UL Prospector


623 条结果
Borchi® Gen DFN OMG Borchers GmbH 非离子润湿剂,同乳胶漆相容性好,有良好的防浮色性能。也适用于自干和烘干醇酸树脂涂料。
Borchi® Gen HE OMG Borchers GmbH 提高金属颜料和涂料在金属基材上的附着力的添加剂。
Borchi® Gen HMP-F OMG Borchers GmbH Borchi® Gen HMP-F是一种助剂,可提高附着力,主要用于烤漆和底漆。Borchi® Gen HMP-F完全不含硅。Borchi® Gen HMP-F用于提高附着力,主要用于烤漆。
Borchi® Gen ND Plus OMG Borchers GmbH Borchi® Gen ND plus是一种润湿和分散助剂,推荐用于所有溶剂型和不含溶剂的工业涂料中。由于它的100%活性组分含量,它也同样适合用于水性体系,例如乳胶漆和水性颜料色浆
Borchi® Gen PB 60 OMG Borchers GmbH 用于无机膨胀助剂的润湿剂和分散剂。用于氧化物理干燥黏合剂或用于烘干漆。
Borchi® Gen SN 95 OMG Borchers GmbH 含25%聚异氰酸酯低聚物的水溶液,具有出色的润湿和反絮凝性能。
Borchi® Gen TS OMG Borchers GmbH 一种用于无机膨润剂的润湿和分散助剂。特别适用于聚氨酯和环氧漆的制造。
Borchi® Gen WNS OMG Borchers GmbH 一个非离子,不含烷基酚聚氧乙烯醚(APEO)润湿分散剂。可用于水性和醇基通用颜料色浆,乳液涂料和面涂。
Borchi® Gen WS OMG Borchers GmbH 一个非离子,不含烷基酚聚氧乙烯醚(APEO)润湿分散剂。可用于水性和中度极性的溶剂基颜料色浆,乳液涂料和面涂。
Borchi® Gol 0011 OMG Borchers GmbH 一种液态流动促进剂和脱气剂,用于含溶剂和无溶剂环氧树脂及聚氨酯涂料。
Borchi® Gol 1375 OMG Borchers GmbH Borchi® Gol 1375是一种非离子型和两性表面活性剂作为活性成分的水溶液,可促进疏水或灰尘/油污染的基材表面的润湿,不含VOC和APEO。 Borchi® Gol 1375是一种高效添加剂,具有较强的表面亲和力和低起泡性能。它可用于水性和溶剂型体系。
Borchi® Gol 3451 OMG Borchers GmbH 用于锤纹等特殊效果和结构漆的添加剂。
Borchi® Gol 3467 OMG Borchers GmbH Borchi® Gol 3467是一种聚醚改性聚二甲基硅氧烷,100%活性成分,可促进疏水或污染表面、不易润湿的木材表面的润湿,可防止流动问题和缩孔的产生。 Borchi® Gol 3467可用于水性和溶剂型体系。
Borchi® Gol 3739 OMG Borchers GmbH 用于水性油漆的润湿剂。提高被油和脂污染的钢材和塑料以及含树脂的木材等困难基材的润湿性。
Borchi® Gol E2 OMG Borchers GmbH 一种涂料助剂,用于促进自干型、烘干型以及催化型涂料的流动性和脱气。产品可以消除涂料制备过程中的起泡和使用过程中的漆膜缺陷。不含有机硅。
Borchi® Gol H 250 OMG Borchers GmbH 用于卷材和罐头漆等烘干瓷漆的流平助剂。
Borchi® Gol LA 1 OMG Borchers GmbH 它是一种基于有机金属改性硅树脂化合物的表面活性助剂,提高水性和溶剂型涂料体系的流动性和流平性。
Borchi® Gol LA 10 OMG Borchers GmbH 它是一种新型预稀释表面活性助剂,基于有机金属改性硅树脂化合物。提高溶剂型涂料的流动性和流平性。
Borchi® Gol LA 2 OMG Borchers GmbH 它是一种不含VOC的、基于有机金属改性硅树脂化合物的表面活性助剂,提高溶剂型、无溶剂型和水性涂料的流动性和流平性。
Borchi® Gol LA 20 OMG Borchers GmbH 它是一种预先稀释的高效有机金属改性硅树脂化合物,用于提高涂装过程和涂装后的表面性能。
Borchi® Gol LA 200 OMG Borchers GmbH 无溶剂型改性聚硅氧烷,滑爽性显著提高,流动性和流平性得到改善,低泡沫稳定性。
Borchi® Gol LA 232 OMG Borchers GmbH 无溶剂型改性聚硅氧烷,滑爽性显著提高,流动性和流平性得到改善。
Borchi® Gol LA 30 OMG Borchers GmbH 它是一种预先稀释的高效有机金属改性硅树脂化合物,用于提高涂装过程和涂装后的表面性能。对流动性和流平性有积极的影响,减少针孔和缩孔等缺陷。
