellowing and water resistance, color retention, and stain resistance. Its pH value is 9.0 +/- 1.0. 收起
Crestacryl® 71-1030 Scott Bader Crestacryl® 71-1030 is an acrylic resin with excellent adhesion, vapour permeability and flexibilty.  Used for high grade façade, wall and concrete paints and sealers.
DA-265H DCC (Dairen Chemical Corp.) DA-265H is a non-plasticized, aqueous, milky, white vinyl acetate-ethylene-acrylate terpolymer emulsion with a solid content of 65%. A water-resistant, clear and flexible film is formed after drying. This film exhibits stability against degradation, disco...展开 DA-265H is a non-plasticized, aqueous, milky, white vinyl acetate-ethylene-acrylate terpolymer emulsion with a solid content of 65%. A water-resistant, clear and flexible film is formed after drying. This film exhibits stability against degradation, discoloration, oxygen, and the ozone. Because of DA-265H's adjusted ethylene content, this film is extremely tacky and uses no plasticizers to get softness or flexibility. DA-265H is used in mineral coatings, and floor, wall, or ceiling adhesives. 收起
Disvacryl-1000 D.S.V. Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. Disvacryl-1000 is a thermoplastic acrylic resin. This product includes xylene as volatile byproducts. It can be used in high-quality air-drying finishes for metal, wood, concrete, and masonry.
Disvalkyd-509 D.S.V. Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. Disvalkyd-509 is an alkyd resin made with long oils. This product derives from linseed oil. It can be used in primers, undercoats, decorative enamels, and architectural finishes.
Disvalkyd-519 D.S.V. Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. Disvalkyd-519 is an alkyd resin made from long oils. This product derives from diluted crude oil. It can be used in primers, undercoats, decorative enamels, and architectural finishes.
HS23-60 Tianyi Chemical Engineering Material Co., Ltd. HS23-60, in the form of a clear, transparent, viscous liquid, is a hydroxy acrylic resin that can be used in polyurethane surface coatings, floor coatings, automotive coatings, and top coats. This product has high gloss, is flexible, and shows weather-re...展开 HS23-60, in the form of a clear, transparent, viscous liquid, is a hydroxy acrylic resin that can be used in polyurethane surface coatings, floor coatings, automotive coatings, and top coats. This product has high gloss, is flexible, and shows weather-resistant characteristics. The end product will dry easily with a light-colored finish. 收起
KONDICRYL SV 166 Pidilite Industries Ltd. - Resins Division 可生成高光泽和柔韧的涂膜,具有良好的耐汽油性。Kondicryl SV 166具有广泛的与其它涂料载体例如硝化纤维、乙酸丁酸纤维素和乙烯基化合物的相容性。Kondicryl SV 166可作为基料用于通用型金属塑胶涂料,高性能砖石建筑涂料以及自动修补漆和油墨
KONDICRYL SV 167 Pidilite Industries Ltd. - Resins Division 可形成有光泽、柔韧的涂膜,具有良好的耐汽油性能。Kondicryl SV 167与其它涂料担体例如硝基纤维素和乙烯基具有广泛的相容性。Kondicryl SV 167可作为通用型涂料、高性能圬工涂料、汽车修补漆和油墨的基料
L-3935 Chan Sieh Enterprises Co, Ltd. L-3935 is a tough, flexible, clear aqueous polyurethane acrylate copolymer that provides high water, alcohol, chemical, and abrasion resistances. This product can be used in industrial wood coatings & varnishes, parquet lacquers, concrete floor coatings, ...展开 L-3935 is a tough, flexible, clear aqueous polyurethane acrylate copolymer that provides high water, alcohol, chemical, and abrasion resistances. This product can be used in industrial wood coatings & varnishes, parquet lacquers, concrete floor coatings, and metal coatings. 收起
L-3952 Chan Sieh Enterprises Co, Ltd. L-3952 is an aqueous polyurethane acrylate copolymer that provides excellent chemical resistance and BHMR. This product can be used in flat parquet lacquers, printing inks, and decorative paints.
L-3958 Chan Sieh Enterprises Co, Ltd. L-3958 is an aqueous polyurethane acrylate copolymer that provides excellent chemical resistance and very flexible film properties. This product can be used in applications such as clearcoats for flexible substrate surfaces and cork floor lacquers.
L-3965 Chan Sieh Enterprises Co, Ltd. L-3965 is an aqueous, glossy and transparent polyurethane acrylate copolymer that provides good chemical, solvent, and abrasion resistance. This product can be used in applications such as parquet lacquers and industrial wood primers and topcoats.
