UL Prospector


459 条结果
DOUBLEMER® 236 Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 聚酯丙烯酸酯低聚物,与40%三羟甲基丙烷三丙烯酸脂(TMPTA)单体混合。可提供良好的湿法平版印刷和颜料润湿性能。DOUBLEMER 236经过紫外光(UV)和电子束(EB)固化后的涂膜,具有良好的金属、塑料和纸张附着力
DOUBLEMER® 236-100 Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 一种固态100%聚酯丙烯酸酯低聚物。它具有良好的湿法平版印刷性能和颜料润湿性。采用紫外光(UV)或电子束(EB)固化的DOUBLEMER 236-100膜在金属、塑料和纸张上具有良好的附着力
DOUBLEMER® 236-TF Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 聚酯丙烯酸酯低聚物,与40%三羟甲基丙烷三丙烯酸脂(TMPTA)单体混合。可提供良好的湿法平版印刷和颜料润湿性能。DOUBLEMER® 236-TF经过紫外光(UV)和电子束(EB)固化后的涂膜,具有良好的金属、塑料和纸张附着力
DOUBLEMER® 270 Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 羧基聚酯甲基丙烯酸酯低聚物,可作为耐碱剥蚀组分用于电子印刷线路板,可通过紫外光和电子束固化
DOUBLEMER® 272 Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 羧基聚酯丙烯酸酯低聚物,DOUBLEMER 272设计用于金属和玻璃,可通过紫外光和电子束固化
DOUBLEMER® 278 Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 聚酯丙烯酸酯低聚物,能提供与难附着基材的附着力,例如PP、PE、PET。设计用于常规应用
DOUBLEMER® 281 Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 低粘度多官能团聚酯丙烯酸酯低聚物,推荐用于紫外光(UV)和电子束(EB)固化的透明套印清漆、苯胺印刷油墨和高光泽涂料
DOUBLEMER® 284 Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 四官能团聚酯丙烯酸酯低聚物,由于特殊的主链结构和高丙烯酸官能度,DOUBLEMER 284可提供良好的耐磨损、耐溶剂性和硬度。设计用于木器、纸张和塑料用清漆以获得硬涂膜
DOUBLEMER® 285 Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 四官能团聚酯丙烯酸酯低聚物,由于特殊的主链结构和高丙烯酸官能度,DOUBLEMER 285可提供良好的耐磨损、耐溶剂性和硬度。设计用于木器、纸张和塑料用清漆以获得硬涂膜
DOUBLEMER® 345 Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 用1,6-己二醇二丙烯酸酯单体(HDDA)和三丙二醇二丙烯酸酯(TPGDA)稀释的丙烯酸酯低聚物。该树脂作为添加剂可提供柔韧性和对难附着基材改善的附着力
DOUBLEMER® 346 Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 用3摩尔乙氧基三羟甲基丙烷三丙烯酸酯单体(TMP3EOTA)和二丙二醇二丙烯酸酯(DPGDA)稀释的丙烯酸低聚物。它可提供柔韧性、良好的流平性、低收缩性、高硬度和对难附着基材改善的附着力。它可用于双重固化涂料
DOUBLEMER® 347-1 Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 50%醋酸丁酯(BAC)稀释的丙烯酸低聚物。该树脂设计用作添加剂,可提供柔韧性并增加在无机基材上的附着力
DOUBLEMER® 350B Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 用50%溶剂(BAC)稀释的丙烯酸酯低聚物,该树脂作为添加剂可提供柔韧性,改善对塑料和金属的附着力
DOUBLEMER® 353H Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 丙烯酸酯低聚物,设计作为难附着基材的胶粘剂
DOUBLEMER® 353L Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 丙烯酸酯低聚物,设计作为难附着基材的胶粘剂
DOUBLEMER® 3710 Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 用60%1,6-己二醇二丙烯酸酯单体(HDDA)稀释的丙烯酸酯低聚物。该树脂作为添加剂可提供柔韧性和对难附着基材改善的附着力
DOUBLEMER® 401P Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 一种环氧改性剂,不存在黄变问题。设计用于提升Tg点,改善环氧产品的热冲击性能。DOUBLEMER 401P用于阳离子UV固化体系可增加柔韧性和固化速度。
DOUBLEMER® 413P Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 具有高固化速度特征的一种低粘度、脂环族环氧低聚物,在UV照射下,在光引发剂产生的阳离子催化剂作用下,可快速聚合。鎓盐光引发剂可在UV照射下产生阳离子,而在无UV照射时保持稳定。
DOUBLEMER® 4200 Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 不含氯离子,具有高热软化点和良好的电性能。固化后具有良好的透明度。
DOUBLEMER® 421P Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 一种低粘度、高纯度的脂环族环氧低聚物,在UV照射下,在光引发剂产生的阳离子催化剂作用下,可快速聚合。鎓盐光引发剂可在UV照射下产生阳离子,而在无UV照射时保持稳定。
DOUBLEMER® 4250 Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 具有高固化速度特征的一种低粘度、脂环族环氧低聚物,在UV照射下,在光引发剂产生的阳离子催化剂作用下,可快速聚合。鎓盐光引发剂可在UV照射下产生阳离子,而在无UV照射时保持稳定。
DOUBLEMER® 4300 Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 与酸酐固化的改性剂,在紫外光和/或热下,通过阳离子固化机理固化
DOUBLEMER® 4315 Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 世界首例含环己胺结构和端环氧基并具有其特征的脂环族环氧树脂。
DOUBLEMER® 4315CE Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 世界首例含环己胺结构和端环氧基并具有其特征的脂环族环氧树脂。
DOUBLEMER® 436 Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 一种环氧聚丁二烯,分子中有环氧基和乙烯基。DOUBLEMER 436建议用于阳离子UV固化场合。可增加固化速度,固化后的涂膜具有杰出的柔韧性。当DOUBLEMER 436用于保热涂料,可结合聚胺和酸酐使涂料获得柔性和韧性。
DOUBLEMER® 447 Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 一种环氧聚丁二烯,分子中有环氧基和乙烯基。DOUBLEMER 447建议用于阳离子UV固化场合。可增加固化速度,固化后的涂膜具有杰出的柔韧性。当DOUBLEMER 447用于保热涂料,可结合聚胺和酸酐使涂料获得柔性和韧性。
DOUBLEMER® 4500 Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 高分子量环氧聚合物,以丙烯酸酯为主链,含有缩水甘油环氧基,设计用于增加固化速度和粘度
DOUBLEMER® 4500D40 Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 40%2-(2-乙氧乙氧基)乙基丙烯酸树脂稀释的带缩水甘油环氧基的脂肪族丙烯酸酯主链
DOUBLEMER® 5220 Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 DOUBLEMER® 5220是一种脂肪族氨基甲酸酯二甲基丙烯酸酯齐聚物,以25%IBOA单体稀释。DOUBLEMER® 5220通过紫外(UV)或电子束(EB)固化的涂膜具有出色的柔性和良好的韧度。 含DOUBLEMER® 5220配制的UV/EB固化产品可通过平版印刷、丝网印刷、凹印、正辊或逆辊等方法施工。该产品推荐用于:木器和塑料涂料,金属涂料,颜料涂料和胶黏剂
DOUBLEMER® 5400 Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 DOUBLEMER® 5400是一种脂肪族氨基甲酸酯丙烯酸酯齐聚物。模塑喷涂的DOUBLEMER® 5400,通过紫外线(UV)或电子束(EB)固化的体系具有出色的附着力。该透明液体的特征是浅色。它推荐用于压敏型胶粘剂(PSA)
DOUBLEMER® 541 Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 脂肪族氨基甲酸酯丙烯酸酯低聚物,具有良好的耐磨损能力、附着力,其出色的不黄变特性,类似于典型脂肪族氨基甲酸酯树脂
DOUBLEMER® 571 Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 六官能团脂肪族氨基甲酸酯丙烯酸酯低聚物,暴露于紫外光(UV)或电子束(EB)中具有非常快的固化响应,DOUBLEMER 571固化膜具有出色的硬度、耐溶剂性和不黄变性
DOUBLEMER® 5812 Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 脂肪族氨基甲酸酯,当暴露于紫外光(UV)或电子束(EB)中具有非常快的固化响应。含DOUBLEMER® 5812固化后的涂膜具有出色的硬度、耐溶剂性,而且不黄变。通常结合3%光引发剂使用,例如DOUBLECURE® 173,可获得高于8H的杰出的铅笔硬度
DOUBLEMER® 583-1 Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 DOUBLEMER® 583-1是一种透明液体,可替代DOUBLEMER® THEICTA。它的特征是良好的抗冲击强度。干燥速度很快,不黄变。DOUBLEMER® 583-1在PET和TAC上具有良好的附着力。它可用于金属、塑胶和木器涂料