Borchi® Gol LA 50 OMG Borchers GmbH 流动性、流平和基材润湿剂,基于有机改性 聚二甲基硅氧烷。
Borchi® Gol LA 6 OMG Borchers GmbH 它是一种预先稀释的高效有机金属改性硅树脂化合物,用来提高困难表面的润湿性,并对流动性和流平性产生积极的影响。
Borchi® Gol LAC 80 OMG Borchers GmbH 一种提高涂料和油漆流动性和表面平滑度的助剂。适用于含溶剂和无溶剂体系,也可用于水性介质。
Borchi® Gol M 101 OMG Borchers GmbH 流平和防浮色助剂。
Borchi® Gol M 51 OMG Borchers GmbH 流平和防浮色助剂。
Borchi® Gol MA OMG Borchers GmbH 流平和防浮色助剂。
Borchi® Gol OL 17 OMG Borchers GmbH 提高流动性和表面平滑度的添加剂。
Borchi® Gol OL 31 OMG Borchers GmbH 提高滑爽度和流平性的添加剂。
Borchi® Gol OL 44 OMG Borchers GmbH 提高滑爽度和流平性的添加剂。
Borchi® Gol PL OMG Borchers GmbH 流平助剂。对不饱和、不含石蜡的聚酯树脂,环氧树脂,以及环氧树脂与酚醛树脂或氨基树脂联合树脂特别有效。
Borchi® Kat 0243 OMG Borchers GmbH 一种新型的金属羧酸盐无锡催化剂,用作溶剂型双组分聚氨酯的催化剂;不含额外的有机螯合物。
Borchi® Kat 0244 OMG Borchers GmbH 一种新型的金属羧酸盐无锡催化剂,用作溶剂型双组分聚氨酯的催化剂;不含额外的有机螯合物。
Borchi® Kat 0245 OMG Borchers GmbH 一种新型的金属羧酸盐无锡催化剂,用作溶剂型双组分聚氨酯的催化剂;不含额外的有机螯合物。
Borchi® Kat 0761 OMG Borchers GmbH Borchi® Kat 0761 is a tin-free catalyst based on zinc neodecanoate. It is an accelerator for solventborne one- and two-component polyurethane coatings and polyurethane-based Coil-Coating systems. Borchi® Kat 0761 contains no organometal compounds and no o...展开 Borchi® Kat 0761 is a tin-free catalyst based on zinc neodecanoate. It is an accelerator for solventborne one- and two-component polyurethane coatings and polyurethane-based Coil-Coating systems. Borchi® Kat 0761 contains no organometal compounds and no organic complexing agents. Borchi® Kat 0761 is an ecologically safe replacement for other polyurethane catalysts, especially for tertiary amines and organotin compounds, such as DBTL. Borchi® Kat 0761 is suitable for one- and two-component solventborne polyurethane clear coats and pigmented coating systems, e.g. for automotive refinishing and industrial coatings as well as for Coil-Coating paints based on blocked isocyanate systems. In this application Borchi® Kat 0761 provides a high catalytic activity. 收起
Borchi® Kat 15 OMG Borchers GmbH Borchi® Kat 15是一种不含锡的催化剂,基于萘酸锌。它是一种促进剂用于溶剂型单和双组份聚氨酯涂料和聚氨酯基卷刚涂料体系。Borchi® Kat 15不含有机配位助剂。Borchi® Kat 15是其它聚氨酯催化剂,尤其是叔胺和DBTL的生态安全替代物