Mowinyl 1711 Nippon Gohsei Mowinyl 1711 is a synthetic acrylic resin emulsion that provides good water resistance, resistance to heel marks, and coated film hardness. This product is well suited for use in floor coatings and paints for cement roofing.
Mowinyl 1752 Nippon Gohsei Mowinyl 1752 is a water-based synthetic resin emulsion composed of a styrene/acrylic copolymer. With good gloss and adhesion to various substrates, this product is well suited for use in paint and coating applications.
Mowinyl 1760 Nippon Gohsei Mowinyl 1760 is a water-based synthetic resin emulsion composed of a styrene/acrylic copolymer. With good gloss and elasticity, this product is well suited for use in paint applications.
Mowinyl 6730 Nippon Gohsei Mowinyl 6730 is a water-based synthetic resin emulsion composed of a styrene/acrylic copolymer. With good water resistance and film thickening properties, this product is well suited for use in interior paint and coating applications.
Mowinyl 702 Nippon Gohsei Mowinyl 702 is a synthetic acrylic resin emulsion that provides good initial water resistance and adherence to various substrates. This product is well suited for use in tennis court paint formulations.
Mowinyl 7110 Nippon Gohsei Mowinyl 7110 is a water-based synthetic resin emulsion composed of an acrylic/silicone copolymer, with an added auxiliary filming agent. Featuring high weather, water, and blocking resistances, this product is well suited for use in exterior paint and coa...展开 Mowinyl 7110 is a water-based synthetic resin emulsion composed of an acrylic/silicone copolymer, with an added auxiliary filming agent. Featuring high weather, water, and blocking resistances, this product is well suited for use in exterior paint and coating applications. 收起
Mowinyl 7180 Nippon Gohsei Mowinyl 7180 is a synthetic acrylic resin emulsion that provides good heat blocking, as well as good water and weather resistances. This product is well suited for use in exterior paint and coating applications.
Mowinyl 727 Nippon Gohsei Mowinyl 727 is a synthetic acrylic resin emulsion that provides high gloss in paint and coating applications.
Mowinyl 742A Nippon Gohsei Mowinyl 742A is a synthetic acrylic resin emulsion that provides good anti-freezing and pigment mixing stability characteristics. This product is well suited for use in exterior paint and coating applications.
Mowinyl 743N Nippon Gohsei Mowinyl 743N is a synthetic acrylic resin emulsion that provides good adherence and alkaline resistance. This product is well suited for use in primers, sealers, paints, and coatings.
Mowinyl 7470 Nippon Gohsei Mowinyl 7470 is a synthetic acrylic resin emulsion with an added auxiliary filming agent. Featuring improved crosslinking and good pigment mixing stability, this product is well suited for use in paints and coatings for woodworking and exterior applicatio...展开 Mowinyl 7470 is a synthetic acrylic resin emulsion with an added auxiliary filming agent. Featuring improved crosslinking and good pigment mixing stability, this product is well suited for use in paints and coatings for woodworking and exterior applications. 收起
Mowinyl 749E Nippon Gohsei Mowinyl 749E is a water-based synthetic resin emulsion composed of a styrene/acrylic copolymer. With good water and alkaline resistances, this product is well suited for use in paints and coatings for exterior building and slate roofing applications.
Mowinyl 752 Nippon Gohsei Mowinyl 752 is a water-based synthetic resin emulsion composed of a styrene/acrylic copolymer. With good water and alkaline resistance, this product is well suited for use in slate roofing paint, sand-textured coating, and floor coating applications.
Mowinyl 7720 Nippon Gohsei Mowinyl 7720 is a synthetic acrylic resin emulsion that provides good solvent resistance and miscibility with various agents. This product is well suited for use in interiors paint and coating applications.
Mowinyl 7820 Nippon Gohsei Mowinyl 7820 is a synthetic acrylic resin emulsion that provides good solvent resistance and miscibility with various agents. This product is well suited for use in interior paint and coating applications.
Mowinyl DM60 Nippon Gohsei Mowinyl DM60 is a water-based synthetic resin emulsion composed of a styrene/acrylic copolymer. With good elasticity and pigment mixing stability, this product is well suited for use in exterior paint and sand-textured coating applications.
Mowinyl DM772 Nippon Gohsei Mowinyl DM772 is a synthetic acrylic resin emulsion that provides good adherence to various substrates. This product is well suited for use in clear coats and paints for pavement applications.
Mowinyl DM774 Nippon Gohsei Mowinyl DM774 is a synthetic acrylic resin emulsion that provides good adherence to various substrates. This product is well suited for use in clear coat and floor coating applications.