DOUBLEMER® 584 Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 用12%1,6-己二醇二丙烯酸酯单体(HDDA)稀释的脂肪族氨基甲酸酯丙烯酸酯低聚物。DOUBLEMER® 584 经过紫外光(UV)或电子束(EB)固化后的涂膜,类似于典型脂肪族氨基甲酸酯,具有出色的户外耐候性、柔性、韧性和不黄变特性
DOUBLEMER® 588 Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 十官能团脂肪族氨基甲酸酯丙烯酸酯低聚物,暴露于紫外光(UV)和电子束(EB)中具有非常快的固化响应。DOUBLEMER 588固化后的涂膜具有出色的硬度、耐溶剂和耐黄变性能。它通常结合3%光引发剂例如Chivacure 173使用,以获取高于6H的超高铅笔硬度
DOUBLEMER® 5900 Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 DOUBLEMER® 5900是一种脂肪族氨基甲酸酯二丙烯酸酯齐聚物,由25%IBOA单体稀释。通过紫外线(UV)或电子束(EB)固化的DOUBLEMER® 5900的涂膜具有出色的柔性和韧度。 含DOUBLEMER® 5900配制的UV/EB固化产品可通过平版印刷、丝网印刷、凹印、正辊或逆辊和幕式淋涂等方法施工。该产品推荐用于:木器和塑料涂料,金属涂料,颜料涂料和胶黏剂
DOUBLEMER® 594 Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 用15%~20%1,6-己二醇二丙烯酸酯单体(HDDA)稀释的脂肪族氨基甲酸酯丙烯酸酯低聚物。DOUBLEMER 594经过紫外光(UV)或电子束(EB)固化后的涂膜,类似于典型脂肪族氨基甲酸酯,具有良好的耐磨损性能、耐污染性能、韧性和不黄变特性
DOUBLEMER® 7200 Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 DOUBLEMER® 7200是一种芳香族氨基甲酸酯二甲基丙烯酸酯齐聚物,由20%IBOA单体稀释。通过紫外线(UV)或电子束(EB)固化的DOUBLEMER® 7200的涂膜具有出色的柔性和韧度。该透明黄色到雾状黄色液体推荐用于木器和塑料涂料,金属涂料,颜料涂料和胶黏剂
DOUBLEMER® 850 Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 设计用于塑料喷涂涂料,可提供出色的流平性,大大降低边框效应表面缺陷。也可提供ABS/PC上非常好的附着力,良好的硬度和高韧性。DOUBLEMER 850推荐用于树脂中。由于它具有出色的相容性,它可结合各种树脂和单体使用以提高性能
DOUBLEMER® 871 Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 设计用于铝、银浆和塑料板的面漆。可提供良好的附着力、良好的硬度和高光泽度。
DOUBLEMER® 87A Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 六官能团脂肪族氨基甲酸酯丙烯酸酯低聚物,暴露于紫外光(UV)或电子束(EB)中具有非常快的固化响应,DOUBLEMER 87A固化膜具有出色的硬度、耐溶剂性和不黄变性
DOUBLEMER® 88A Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 六官能团脂肪族氨基甲酸酯丙烯酸酯低聚物,暴露于紫外光(UV)或电子束(EB)中具有非常快的固化响应,DOUBLEMER 88A固化膜具有出色的硬度和耐溶剂性
DOUBLEMER® 9166 Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 丙烯酸酯改性添加剂,能有效提高涂料在某些“难以涂覆”基材的附着力,例如金属、三聚氰胺纸张、聚酰胺塑料。它的独特性能以及最小粘度和浅色特性,使其可提高各种类型紫外光涂料的多方面附着力
DOUBLEMER® 9167 Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 丙烯酸酯改性添加剂,能有效提高涂料在某些“难以涂覆”基材的附着力,例如金属、三聚氰胺纸张、聚酰胺塑料。它的独特性能以及最小粘度和浅色特性,使其可提高各种类型紫外光涂料的多方面附着力
DOUBLEMER® B-CEA Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 推荐用作功能丙烯酸酯单体,可为共聚物提供羧酸基团。
DOUBLEMER® BPA10EODMA Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 双官能团丙烯酸酯单体,易由常规自由基引发剂引发聚合
DOUBLEMER® BPA2EODA Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 双官能团单体,皮肤刺激性低、具有低挥发性和低气味,通常用于紫外光固化相关应用领域
DOUBLEMER® BPA2EODMA Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 基于双官能团甲基丙烯酸酯基团的高活性交联剂。可在常规过氧化物或辐射条件下实现共聚反应。DOUBLEMER BPA2EODMA能提供良好的附着力、柔韧性、低收缩性、冲击强度、耐水/化学品性能和高折射率
DOUBLEMER® BPA4EODA Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 高活性双官能团丙烯酸酯,易通过常规自由基引发聚合
DOUBLEMER® BPA4EODMA Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 高活性双官能团甲基丙烯酸酯,具有低毒性,易通过常规自由基引发聚合
DOUBLEMER® BPEA Double Bond Chemical Ind., Co., Ltd. 双键化工股份有限公司 特别设计用于芳香族丙烯酸酯单体,具有低气味、低挥发性和高折射率,能用于紫外光固化光学膜应用
DPHA-4056 Guangzhou Baohui Resin Co., Ltd. DPHA-4056 is a UV monomer appearing as a transparent, light yellow liquid. Featuring fast solidification, high hardness, bruise resistance, and low stimulation, DPHA-4056 finds application in coatings, printing inks, varnish paints, and adhesives.
EBECRYL® 109 Allnex EBECRYL® 109 is an acrylate - methacrylate monomer blend, containing 50% of trimethylolpropane triacrylate (TMPTA) and 50% hydroxyethylmethacrylate (HEMA). It polymerizes when exposed to sources of free radicals. EBECRYL® 109 is particularly useful in coa...展开 EBECRYL® 109 is an acrylate - methacrylate monomer blend, containing 50% of trimethylolpropane triacrylate (TMPTA) and 50% hydroxyethylmethacrylate (HEMA). It polymerizes when exposed to sources of free radicals. EBECRYL® 109 is particularly useful in coatings where a good thermal and/or chemical resistance are important. It is recommended for use in: coatings where chemical and/or thermal resistance is required, and solder and etch resists. 收起 Request Sample
EBECRYL® 114 Allnex EBECRYL® 114 is a monofunctional reactive diluent characterized by low viscosity and relatively low odor. It is used in ultraviolet light (UV) or electron beam (EB) cured coatings and inks to control viscosity and increase adhesion and flexibility. It is ...展开 EBECRYL® 114 is a monofunctional reactive diluent characterized by low viscosity and relatively low odor. It is used in ultraviolet light (UV) or electron beam (EB) cured coatings and inks to control viscosity and increase adhesion and flexibility. It is recommended as a reactive diluent for: Coatings and screen inks on flexible and semi-rigid plastics including polyolefins, optical fiber coatings, and high refractive index coatings. 收起 Request Sample
EBECRYL® 117 Allnex EBECRYL® 117 is a low odor aliphatic mono-functional diluting acrylate. It is recommended for use in ultraviolet light (UV) or electron beam (EB) curable coatings to increase flexibility and improve adhesion. Request Sample
EBECRYL® 118 Allnex EBECRYL® 118 is an aromatic monofunctional acrylate that can be used as a reactive diluent in ultraviolet light (UV) or electron beam (EB) curing formulations. It is a good diluent for a variety of acrylated oligomers. In formulations, it can lower Tg and...展开 EBECRYL® 118 is an aromatic monofunctional acrylate that can be used as a reactive diluent in ultraviolet light (UV) or electron beam (EB) curing formulations. It is a good diluent for a variety of acrylated oligomers. In formulations, it can lower Tg and increase flexibility of the UV/EB cured polymer while maintaining strength and toughness and improve substrate adhesion. 收起 Request Sample