Borchi® Kat 22 OMG Borchers GmbH 基于羧酸盐的无锡催化剂。它是一种用于溶剂型单、双组分聚氨酯涂料和聚氨酯卷材涂料体系的加速剂。
Borchi® Kat 24 OMG Borchers GmbH 不含锡的羧酸盐高活性催化剂,用来催化溶剂型单/双组分聚氨酯涂料和封端异氰酸酯瓷漆烤漆。
Borchi® Kat 28 OMG Borchers GmbH 稳定的辛酸锡,金属含量约为28%重量百分比,适合大多数有机溶剂。
Borchi® Kat 315 OMG Borchers GmbH Borchi® Kat 315是一种高反应性不含锡的基于新癸酸铋的催化剂,可作为催化剂用于溶剂型或非溶剂型基于封闭异氰酸酯的单和双组分聚氨酯体系和烤漆。此外,Borchi® Kat 315可用于聚氨酯发泡材料以及RTV硅树脂中的催化。该催化剂不包含任何额外的有机络合剂。 Borchi® Kat 315是其它聚氨酯催化剂的生态安全替代物,尤其是胺和锡为基础的产品,如DBTL。
Borchi® Kat 320 OMG Borchers GmbH Borchi® Kat 320是一种高活性的不含锡的催化剂基于铋使用2 - 乙基己酸作为促进剂用于基于封闭异氰酸酯溶剂型单组分和双组分聚氨酯体系和烤漆。此外BORCHI®吉320可以在使用PU泡沫以及RTV硅树脂的催化作用。该催化剂不含有附加有机配位剂。 是一种高反应性不含锡的基于2 - 乙基己酸铋的催化剂,可作为催化剂用于溶剂型基于封闭异氰酸酯的单和双组分聚氨酯体系和烤漆。此外,Borchi® Kat 320可用于聚氨酯发泡材料以及RTV硅树脂的催化。该催化剂不包含任何额外的有机络合剂。 ...展开 Borchi® Kat 320是一种高活性的不含锡的催化剂基于铋使用2 - 乙基己酸作为促进剂用于基于封闭异氰酸酯溶剂型单组分和双组分聚氨酯体系和烤漆。此外BORCHI®吉320可以在使用PU泡沫以及RTV硅树脂的催化作用。该催化剂不含有附加有机配位剂。 是一种高反应性不含锡的基于2 - 乙基己酸铋的催化剂,可作为催化剂用于溶剂型基于封闭异氰酸酯的单和双组分聚氨酯体系和烤漆。此外,Borchi® Kat 320可用于聚氨酯发泡材料以及RTV硅树脂的催化。该催化剂不包含任何额外的有机络合剂。 Borchi® Kat 320是其它聚氨酯催化剂的生态安全替代物,尤其是胺和锡为基础的产品,如DBTL。 收起
Borchi® Nox 55 OMG Borchers GmbH 本质上无色、有轻微气味,用于透明漆和基于干性油、醇酸树脂、环氧酯和其它精制干性油的着色漆时具有突出的功效。用于自干和烘干油漆体系。
Borchi® Nox 55 (oil) OMG Borchers GmbH 55%合成有机抗结皮剂,溶于含蜡族矿物油中,不含任何酚类化合物。几乎无色,具有温和的气味,可高效用于干燥油和醇酸树脂印刷油墨
Borchi® Nox 614 OMG Borchers GmbH 一种透明的褐色液体,用作抗结皮助剂,或者作为流平剂,用在基于干性油、醇酸树脂和其它油的无色或着色涂料中。还可促进实干性,用于室温干燥或烘箱干燥体系。
Borchi® Nox C3 OMG Borchers GmbH 用于多种油漆体系的特殊防结皮助剂。白色粉末,非常易溶、易混合;非常高效且对油漆的性能没有不良影响。
Borchi® Nox M2 OMG Borchers GmbH 一种合成有机抗结皮助剂。不含非挥发性成分;无色液体、气味柔和;用于含油油漆时效果出色,并且不会对干燥产生显著影响。
Borchi® OXY - Coat OMG Borchers GmbH Borchi® OXY - Coat 是一种金属基催化剂,它在低用量下即具有出色的性能。与钴基催干剂相比,显著改善的是干燥活性、色展度、光泽和雾影。在不利条件下也可获得出色的结果。总之,Borchi® OXY - Coat 性能比钴基催干剂好。该产品可用于所有氧化干燥的涂料中,例如醇酸、植物油、环氧酯、聚丁二烯等
Borchi® OXY - Coat 1101 OMG Borchers GmbH 一款革新性的金属基催化剂,在很低的用量下就表现出优异性能。和钴类催干剂相比,在干燥性、颜色、光泽、浑浊度等方面都有改善。在不利的条件下也表现出优异的性能。
Borchi® Set 134 OMG Borchers GmbH 抗沉淀助剂,也可作为黏度调节剂。适用于含溶剂的油漆,即便颜料含量很高,也能有效防止沉淀物的形成。
BPA Epoxy Resin SM-601RX75 Jiangsu Sanmu Group Corporation 江苏三木集团有限公司 BPA Epoxy Resin SM-601RX75 is a Xylene solvent based epoxy resin used in the coatings industry.