Mowinyl LDM6740 Nippon Gohsei Mowinyl LDM6740 is a water-based synthetic resin emulsion composed of a styrene/acrylic copolymer. With good pigment fixing strength and water resistance, this product is well suited for use in sand-textured coating applications.
Mowinyl LDM7156 Nippon Gohsei Mowinyl LDM7156 is a synthetic acrylic resin emulsion with an added auxiliary filming agent. Featuring high weather resistance, this product is well suited for use in exterior paint applications.
Mowinyl LDM7512 Nippon Gohsei Mowinyl LDM7512 is a synthetic acrylic resin emulsion with low VOC content. This product is well suited for use in interior paint and coating applications.
Mowinyl LDM7520 Nippon Gohsei Mowinyl LDM7520 is a synthetic acrylic resin emulsion featuring good pigment mixing stability, water resistance, and hardening properties. This product is well suited for use in sand-textured coating applications.
Mowinyl LDM7522 Nippon Gohsei Mowinyl LDM7522 is a synthetic acrylic resin emulsion with low VOC content. This product is well suited for use in interior paint and coating applications.
Mowinyl LDM7523 Nippon Gohsei Mowinyl LDM7523 is a water-based synthetic resin emulsion composed of an acrylic/silicone copolymer. Featuring high weather resistance, this product is well suited for use in exterior paint and coating applications.
Mowinyl VDM7410 Nippon Gohsei Mowinyl VDM7410 is a water-based synthetic resin emulsion composed of a styrene/acrylic copolymer. With low VOC content, this product is well suited for use in interior and exterior paints and coatings.
Neboplast® MB 6060 NECARBO B.V. Neboplast® MB 6060 is an aqueous copolymer dispersion of acrylic esters. This white liquid has low MFFT, is tack free with a transparent film, is alkali, water, and yellowing resistant, and has a fine particle size. Neboplast® MB 6060 has blocking and res...展开 Neboplast® MB 6060 is an aqueous copolymer dispersion of acrylic esters. This white liquid has low MFFT, is tack free with a transparent film, is alkali, water, and yellowing resistant, and has a fine particle size. Neboplast® MB 6060 has blocking and resistance and high gloss, and finds application in solvent-free interior and exterior coatings, and in the formulation of decorative wood coatings and stains. 收起
Neboplast® MB 6557 NECARBO B.V. Neboplast® MB 6557 is an aqueous copolymer dispersion of acrylic esters. This white liquid is alkylphenolethoxylate free and delivers good blocking resistance, high elasticity & transparency, and low water absorption. Neboplast® MB 6557 finds use in high ...展开 Neboplast® MB 6557 is an aqueous copolymer dispersion of acrylic esters. This white liquid is alkylphenolethoxylate free and delivers good blocking resistance, high elasticity & transparency, and low water absorption. Neboplast® MB 6557 finds use in high quality coatings for indoor and outdoor applications, as well as in transparent and pigmented coatings and stains for decorative and joinery applications. 收起
Neboplast® MB 8353 NECARBO B.V. Neboplast® MB 8353 is an aqueous self-crosslinking copolymer dispersion of acrylic esters. This APE-free white liquid displays good weather, blocking, and water resistance, excellent adhesion, and good non-yellowing properties. Neboplast® MB 8353 finds us...展开 Neboplast® MB 8353 is an aqueous self-crosslinking copolymer dispersion of acrylic esters. This APE-free white liquid displays good weather, blocking, and water resistance, excellent adhesion, and good non-yellowing properties. Neboplast® MB 8353 finds use in durable, transparent, and pigmented coatings for indoor and outdoor applications. 收起
Neboplast® MB 8555 NECARBO B.V. Neboplast® MB 8555 is a copolymer dispersion of acrylic esters in water that is free from plasticizers and solvents. This APE-free white liquid is stabilized with biodegradable surfactants and displays good water, alkali, and weather resistance. Neboplast...展开 Neboplast® MB 8555 is a copolymer dispersion of acrylic esters in water that is free from plasticizers and solvents. This APE-free white liquid is stabilized with biodegradable surfactants and displays good water, alkali, and weather resistance. Neboplast® MB 8555 finds application as a binder in the formulation of top quality, emulsion-type interior & exterior wall paints. 收起