EBECRYL® 1205 Allnex EBECRYL® 1205 is an acrylic acrylate resin containing hydroxyl functionality and is supplied in ~48% by weight of butyl acetate. It is designed for use in dual cure systems combining ultraviolet (UV) or electron beam (EB) radical cure along with isocyanat...展开 EBECRYL® 1205 is an acrylic acrylate resin containing hydroxyl functionality and is supplied in ~48% by weight of butyl acetate. It is designed for use in dual cure systems combining ultraviolet (UV) or electron beam (EB) radical cure along with isocyanate/hydroxyl reaction. EBECRYL® 1205 is also useful as adhesion promoter in coatings standard UV/EB energy cured systems. 收起 Request Sample
EBECRYL® 1258 Allnex EBECRYL® 1258 is a trifunctional aliphatic urethane acrylate diluted 20% by weight with hydroxypropylmethacrylate (HPMA) that does not contain any intentionally added organic tin compounds, heavy metals*, hydroquinone (HQ) or methyl ether of hydroquinone ...展开 EBECRYL® 1258 is a trifunctional aliphatic urethane acrylate diluted 20% by weight with hydroxypropylmethacrylate (HPMA) that does not contain any intentionally added organic tin compounds, heavy metals*, hydroquinone (HQ) or methyl ether of hydroquinone (MEHQ). Films of EBECRYL® 1258 cured by ultraviolet light (UV) or electron beam (EB) combine abrasion resistance, flexibility, and adhesion with resistance to yellowing. 收起 Request Sample
EBECRYL® 1271 Allnex EBECRYL® 1271 is a difunctional aliphatic urethane acrylate that does not contain any intentionally added organic tin compounds, heavy metals*, hydroquinone (HQ) or methyl ether of hydroquinone (MEHQ). (Please note that quinones are present in many raw ma...展开 EBECRYL® 1271 is a difunctional aliphatic urethane acrylate that does not contain any intentionally added organic tin compounds, heavy metals*, hydroquinone (HQ) or methyl ether of hydroquinone (MEHQ). (Please note that quinones are present in many raw materials, so the overall quinone content is reduced, but not zero in EBECRYL® 1271.) Films of EBECRYL® 1271 cured by ultraviolet light (UV) or electron beam (EB) exhibit good flexibility, adhesion, abrasion resistance, exterior durability, and are resistant to yellowing. 收起 Request Sample
EBECRYL® 1290 Allnex EBECRYL® 1290 is a hexafunctional aliphatic urethane acrylate oligomer which provides extremely fast cure response when exposed to ultraviolet light (UV) or electron beam (EB). Cured films exhibit high hardness, abrasion and solvent resistance. It is reco...展开 EBECRYL® 1290 is a hexafunctional aliphatic urethane acrylate oligomer which provides extremely fast cure response when exposed to ultraviolet light (UV) or electron beam (EB). Cured films exhibit high hardness, abrasion and solvent resistance. It is recommended for use in scratch and abrasion resistant coatings (hardcoats), clear and pigmented coatings for paper, paperboard, wood, rigid plastics, and additive to improve cure speed, solvent resistance, and abrasion resistance. 收起 Request Sample
EBECRYL® 1291 Allnex EBECRYL® 1291 is a hexafunctional aliphatic urethane acrylate that does not contain any intentionally added organic tin compounds, heavy metals*, hydroquinone (HQ) or methyl ether of hydroquinone (MEHQ). It exhibits very fast cure response when exposed to...展开 EBECRYL® 1291 is a hexafunctional aliphatic urethane acrylate that does not contain any intentionally added organic tin compounds, heavy metals*, hydroquinone (HQ) or methyl ether of hydroquinone (MEHQ). It exhibits very fast cure response when exposed to ultraviolet light (UV) or electron beam (EB). Cured films of EBECRYL® 1291 demonstrate outstanding hardness, scratch and abrasion resistance, chemical resistance, and are resistant to yellowing. 收起 Request Sample
EBECRYL® 1365 Allnex EBECRYL® 1365 is a hexa-functional silicone modified urethane acrylate diluted in 50% of EBECRYL® 160. EBECRYL® 1365 can be used to prepare UV/EB curable coatings with low surface energy providing anti-stain and easy-to-clean properties. Additionally EBEC...展开 EBECRYL® 1365 is a hexa-functional silicone modified urethane acrylate diluted in 50% of EBECRYL® 160. EBECRYL® 1365 can be used to prepare UV/EB curable coatings with low surface energy providing anti-stain and easy-to-clean properties. Additionally EBECRYL® 1365 can be used as a processing agent in matt and excimer curable formulations, facilitating a uniform film creation which in turn significantly increases the process robustness. 收起 Request Sample