BPA Epoxy Resin SM-601X75 Jiangsu Sanmu Group Corporation 江苏三木集团有限公司 BPA Epoxy Resin SM-601X75 is a Xylene solvent based epoxy resin used in the coatings industry.
BPA Epoxy Resin SM-634RX80 Jiangsu Sanmu Group Corporation 江苏三木集团有限公司 BPA Epoxy Resin SM-634RX80 is a Xylene solvent based epoxy resin used in the coatings industry.
BPA Epoxy Resin SM-634RX90 Jiangsu Sanmu Group Corporation 江苏三木集团有限公司 BPA Epoxy Resin SM-634RX90 is a Xylene solvent based epoxy resin used in the coatings industry.
BPA Epoxy Resin SM-828X90 Jiangsu Sanmu Group Corporation 江苏三木集团有限公司 BPA Epoxy Resin SM-828X90 is a Xylene solvent based epoxy resin used in the coatings industry.
Brominated Epoxy Resin EX-23-80 Jiangsu Sanmu Group Corporation 江苏三木集团有限公司 Brominated Epoxy Resin EX-23-80 is an epoxy resin treated for flame retardant coatings.
Brominated Epoxy Resin EX-23-80A Jiangsu Sanmu Group Corporation 江苏三木集团有限公司 Brominated Epoxy Resin EX-23-80A is an epoxy resin treated for flame retardant coatings.
Brominated Epoxy Resin SMB-360 Jiangsu Sanmu Group Corporation 江苏三木集团有限公司 Brominated Epoxy Resin SMB-360 is an epoxy resin treated for flame retardant coatings.
Brominated Epoxy Resin SMB-400 Jiangsu Sanmu Group Corporation 江苏三木集团有限公司 Brominated Epoxy Resin SMB-400 is an epoxy resin treated for flame retardant coatings.
Brominated Epoxy Resin SMB-400EK60 Jiangsu Sanmu Group Corporation 江苏三木集团有限公司 Brominated Epoxy Resin SMB-400EK60 is an epoxy resin treated for flame retardant coatings.
Brominated Epoxy Resin SMB-400T60 Jiangsu Sanmu Group Corporation 江苏三木集团有限公司 Brominated Epoxy Resin SMB-400T60 is an epoxy resin treated for flame retardant coatings.
Brominated Epoxy Resin SMB-405 Jiangsu Sanmu Group Corporation 江苏三木集团有限公司 Brominated Epoxy Resin SMB-405 is an epoxy resin treated for flame retardant coatings.
Brominated Epoxy Resin SMB-450A-80 Jiangsu Sanmu Group Corporation 江苏三木集团有限公司 Brominated Epoxy Resin SMB-450A-80 is an epoxy resin treated for flame retardant coatings.
Brominated Epoxy Resin SMB-500A-80 Jiangsu Sanmu Group Corporation 江苏三木集团有限公司 Brominated Epoxy Resin SMB-500A-80 is an epoxy resin treated for flame retardant coatings.
Brominated Epoxy Resin SMB-500EK-80 Jiangsu Sanmu Group Corporation 江苏三木集团有限公司 Brominated Epoxy Resin SMB-500EK-80 is an epoxy resin treated for flame retardant coatings.
Brominated Epoxy Resin SMB-530EK-80 Jiangsu Sanmu Group Corporation 江苏三木集团有限公司 Brominated Epoxy Resin SMB-530EK-80 is an epoxy resin treated for flame retardant coatings.
CAC (2-Ethoxyethyl Acetate) Jiangsu Sanmu Group Corporation 江苏三木集团有限公司 CAC是一种无色液体,能与一般有机溶剂混溶,溶于水。有令人愉快的酯类香。用作溶剂,与其他化合物配合用作皮革粘合剂、油漆剥离剂、金属热镀抗腐蚀涂料等。
CCR 110 CINKARNA CCR is an ultrafine, nanoparticle version of a rutile titanium dioxide pigment. This product has been surface modified. It can be used in transparent UV coatings for various substrates.