Neboplast® MB 8565 NECARBO B.V. Neboplast® MB 8565 is an aqueous dispersion of an acrylic ester copolymer. This white liquid is APE free, is compatible with filers, pigments, thickeners, and other commonly used additives, and is suitable for solvent free formulations. Neboplast® MB 8565...展开 Neboplast® MB 8565 is an aqueous dispersion of an acrylic ester copolymer. This white liquid is APE free, is compatible with filers, pigments, thickeners, and other commonly used additives, and is suitable for solvent free formulations. Neboplast® MB 8565 is a wall paint binder that meets stringent health, safety, and environmental requirements, finding application in the formulation of high quality indoor and outdoor paints. 收起
Neboplast® MB 8658 NECARBO B.V. Neboplast® MB 8658 is an aqueous self-crosslinking copolymer dispersion of acrylic esters. This white liquid is outdoor, blocking, and chemical resistant, is non-yellowing, has low water absorption and low MFT, is APE free, and adheres in wood, metal, and...展开 Neboplast® MB 8658 is an aqueous self-crosslinking copolymer dispersion of acrylic esters. This white liquid is outdoor, blocking, and chemical resistant, is non-yellowing, has low water absorption and low MFT, is APE free, and adheres in wood, metal, and alkyd coatings. Neboplast® MB 8658 finds use in durable, pigmented coatings for indoor and outdoor applications, and on old paint films. 收起
Neboplast® MB 8730 NECARBO B.V. Neboplast® MB 8730 is an aqueous dispersion of an acrylic ester copolymer. This white liquid is chemical, outdoor, water, and water whitening resistant, APE free, and has low dirt pick-up. Neboplast® MB 8730 finds use in the formulation of high quality in...展开 Neboplast® MB 8730 is an aqueous dispersion of an acrylic ester copolymer. This white liquid is chemical, outdoor, water, and water whitening resistant, APE free, and has low dirt pick-up. Neboplast® MB 8730 finds use in the formulation of high quality indoor and outdoor paints and lacquers, and on alkali surfaces such as concrete coatings. 收起
Neboplast® MB 8740 NECARBO B.V. Neboplast® MB 8740 is an aqueous dispersion of an acrylic ester copolymer. This white liquid is APE free, has low water absorption, is water whitening resistant, and is compatible with pigments, extenders, thickeners, and other commonly used additives. Ne...展开 Neboplast® MB 8740 is an aqueous dispersion of an acrylic ester copolymer. This white liquid is APE free, has low water absorption, is water whitening resistant, and is compatible with pigments, extenders, thickeners, and other commonly used additives. Neboplast® MB 8740 finds application as a binder for the formulation of top quality indoor and outdoor emulsion paints. 收起
Neboplast® MB 8747 NECARBO B.V. Neboplast® MB 8747 is an aqueous dispersion of an acrylic ester copolymer. This white liquid is APE free, has low water absorption, is water, alkali, and weather resistant, water whitening resistant, and is compatible with pigments, extenders, thickeners,...展开 Neboplast® MB 8747 is an aqueous dispersion of an acrylic ester copolymer. This white liquid is APE free, has low water absorption, is water, alkali, and weather resistant, water whitening resistant, and is compatible with pigments, extenders, thickeners, and other commonly used additives. Neboplast® MB 8747 finds application as a binder for top quality indoor and outdoor emulsion paints. 收起
Neboplast® MB 8756 NECARBO B.V. Neboplast® MB 8756 is an aqueous dispersion of an acrylic ester copolymer. This white liquid is APE free and provides water, alkali, and weather resistant. Neboplast® MB 8756 is used as a binder in the formulation of top quality indoor and outdoor emulsio...展开 Neboplast® MB 8756 is an aqueous dispersion of an acrylic ester copolymer. This white liquid is APE free and provides water, alkali, and weather resistant. Neboplast® MB 8756 is used as a binder in the formulation of top quality indoor and outdoor emulsion wall paints. 收起
Neboplast® MB 8861 NECARBO B.V. Neboplast® MB 8861 is an aqueous copolymer dispersion of acrylic esters. This alkylfenolethoxylate-free white liquid functions as a binder and features low viscosity, small particle size, and low MFFT. Neboplast® MB 8861 finds application as a base in the...展开 Neboplast® MB 8861 is an aqueous copolymer dispersion of acrylic esters. This alkylfenolethoxylate-free white liquid functions as a binder and features low viscosity, small particle size, and low MFFT. Neboplast® MB 8861 finds application as a base in the formulation of impregnates for porous substrates such as concrete, cement, and plasters. 收起