EBECRYL® 145 Allnex EBECRYL® 145 is an Xi-free aliphatic difunctional acrylate of low surface tension. Propoxylated (2) neopentyl glycol diacrylate exhibits good viscosity reducing and solvency characteristics in UV/EB curable formulations, and is an effective monomer for de...展开 EBECRYL® 145 is an Xi-free aliphatic difunctional acrylate of low surface tension. Propoxylated (2) neopentyl glycol diacrylate exhibits good viscosity reducing and solvency characteristics in UV/EB curable formulations, and is an effective monomer for developing low viscosity and low volatility coatings and inks. It is recommended for use in clear & pigmented coatings, over print varnishes, liquid inks, and pressure sensitive adhesives. 收起 Request Sample
EBECRYL® 1608 Allnex EBECRYL® 1608 is a diacrylate ester of bisphenol A epoxy resin diluted with 15% of oligotriacrylate (OTA 480). This resin is characterized by its low odour, light colour, low irritancy and very fast cure response. Formulated UV/EB curable products contain...展开 EBECRYL® 1608 is a diacrylate ester of bisphenol A epoxy resin diluted with 15% of oligotriacrylate (OTA 480). This resin is characterized by its low odour, light colour, low irritancy and very fast cure response. Formulated UV/EB curable products containing EBECRYL® 1608 may be applied by lithographic, screen, gravure, direct or reverse roll, and curtain coating methods. EBECRYL® 1608 is recommended for use in: overprint varnishes, lithographic and screen inks and varnishes, coatings on wood, cardboard, chipboard, paper and rigid plastics, paper upgrading, and coatings where low residual odour is required. 收起 Request Sample
EBECRYL® 1885 Allnex EBECRYL® 1885 is an undiluted polyesteracrylate resin. Films of EBECRYL® 1885 cured by ultraviolet light (UV) or electron beam (EB) exhibits high flexibility and excellent abrasion resistance. EBECRYL® 1885 is recommended for parquet floor and furniture a...展开 EBECRYL® 1885 is an undiluted polyesteracrylate resin. Films of EBECRYL® 1885 cured by ultraviolet light (UV) or electron beam (EB) exhibits high flexibility and excellent abrasion resistance. EBECRYL® 1885 is recommended for parquet floor and furniture applications. 收起 Request Sample
EBECRYL® 204 Allnex EBECRYL® 204 is an aromatic urethane triacrylate oligomer diluted with 25% of 1,6 hexanediol diacrylate monomer. Films of EBECRYL® 204 cured by UV or EB exhibit good flexibility, abrasion resistance and adhesion to various substrates in combination with a...展开 EBECRYL® 204 is an aromatic urethane triacrylate oligomer diluted with 25% of 1,6 hexanediol diacrylate monomer. Films of EBECRYL® 204 cured by UV or EB exhibit good flexibility, abrasion resistance and adhesion to various substrates in combination with a good solvent resistance. It is recommended for use in: coatings on rigid and flexible plastics, wood coatings, screen inks, low gloss coatings, and conformal coatings. 收起 Request Sample
EBECRYL® 205 Allnex EBECRYL® 205 is a tin-free aromatic urethane triacrylate oligomer diluted with 25% of tripropyleneglycol diacrylate (TPGDA)(1) monomer. Films of EBECRYL® cured by ultraviolet light (UV) or electron beam (EB) exhibit good flexibility, acceptable abrasion r...展开 EBECRYL® 205 is a tin-free aromatic urethane triacrylate oligomer diluted with 25% of tripropyleneglycol diacrylate (TPGDA)(1) monomer. Films of EBECRYL® cured by ultraviolet light (UV) or electron beam (EB) exhibit good flexibility, acceptable abrasion resistance, good adhesion to various substrates in combination with a good solvent resistance. 收起 Request Sample
EBECRYL® 210 Allnex EBECRYL® 210 is an aromatic urethane diacrylate oligomer. Films of EBECRYL® 210 cured by ultraviolet light (UV) or electron beam (EB) exhibit good flexibility, light colour and good adhesion to various substrates. It is recommended for use in: coatings on...展开 EBECRYL® 210 is an aromatic urethane diacrylate oligomer. Films of EBECRYL® 210 cured by ultraviolet light (UV) or electron beam (EB) exhibit good flexibility, light colour and good adhesion to various substrates. It is recommended for use in: coatings on rigid and flexible plastics, wood coatings, screen inks, low gloss coatings, conformal coatings, and flexibilizing other UV/EB curable products. 收起 Request Sample
EBECRYL® 215 Allnex EBECRYL® 215 is an aromatic urethane diacrylate oligomer diluted with 20% of tripropylene glycol diacrylate (TPGDA) monomer. Films of EBECRYL® 215 cured by ultraviolet light (UV) or electron beam (EB) exhibit good flexibility, acceptable abrasion resistan...展开 EBECRYL® 215 is an aromatic urethane diacrylate oligomer diluted with 20% of tripropylene glycol diacrylate (TPGDA) monomer. Films of EBECRYL® 215 cured by ultraviolet light (UV) or electron beam (EB) exhibit good flexibility, acceptable abrasion resistance, good adhesion to various substrates in combination with a good solvent resistance. It is recommended for use in: coatings on rigid and flexible plastics, wood coatings, screen inks, low gloss coatings, and conformal coatings. 收起 Request Sample