CCR 130 CINKARNA CCR 130 is an ultrafine, nanoparticle version of a rutile titanium dioxide pigment. This product has been surface modified. It can be used in transparent UV coatings for various substrates.
CCR 150 CINKARNA CCR 150 is an ultrafine, nanoparticle version of a rutile titanium dioxide pigment. This product has been surface-modified. It can be used in transparent UV coatings for various substrates.
CF1-135 NuSil Silicone Technology 1 CF1-135 is high technology translucent silicone primer that is specifically formulated for use with platinum cured systems where conventional primers are insufficient. This product can help improve the adhesion of addition-cured systems to different subst...展开 CF1-135 is high technology translucent silicone primer that is specifically formulated for use with platinum cured systems where conventional primers are insufficient. This product can help improve the adhesion of addition-cured systems to different substrates such as metals, ceramics, glass, some plastics and other silicone material. It is a one-component primer that is supplied in VM&P Napththa and it requires no mixing. 收起
CF1-141 NuSil Silicone Technology 1 CF1-141 is a high technology silicone primer that is specially formulated to be used with platinum-cured systems and is colored red to provide an easy visual determination of surface coverage. It is a lower Volatile Organic Component (VOC) product and air...展开 CF1-141 is a high technology silicone primer that is specially formulated to be used with platinum-cured systems and is colored red to provide an easy visual determination of surface coverage. It is a lower Volatile Organic Component (VOC) product and air dries. This primer improves adhesion of addition-cured systems to various substrates such as glass, metals, plastics, ceramics and other silicone materials. 收起
CF1-3510 NuSil Silicone Technology 1 CF1-3510 is a fluorosilicone potting and encapsulating elastomer that cures with the addition of heat. It is best used for applications that require solvent resistance and for molding parts such as stoppers, o-rings, and seals. This product can also be us...展开 CF1-3510 is a fluorosilicone potting and encapsulating elastomer that cures with the addition of heat. It is best used for applications that require solvent resistance and for molding parts such as stoppers, o-rings, and seals. This product can also be used as an encapsulating, potting and sealing material and it is best used in applications requiring an operating temperature range of -65°C to 240°C (-85°F to 465°F). 收起
CF1-3710-2 NuSil Silicone Technology 1 CF1-3710-2 is a fluorosilicone foam that has a 1:1 ratio with a white Part A and gray Part B for easy identification and mixing. This product cures very quickly at room temperature to an elastomeric foam. It can be used as a solvent resistant seal or in s...展开 CF1-3710-2 is a fluorosilicone foam that has a 1:1 ratio with a white Part A and gray Part B for easy identification and mixing. This product cures very quickly at room temperature to an elastomeric foam. It can be used as a solvent resistant seal or in shock and vibration dampening situations that require a flexible, light weight foam with exceptional radiation resistance and thermal insulation. This foam is especially useful where stability at higher and lower temperatures is required. 收起
CF1-3800 NuSil Silicone Technology 1 CF1-3800 is a thermally conductive, fluorosilicone elastomer that cures at room temperature, or rapidly with the addition of heat. It can be used to adhere covers on housings, modules, and other configurations that require a non-flowable material. This pr...展开 CF1-3800 is a thermally conductive, fluorosilicone elastomer that cures at room temperature, or rapidly with the addition of heat. It can be used to adhere covers on housings, modules, and other configurations that require a non-flowable material. This product can also be utilized as an adhesive, sealant or molding material when solvent resistance is needed. It can provide the transfer of heat between electrical components and heat sinks, and can operate at a temperature range of -65°C to 225°C (-85°F to 437°F). 收起
CF19-2186 NuSil Silicone Technology 1 CF19-2186 is a general purpose silicone elastomer that has a medium cure rate and is provided in mix and dispense applicators. This product can provide protection for assemblies and electronic components against, vibration, shock, ozone, moisture, dust an...展开 CF19-2186 is a general purpose silicone elastomer that has a medium cure rate and is provided in mix and dispense applicators. This product can provide protection for assemblies and electronic components against, vibration, shock, ozone, moisture, dust and other contaminants. It can also be utilized as an encapsulating or potting material, and can replicate surfaces and devices. 收起