Neboplast® SB 6515 NECARBO B.V. Neboplast® SB 6515 is an aqueous styrene-acrylic copolymer dispersion. This white liquid produces a hard, transparent film, is compatible with polyurethane dispersions, is alkylphenolethoxylate free, has abrasion, water, and plasticizer resistant, and is ...展开 Neboplast® SB 6515 is an aqueous styrene-acrylic copolymer dispersion. This white liquid produces a hard, transparent film, is compatible with polyurethane dispersions, is alkylphenolethoxylate free, has abrasion, water, and plasticizer resistant, and is cosolvent and plasticizer free. Neboplast® SB 6515 is suitable for use in wood and plastic coatings and wood varnishes, and finds application as a binder in wood and parquet floor varnishes. 收起
Neboplast® SB 6527 NECARBO B.V. Neboplast® SB 6527 is an aqueous styrene-acrylic copolymer dispersion. This white liquid is alkylphenolethoxylate, solvent, and plasticizer free, adheres well to metal, and provides good corrosion resistance. Neboplast® SB 6527 finds application as a bind...展开 Neboplast® SB 6527 is an aqueous styrene-acrylic copolymer dispersion. This white liquid is alkylphenolethoxylate, solvent, and plasticizer free, adheres well to metal, and provides good corrosion resistance. Neboplast® SB 6527 finds application as a binder in anti-corrosive primers, matte to glossy metal and wood coatings, and hybrid paint formulations. 收起
Neboplast® SB 8538 NECARBO B.V. Neboplast® SB 8538 is an aqueous styrene-acrylic copolymer dispersion free from plasticizers and solvents. This white liquid has pigment and binding properties, resistance against alkali and water, is free of alkylphenolethoxylates, and adheres to metal, ...展开 Neboplast® SB 8538 is an aqueous styrene-acrylic copolymer dispersion free from plasticizers and solvents. This white liquid has pigment and binding properties, resistance against alkali and water, is free of alkylphenolethoxylates, and adheres to metal, wood, and mineral surfaces. Neboplast® SB 8538 develops a tack free transparent film, and finds application as a binder in high quality wall paints, tack-free, anti-corrosive primers and finishes, and in wood and parquet coatings. 收起
Neboplast® SB 8550 NECARBO B.V. Neboplast® SB 8550 is an aqueous dispersion of an acrylic ester-styrene copolymer. This white liquid is plasticizer and APE free, has pigment binding properties, and provides alkali and water resistance. Neboplast® SB 8550 finds application as a water bas...展开 Neboplast® SB 8550 is an aqueous dispersion of an acrylic ester-styrene copolymer. This white liquid is plasticizer and APE free, has pigment binding properties, and provides alkali and water resistance. Neboplast® SB 8550 finds application as a water based wall paint binder such as in the formulation of indoor and outdoor wall paints with scrub resistance. 收起
Neboplast® SB 8565 NECARBO B.V. Neboplast® SB 8565 is an aqueous dispersion of an acrylic ester-styrene copolymer. This white liquid is plasticizer and APE free, has pigment binding properties, and forms a flexible film. Neboplast® SB 8565 finds use as a water-based wall paint binders s...展开 Neboplast® SB 8565 is an aqueous dispersion of an acrylic ester-styrene copolymer. This white liquid is plasticizer and APE free, has pigment binding properties, and forms a flexible film. Neboplast® SB 8565 finds use as a water-based wall paint binders such as in the formulation of indoor and outdoor wall paints with scrub resistance, and in roof coating formulations, sealants, mineral substrate adhesives, and crack-bridging applications. 收起
Neboplast® SB 8750 NECARBO B.V. Neboplast® SB 8750 is an aqueous dispersion of an acrylic ester-styrene copolymer. This white liquid is alkylphenolethoxylate and plasticizer free, has low water uptake and whitening, is alkali and water resistant, and has pigment binding properties. Nebo...展开 Neboplast® SB 8750 is an aqueous dispersion of an acrylic ester-styrene copolymer. This white liquid is alkylphenolethoxylate and plasticizer free, has low water uptake and whitening, is alkali and water resistant, and has pigment binding properties. Neboplast® SB 8750 finds use in the formulation of indoor and outdoor coatings from low to high PVC, and in sealants, adhesives, and roof coatings. 收起
Neboplast® SB 8757 NECARBO B.V. Neboplast® SB 8757 is an aqueous dispersion of an acrylic ester-styrene copolymer. This white liquid is alkylphenolethoxylate, plasticizer, and ammonia free, and is alkali and water resistant. Neboplast® SB 8757 finds use in the formulation of top quality...展开 Neboplast® SB 8757 is an aqueous dispersion of an acrylic ester-styrene copolymer. This white liquid is alkylphenolethoxylate, plasticizer, and ammonia free, and is alkali and water resistant. Neboplast® SB 8757 finds use in the formulation of top quality indoor and outdoor emulsion wall paints, roof coating formulations, sealants, mineral substrate adhesives, and cement modification. 收起