EBECRYL® 220 Allnex Ebecryl® 220 is a hexafunctional aromatic urethane acrylate that provides very fast cure response when exposed to UV or an electron beam. It is recommended for use in: wood coatings and fillers, lithographic inks, scratch resistant coatings on plastic, im...展开 Ebecryl® 220 is a hexafunctional aromatic urethane acrylate that provides very fast cure response when exposed to UV or an electron beam. It is recommended for use in: wood coatings and fillers, lithographic inks, scratch resistant coatings on plastic, improving cure speed, solvent resistance and gloss. 收起 Request Sample
EBECRYL® 2221 Allnex EBECRYL® 2221 is a hexafunctional aromatic urethane acrylate oligomer which provides very fast cure response when exposed to ultraviolet light (UV) or electron beam (EB). Cured films of EBECRYL® 2221 exhibit high hardness and solvent resistance. Formulat...展开 EBECRYL® 2221 is a hexafunctional aromatic urethane acrylate oligomer which provides very fast cure response when exposed to ultraviolet light (UV) or electron beam (EB). Cured films of EBECRYL® 2221 exhibit high hardness and solvent resistance. Formulated UV/EB curable products containing EBECRYL® 2221 may be applied by lithographic, screen, gravure, direct or reverse roll, and curtain coating methods. 收起 Request Sample
EBECRYL® 225 Allnex EBECRYL® 225 is a ten functional aliphatic urethane acrylate. After polymerization, films of EBECRYL® 225 exhibit outstanding surface hardness and low haze development after abrasion. In addition, EBECRYL® 225 does not contain intentionally added organic ...展开 EBECRYL® 225 is a ten functional aliphatic urethane acrylate. After polymerization, films of EBECRYL® 225 exhibit outstanding surface hardness and low haze development after abrasion. In addition, EBECRYL® 225 does not contain intentionally added organic tin compounds, heavy metals or quinones. 收起 Request Sample
EBECRYL® 244 Allnex EBECRYL® 244 is an aliphatic urethane diacrylate oligomer diluted with 10% of 1,6 hexanediol diacrylate (HDDA)(2) monomer. It is characterized by its light colour and good cure response. It s recommended for use in: flexible screen inks and coatings, Ligh...展开 EBECRYL® 244 is an aliphatic urethane diacrylate oligomer diluted with 10% of 1,6 hexanediol diacrylate (HDDA)(2) monomer. It is characterized by its light colour and good cure response. It s recommended for use in: flexible screen inks and coatings, Light stable coatings, electrical insulation coatings, and coatings where a minimum of water absorption is desired (absorbs less than 1% water/24 hr. immersion). 收起 Request Sample
EBECRYL® 246 Allnex EBECRYL® 246 is an aliphatic urethane diacrylate oligomer diluted with 10% of 1,6 hexanediol diacrylate (HDDA)(2) monomer. It is characterized by its light colour and good cure response. It s recommended for use in: flexible screen inks and coatings, Ligh...展开 EBECRYL® 246 is an aliphatic urethane diacrylate oligomer diluted with 10% of 1,6 hexanediol diacrylate (HDDA)(2) monomer. It is characterized by its light colour and good cure response. It s recommended for use in: flexible screen inks and coatings, Light stable coatings, electrical insulation coatings, and coatings where a minimum of water absorption is desired (absorbs less than 1% water/24 hr. immersion). 收起 Request Sample
EBECRYL® 246/10IBM Allnex EBECRYL 246/10IBM is a difunctional aliphatic urethane acrylate diluted in 10% by weight Isobornyl methacrylate (IBOMA) Films of EBECRYL 246/10IBM cured by electron beam (EB) or ultraviolet light (UV) exhibit excellent abrasion resistance, toughness and ...展开 EBECRYL 246/10IBM is a difunctional aliphatic urethane acrylate diluted in 10% by weight Isobornyl methacrylate (IBOMA) Films of EBECRYL 246/10IBM cured by electron beam (EB) or ultraviolet light (UV) exhibit excellent abrasion resistance, toughness and flexibility and are resistant to yellowing. EBECRYL 246/10IBM does not contain intentionally added organic tin compounds, heavy metals or quinones. Please note that quinones are present in many raw materials, so the overall quinone content is reduced, but not zero. 收起 Request Sample
EBECRYL® 250 Allnex EBECRYL® 250 is an undiluted high molecular weight aliphatic urethane diacrylate resin, characterized by its light colour. Films of EBECRYL® 250 cured by exposure to ultraviolet light (UV), electron beam (EB) or by means of peroxide are soft and flexible,...展开 EBECRYL® 250 is an undiluted high molecular weight aliphatic urethane diacrylate resin, characterized by its light colour. Films of EBECRYL® 250 cured by exposure to ultraviolet light (UV), electron beam (EB) or by means of peroxide are soft and flexible, exhibiting the inherent non-yellowing properties typical of an aliphatic urethane. This resin is most often used as an additive to improve the flexibility of finished formulations. 收起 Request Sample