CF19-2615 NuSil Silicone Technology 1 CF19-2615 is a two-part, silicone elastomer that is optically clear and solvent free. It cures at room temperature or rapidly with the addition of heat. This product can be use for photonics applications such as photo detectors, HBLEDs, lasers, flat panel...展开 CF19-2615 is a two-part, silicone elastomer that is optically clear and solvent free. It cures at room temperature or rapidly with the addition of heat. This product can be use for photonics applications such as photo detectors, HBLEDs, lasers, flat panel displays and discrete optics that require a 1.41 refractive index. It can also provide protection to electronic components and assemblies against vibration, shock, moisture, dust and other environmental hazards. 收起
CF2-135 NuSil Silicone Technology 1 CF2-135 is a silicone primer that is specifically designed to be used with platinum-cured systems where conventional primers will not be sufficient. This product will help to improve the adhesion of addition-cured systems to various substrates such as woo...展开 CF2-135 is a silicone primer that is specifically designed to be used with platinum-cured systems where conventional primers will not be sufficient. This product will help to improve the adhesion of addition-cured systems to various substrates such as wood, metals, ceramics, plastics, and other silicone materials. For the best bonding results, be sure that the surface being primed is clean and degreased. 收起
CF2-3521 NuSil Silicone Technology 1 CF2-3521 is a translucent fluorosilicone elastomer that cures rapidly with heat from an oven or heating lamp, or at room temperature. It can be utilized in applications that would require a good solvent resistance. This product is especially useful for mo...展开 CF2-3521 is a translucent fluorosilicone elastomer that cures rapidly with heat from an oven or heating lamp, or at room temperature. It can be utilized in applications that would require a good solvent resistance. This product is especially useful for molding parts such as O-rings, stoppers, and seals. 收起
CF2-3521-2 NuSil Silicone Technology 1 CF2-3521-2 is a two part, black, 50 mole % fluorosilicone elastomer that cures at room temperature, or rapidly with heat from a heating lamp or oven. This product can be especially useful for molding parts such as stoppers, seals, and O-rings. It can also...展开 CF2-3521-2 is a two part, black, 50 mole % fluorosilicone elastomer that cures at room temperature, or rapidly with heat from a heating lamp or oven. This product can be especially useful for molding parts such as stoppers, seals, and O-rings. It can also be used in applications that would require a solvent resistance. 收起
CF3-3521 NuSil Silicone Technology 1 CF3-3521 is a fluorosilicone elastomer that can be used with with liquid injection molding equipment. It is an exceptional product to use for molding high quality parts such as gaskets, seals and o-rings. It is also ideal for applications that require a m...展开 CF3-3521 is a fluorosilicone elastomer that can be used with with liquid injection molding equipment. It is an exceptional product to use for molding high quality parts such as gaskets, seals and o-rings. It is also ideal for applications that require a medium hardness silicone and solvent resistance. This product is best utilized in applications that require an operating temperature range of -65 to 240°C (-85 to 465°F). 收起
CF5-3521-2 NuSil Silicone Technology 1 CF5-3521-2 is a two part, 50 mole % fluorosilicone that has a 1:1 Mix Ratio (Part A:B). It can be cured at room temperature, or more rapidly by heating it in an oven or with a heating lamp. The product is especially useful as a coating, sealant, adhesive ...展开 CF5-3521-2 is a two part, 50 mole % fluorosilicone that has a 1:1 Mix Ratio (Part A:B). It can be cured at room temperature, or more rapidly by heating it in an oven or with a heating lamp. The product is especially useful as a coating, sealant, adhesive or molding material in applications that require solvent resistance. 收起
CF6-135 NuSil Silicone Technology 1 CF6-135 is a one-component, high technology silicone primer that is translucent to preserve visibility with translucent products. It is specially designed to be used with platinum cured systems where conventional primers are insufficient. This product wil...展开 CF6-135 is a one-component, high technology silicone primer that is translucent to preserve visibility with translucent products. It is specially designed to be used with platinum cured systems where conventional primers are insufficient. This product will improve the adhesion of addition-cured systems to many different substrates such as glass, metals, plastics, ceramics and other silicone material. 收起
CV-1142 NuSil Silicone Technology 1 CV-1142 is a non corrosive that has controlled volatility, RTV silicone adhesive/sealant.. It is best used as a sealing, caulking, adhesive or potting material in applications that require little outgassing. This helps to avoid condensation in sensitive d...展开 CV-1142 is a non corrosive that has controlled volatility, RTV silicone adhesive/sealant.. It is best used as a sealing, caulking, adhesive or potting material in applications that require little outgassing. This helps to avoid condensation in sensitive devices. Furthermore, it is also best used for applications requiring extremely low temperatures. 收起