EBECRYL® 264 Allnex EBECRYL® 264 is an aliphatic urethane triacrylate diluted 15% by weight with the reactive diluent 1,6-hexanediol diacrylate (HDODA). Films of EBECRYL® 264 cured by ultraviolet light (UV) or electron beam (EB) exhibit good flexibility, abrasion resistance,...展开 EBECRYL® 264 is an aliphatic urethane triacrylate diluted 15% by weight with the reactive diluent 1,6-hexanediol diacrylate (HDODA). Films of EBECRYL® 264 cured by ultraviolet light (UV) or electron beam (EB) exhibit good flexibility, abrasion resistance, and are resistant to yellowing. It is recommended for use in: coatings for wood flooring, plastic coatings, overprint varnishes, screen inks, and light stable coatings. 收起 Request Sample
EBECRYL® 266 Allnex EBECRYL® 266 is a Sn-free, aliphatic urethane triacrylate oligomer diluted with 25% of tripropyleneglycol diacrylate (TPGDA)(1) monomer. EBECRYL® 266 is characterized by light colour and good cure response. Films of EBECRYL® 266 cured by ultraviolet light...展开 EBECRYL® 266 is a Sn-free, aliphatic urethane triacrylate oligomer diluted with 25% of tripropyleneglycol diacrylate (TPGDA)(1) monomer. EBECRYL® 266 is characterized by light colour and good cure response. Films of EBECRYL® 266 cured by ultraviolet light (UV) or electron beam (EB) exhibit good flexibility, toughness, abrasion resistance and light stable properties typical of an aliphatic urethane. 收起 Request Sample
EBECRYL® 267 Allnex EBECRYL®267 is a modified aliphatic urethane acrylate oligomer. When cured by ultraviolet light (UV) or electron beam (EB), coatings of EBECRYL®267 exhibit high abrasion resistance, with balanced flexibility and hardness. Request Sample
EBECRYL® 270 Allnex EBECRYL® 270 is an aliphatic urethane diacrylate oligomer. Films of EBECRYL® 270 cured by UV or EB exhibit good flexibility, adhesion, abrasion resistance and exterior durability, as well as the excellent non-yellowing properties typical of an aliphatic u...展开 EBECRYL® 270 is an aliphatic urethane diacrylate oligomer. Films of EBECRYL® 270 cured by UV or EB exhibit good flexibility, adhesion, abrasion resistance and exterior durability, as well as the excellent non-yellowing properties typical of an aliphatic urethane. It is recommended for use in: coatings for wood and plastic requiring good exterior durability, coatings for rigid and flexible plastics, metal coatings, and low gloss coatings. 收起 Request Sample
EBECRYL® 284 Allnex Ebecryl® 284 is an aliphatic urethane diacrylate oligomer diluted with 12% of 1,6 hexanediol diacrylate monomer. Films of this product cured by UV or EB, exhibit excellent exterior durability, toughness and good flexibility, as well as the non-yellowing p...展开 Ebecryl® 284 is an aliphatic urethane diacrylate oligomer diluted with 12% of 1,6 hexanediol diacrylate monomer. Films of this product cured by UV or EB, exhibit excellent exterior durability, toughness and good flexibility, as well as the non-yellowing properties typical of an aliphatic urethane. It is recommended for use in: coatings for wood and plastics requiring excellent exterior durability, clear coatings for cork and plastics like plasticized PVC, metal coatings, pigmented coatings for wood, paper and plastics, paper upgrading, and finish base for wood and PVC floor covering. 收起 Request Sample
EBECRYL® 294/25 Allnex EBECRYL® 294/25 an aliphatic urethane triacrylate oligomer diluted with 1,6-hexanediol diacrylate (HDDA)(1) monomer. Films of EBECRYL® 294/25 HD cured by ultraviolet light (UV) or electron beam (EB) exhibit excellent abrasion resistance, good toughness, a...展开 EBECRYL® 294/25 an aliphatic urethane triacrylate oligomer diluted with 1,6-hexanediol diacrylate (HDDA)(1) monomer. Films of EBECRYL® 294/25 HD cured by ultraviolet light (UV) or electron beam (EB) exhibit excellent abrasion resistance, good toughness, and stain resistance, as well as the non-yellowing properties typical of an aliphatic urethane. It is recommended for use in: clear coatings for wood and vinyl flooring, and coatings with high abrasion resistance, stain resistance and toughness. 收起 Request Sample
EBECRYL® 2959 Allnex EBECRYL® 2959 is an acrylated epoxy resin. Films of EBECRYL® 2959 cured by ultraviolet light (UV) or electron beam (EB) exhibit good hardness, high gloss and the good solvent resistance typical for an epoxy resin. EBECRYL® 2959 finds its use in a wide ran...展开 EBECRYL® 2959 is an acrylated epoxy resin. Films of EBECRYL® 2959 cured by ultraviolet light (UV) or electron beam (EB) exhibit good hardness, high gloss and the good solvent resistance typical for an epoxy resin. EBECRYL® 2959 finds its use in a wide range of inks and coatings. 收起 Request Sample
EBECRYL® 303 Allnex EBECRYL® 303 is a clear liquid polymeric resin in 1,6 hexanediol diacrylate (HDDA). It has been developed to improve the adhesion of inks and varnishes onto plastics. It is recommended for use in: screen printing applications, flexographic applications, l...展开 EBECRYL® 303 is a clear liquid polymeric resin in 1,6 hexanediol diacrylate (HDDA). It has been developed to improve the adhesion of inks and varnishes onto plastics. It is recommended for use in: screen printing applications, flexographic applications, letterpress applications, and inks and varnishes onto plastics. 收起 Request Sample
EBECRYL® 3105 Allnex EBECRYL® 3105 is a low viscosity, flexible, epoxy acrylate which is easier for the formulator to handle. Films of EBECRYL® 3105 cured using ultraviolet light (UV) or electron beam (EB) has good flexibility, toughness and adhesion to wood. It is recommende...展开 EBECRYL® 3105 is a low viscosity, flexible, epoxy acrylate which is easier for the formulator to handle. Films of EBECRYL® 3105 cured using ultraviolet light (UV) or electron beam (EB) has good flexibility, toughness and adhesion to wood. It is recommended for use in: primers for wood, and clear coatings for paper, wood, flexible and rigid plastics. 收起 Request Sample
EBECRYL® 3300 Allnex EBECRYL® 3300 is a highly reactive epoxy acrylate, diluted in DPGDA. When formulated and cross-linked with other suitable radiation curable oligomers and reactive diluents, it results in durable, hard-elastic and chemically resistant coating films of high...展开 EBECRYL® 3300 is a highly reactive epoxy acrylate, diluted in DPGDA. When formulated and cross-linked with other suitable radiation curable oligomers and reactive diluents, it results in durable, hard-elastic and chemically resistant coating films of high quality. It is recommended for use in clear or pigmented coatings on metal substrates, and coatings for paper, paperboard, wood, chipboard and rigid plastics where a compromise between adhesion, flexibility and hardness is necessary. 收起 Request Sample
EBECRYL® 3416 Allnex EBECRYL® 3416 is an UV curable highly reactive epoxy acrylate, which may be cross-linked with suitable reactive diluters to especially durable, hard elastic and chemically resistant paint films of high quality. In conjunction with EBECRYL® 8306 and EBECRY...展开 EBECRYL® 3416 is an UV curable highly reactive epoxy acrylate, which may be cross-linked with suitable reactive diluters to especially durable, hard elastic and chemically resistant paint films of high quality. In conjunction with EBECRYL® 8306 and EBECRYL® 171 it is used for metal coatings with excellent adhesion and corrosion resistance. It is used for metal coatings with excellent adhesion and corrosion resistance. 收起 Request Sample
EBECRYL® 3420 Allnex EBECRYL® 3420 is a low viscosity, modified epoxy acrylate with good pigment wetting ability. It is specially suited for UV offset lithography and UV flexo inks but can of course be used for other applications such as screen, gravure, OPV. Request Sample
EBECRYL® 3500 Allnex EBECRYL® 3500 is a modified epoxy diacrylate that exhibits relatively low viscosity, outstanding performance in many wood coating applications, and adhesion to many plastics. Films of EBECRYL® 3500 cured by ultraviolet light (UV) or electron beam (EB) dem...展开 EBECRYL® 3500 is a modified epoxy diacrylate that exhibits relatively low viscosity, outstanding performance in many wood coating applications, and adhesion to many plastics. Films of EBECRYL® 3500 cured by ultraviolet light (UV) or electron beam (EB) demonstrate good flexibility, high gloss, toughness, adhesion and superior chemical resistance. EBECRYL® 3500 is recommended for use in: wood topcoats and sealers, clear coatings for paper, and flexible and rigid plastics, metal decorating varnishes, adhesives for paper or film lamination, lithographic and screen ink vehicles. 收起 Request Sample
EBECRYL® 3600 Allnex EBECRYL® 3600 is an amine modified epoxy acrylate that exhibits exceptionally fast cure via exposure to ultraviolet light (UV). Films of EBECRYL® 3600 cured by UV or electron beam (EB) demonstrate high gloss and hardness combined with excellent chemical r...展开 EBECRYL® 3600 is an amine modified epoxy acrylate that exhibits exceptionally fast cure via exposure to ultraviolet light (UV). Films of EBECRYL® 3600 cured by UV or electron beam (EB) demonstrate high gloss and hardness combined with excellent chemical resistance. The amine modification can also improve adhesion to plastics. It is recommended for use in: clear coatings for paper and plastic, wood topcoats, wood fillers and sealers, and screen inks and coatings 收起 Request Sample
EBECRYL® 3639 Allnex EBECRYL® 3639 is a special epoxy acrylate exhibiting good flexibility and very high reactivity. It is especially recommended to formulate radiation curable coatings and inks with good flexibility, very high reactivity and outstanding scratch and chemical ...展开 EBECRYL® 3639 is a special epoxy acrylate exhibiting good flexibility and very high reactivity. It is especially recommended to formulate radiation curable coatings and inks with good flexibility, very high reactivity and outstanding scratch and chemical resistances. 收起 Request Sample
EBECRYL® 367 Allnex EBECRYL® 367 is a polyester acrylate, developed to improve the adhesion of inks and varnishes onto plastics. Request Sample