CV-1143 NuSil Silicone Technology 1 CV-1143 is a silicone adhesive/sealant that is best used in applications that require low outgassing and minimal volatile condensables under extreme operating conditions. It is also used as a bond and sealant in applications such as overhead or vertical j...展开 CV-1143 is a silicone adhesive/sealant that is best used in applications that require low outgassing and minimal volatile condensables under extreme operating conditions. It is also used as a bond and sealant in applications such as overhead or vertical joints that require a non-slumping, and one-part materials. 收起
CV-1144-0 NuSil Silicone Technology 1 CV-1144-0 is an oxygen protective silicone overcoat that is used for applications where extremely low temperatures and low outgassing are a hazard. It functions as a protective overcoating for electric components and atomic oxygen resistance in space appl...展开 CV-1144-0 is an oxygen protective silicone overcoat that is used for applications where extremely low temperatures and low outgassing are a hazard. It functions as a protective overcoating for electric components and atomic oxygen resistance in space applications. This product also has a broad operating temperature range and can provide radiation and thermal stress resistance. 收起
CV-1146-2 NuSil Silicone Technology 1 CV-1146-2 is a one part, flat black silicone dispersion that meets outgas specifications outlined in NASA and the European Space Agency. It is an ideal product to use in space and electrical applications that require low outgassing under extreme operating...展开 CV-1146-2 is a one part, flat black silicone dispersion that meets outgas specifications outlined in NASA and the European Space Agency. It is an ideal product to use in space and electrical applications that require low outgassing under extreme operating conditions. It also provides an atomic oxygen protection and resistance to radiation and thermal stress. 收起
CV-1148 NuSil Silicone Technology 1 CV-1148 is a silicone atomic oxygen protective coating that can be use at a broad temperature range. This product is best used for applications that require low outgassing under extreme operating conditions. It exceeds the low outgas specifications outlin...展开 CV-1148 is a silicone atomic oxygen protective coating that can be use at a broad temperature range. This product is best used for applications that require low outgassing under extreme operating conditions. It exceeds the low outgas specifications outlined by NASA and the European Space Agency. 收起
CV-1152 NuSil Silicone Technology 1 CV-1152 is a silicone conformal coating that can be used for industrial or space applications that require low outgassing under extreme operating conditions. It can be utilized as a coating on rigid and flexible circuit boards, and can protect sensitive e...展开 CV-1152 is a silicone conformal coating that can be used for industrial or space applications that require low outgassing under extreme operating conditions. It can be utilized as a coating on rigid and flexible circuit boards, and can protect sensitive electronic components such as connectors and switches. This product can also provide protection against harsh environments while maintaining good dielectric properties. 收起
CV-1161 NuSil Silicone Technology 1 CV-1161 is a pressure sensitive silicone adhesive that retains its adhesive qualities in the presence of minor liquid and particulate contaminants. It can be used in applications that require low outgassing and minimal volatile condesable materials. This ...展开 CV-1161 is a pressure sensitive silicone adhesive that retains its adhesive qualities in the presence of minor liquid and particulate contaminants. It can be used in applications that require low outgassing and minimal volatile condesable materials. This product is ideal for adhering and bonding silicone elastomers, metals, paper, glass, fabric organics rubbers, some synthetics, and films such as polyester or kapton. 收起
CV-1500 NuSil Silicone Technology 1 CV-1500 is a one part, black, electrically conductive RTV silicone adhesive/sealant that can be used for RFI and EMI shielding in electrical and space applications that require static dissipation. It can also protect components from extremes in temperatur...展开 CV-1500 is a one part, black, electrically conductive RTV silicone adhesive/sealant that can be used for RFI and EMI shielding in electrical and space applications that require static dissipation. It can also protect components from extremes in temperature, humidity, radiation, thermal and mechanical stress. This adhesive is well suited for form-in-place conductive gaskets and attaching heating coils to solar collector plates. 收起