EBECRYL® 3700 Allnex EBECRYL® 3700 is the diacrylate ester of a bisphenol A epoxy resin, and exhibits low odor and exceptional cure response. Films of EBECRYL® 3700 cured by ultraviolet light (UV) or electron beam (EB) demonstrate high surface hardness, high gloss, and excell...展开 EBECRYL® 3700 is the diacrylate ester of a bisphenol A epoxy resin, and exhibits low odor and exceptional cure response. Films of EBECRYL® 3700 cured by ultraviolet light (UV) or electron beam (EB) demonstrate high surface hardness, high gloss, and excellent chemical resistance. It finds broad use in UV/EB applications, such as coatings, overprint varnishes, inks, adhesives, and electronics. 收起 Request Sample
EBECRYL® 3700/30 TP Allnex EBECRYL® 3700/30 TP is a bisphenol A epoxy acrylate oligomer diluted 30% of tripropyleneglycol diacrylate. This material is characterized by its fast cure response and relatively low viscosity. Films of EBECRYL® 3700/30 TP cured by UV or EB exhibit high g...展开 EBECRYL® 3700/30 TP is a bisphenol A epoxy acrylate oligomer diluted 30% of tripropyleneglycol diacrylate. This material is characterized by its fast cure response and relatively low viscosity. Films of EBECRYL® 3700/30 TP cured by UV or EB exhibit high gloss, high surface hardness, flexibility, and the superior chemical resistance typical of an epoxy. It s recommended for use in: overprint varnishes, paper upgrading, and wood fillers. 收起 Request Sample
EBECRYL® 3701 Allnex EBECRYL® 3701 is a modified bisphenol A epoxy diacrylate. It imparts flexibility and toughness to ultraviolet light (UV) or electron beam (EB) cured coatings and inks while maintaining such desirable properties as fast cure response and superior chemical ...展开 EBECRYL® 3701 is a modified bisphenol A epoxy diacrylate. It imparts flexibility and toughness to ultraviolet light (UV) or electron beam (EB) cured coatings and inks while maintaining such desirable properties as fast cure response and superior chemical resistance that are typical of standard epoxy acrylates. It is recommended for use in: clear coatings for paper, wood, and rigid plastic, adhesives for paper and film lamination, and lithographic, screen and flexographic ink vehicles. 收起 Request Sample
EBECRYL® 3702 Allnex EBECRYL® 3702 is a fatty acid modified bisphenol A epoxy diacrylate that exhibits outstanding flow and leveling and pigment wetting properties. Films of EBECRYL® 3702 cured by ultraviolet light (UV) or electron beam (EB) demonstrate high gloss, improved w...展开 EBECRYL® 3702 is a fatty acid modified bisphenol A epoxy diacrylate that exhibits outstanding flow and leveling and pigment wetting properties. Films of EBECRYL® 3702 cured by ultraviolet light (UV) or electron beam (EB) demonstrate high gloss, improved water resistance and good chemical resistance. It is recommended for use in: clear coatings for paper, overprint varnishes, lithographic ink vehicles, vehicles for metal decorating inks and clear coatings, screen ink vehicles, and coatings for rigid and flexible plastics. 收起 Request Sample
EBECRYL® 3703 Allnex EBECRYL® 3703 oligomer is an amine modified epoxy acrylate. The product was developed specifically for applications where improved flexibility and exceptionally fast cure by exposure to ultraviolet light (UV) are desired in combination with the good solve...展开 EBECRYL® 3703 oligomer is an amine modified epoxy acrylate. The product was developed specifically for applications where improved flexibility and exceptionally fast cure by exposure to ultraviolet light (UV) are desired in combination with the good solvent resistance typical of an epoxy resin. It is recommended for use in: clear coatings for paper and plastics, top coats for wood, and lithographic and screen ink vehicles. 收起 Request Sample
EBECRYL® 3708 Allnex EBECRYL® 3708 is a modified bisphenol A epoxy diacrylate that exhibits relatively low viscosity and good cure response. Films of EBECRYL® 3708 cured by ultra-violet light (UV) or electron beam (EB) demonstrate good flexibility, high gloss, toughness, and ...展开 EBECRYL® 3708 is a modified bisphenol A epoxy diacrylate that exhibits relatively low viscosity and good cure response. Films of EBECRYL® 3708 cured by ultra-violet light (UV) or electron beam (EB) demonstrate good flexibility, high gloss, toughness, and superior impact resistance. It is recommended for use in: clear coatings for paper, wood, and flexible and rigid plastics, topcoats for wood, metal decorating vehicles, adhesives for paper or film lamination, and lithographic and screen ink vehicles. 收起 Request Sample
EBECRYL® 40 Allnex EBECRYL® 40 is a tetrafunctional polyether acrylate characterized by low viscosity, mild odor and light color. When formulated with acrylate oligomers, it provides fast cure response in ultraviolet light (UV) and electron beam (EB) curable coatings and in...展开 EBECRYL® 40 is a tetrafunctional polyether acrylate characterized by low viscosity, mild odor and light color. When formulated with acrylate oligomers, it provides fast cure response in ultraviolet light (UV) and electron beam (EB) curable coatings and inks. It is recommended for use in: offset inks as a reactive oligomer, overprint varnishes, coatings on paper, plastics, cardboard, and paper upgrading. 收起 Request Sample