CV-2187 NuSil Silicone Technology 1 CV-2187 is a two-part, translucent, pourable silicone system that offers a high tear strength and good physical properties. Its primary function is to provide protection for electrical components against shock, vibration, moisture, dust, chemicals and oth...展开 CV-2187 is a two-part, translucent, pourable silicone system that offers a high tear strength and good physical properties. Its primary function is to provide protection for electrical components against shock, vibration, moisture, dust, chemicals and other environmental hazards. It can also protect potting connectors, cable and harness breakouts, molded high-voltage components, seals and gaskets. 收起
CV-2189-2 NuSil Silicone Technology 1 CV-2189-2 is a one-part, black, platinum catalyzed silicone glop-top that has a thixotropic consistency and a low modulus. The function of this product is to ensure microchip reliability by providing protection against vibration, shock, dust, chemicals an...展开 CV-2189-2 is a one-part, black, platinum catalyzed silicone glop-top that has a thixotropic consistency and a low modulus. The function of this product is to ensure microchip reliability by providing protection against vibration, shock, dust, chemicals and other hazards. It is also ideal for applications that require precise delivery configurations. 收起
CV-2287 NuSil Silicone Technology 1 CV-2287 is a pourable silicone elastomer that offers a high tear strength and a broad operating temperature range. The high tear strength of this product make it ideal for reinforcing potting connectors, cable harness breakouts, molded high-voltage compon...展开 CV-2287 is a pourable silicone elastomer that offers a high tear strength and a broad operating temperature range. The high tear strength of this product make it ideal for reinforcing potting connectors, cable harness breakouts, molded high-voltage components, seals and gaskets. It protects components against moisture, dust , chemicals, shock and vibration. 收起
CV-2289 NuSil Silicone Technology 1 CV-2289 is a two-part translucent silicone elastomer that is ideal for applications that require low outgassing and minimal volatile condensables under extreme operating conditions. This product has good physical properties including a high tear strength ...展开 CV-2289 is a two-part translucent silicone elastomer that is ideal for applications that require low outgassing and minimal volatile condensables under extreme operating conditions. This product has good physical properties including a high tear strength and broad operating temperature range. These properties make this a good product for protecting electric components against environmental hazards such as dust, moisture, shock and vibration. 收起
CV-2289-1 NuSil Silicone Technology 1 CV-2289-1 is a two-part, white silicone system that has a broad operating temperature range. This makes it an ideal product to use as an adhesive for extreme conditions. It can provide protection against moisture, dust, and other environmental hazards. Th...展开 CV-2289-1 is a two-part, white silicone system that has a broad operating temperature range. This makes it an ideal product to use as an adhesive for extreme conditions. It can provide protection against moisture, dust, and other environmental hazards. The high tear strength of this silicone elastomer make it affective in protecting seals, gaskets, and cable harness breakouts. 收起
CV-2289-2 NuSil Silicone Technology 1 CV-2289-2 is a black silicone elastomer system that can be used as an adhesive under extreme conditions. When applied to electrical systems and assemblies, it will protect them against shock, vibration, dust, moisture and chemicals. This product is also a...展开 CV-2289-2 is a black silicone elastomer system that can be used as an adhesive under extreme conditions. When applied to electrical systems and assemblies, it will protect them against shock, vibration, dust, moisture and chemicals. This product is also able to withstand varying temperatures and has a high tear strength. 收起
CV-2391 NuSil Silicone Technology 1 CV-2391 is a low viscosity, low to medium density silicone rubber foam that can be utilized in shock and vibration dampening situations. It is ideal to use this product for intricate back-filling because it has a low viscosity. It can also be used for app...展开 CV-2391 is a low viscosity, low to medium density silicone rubber foam that can be utilized in shock and vibration dampening situations. It is ideal to use this product for intricate back-filling because it has a low viscosity. It can also be used for applications that require low outgassing and minimal volatile condensable materials. 收起
CV-2500 NuSil Silicone Technology 1 CV-2500 is a strong silicone based adhesive that is made to handle extreme conditions in space applications including condensation, humidity, radiation, and both mechanical and thermal stress. It can also be an adhesive in applications that involve solar ...展开 CV-2500 is a strong silicone based adhesive that is made to handle extreme conditions in space applications including condensation, humidity, radiation, and both mechanical and thermal stress. It can also be an adhesive in applications that involve solar cell arrays where clarity and low volatility is needed. 收起