UL Prospector


371 条结果
Levaslip 411 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 Levaslip 411 为改性聚硅氧烷,提供涂膜表面良好的抗划伤性和流平、平滑性。 Request Sample
Levaslip 432 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 Levaslip 432 为适用于溶剂型涂料的硅酮流平剂,对于改善消光粉及铝粉的排列,效果尤其显着。 Request Sample
Levaslip 435 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 Levaslip 435 为适用于溶剂型涂料的流平剂。 Request Sample
Levaslip 455 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 Levaslip 455 为水油通用改性聚硅氧烷流平剂,能增进流平、平滑及防粘连的效果。 Request Sample
Levaslip 466 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 Levaslip 466 为聚硅氧烷的流平剂,适用于溶剂型涂料。 Request Sample
Levaslip 468 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 Levaslip 468 为改性聚硅氧烷流平剂,提供流平与平滑的功效。 Request Sample
Levaslip 475 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 Levaslip 475 为改性聚硅氧烷,侧链带有羟基,可作为树脂性能的改性。其特点为适用于溶剂型及无溶剂型涂料的平滑剂,并兼具耐磨性能的改善。 Request Sample
Levaslip 810 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 Levaslip 810 为改性聚硅氧烷,可用于水性、溶剂型、无溶剂型涂料及油墨体系,以增加流平和平滑性。 Request Sample
Levaslip 836 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 Levaslip 836 为适用于溶剂型涂料的流平剂,具有干爽的滑性触感。 Request Sample
Levaslip 8627 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 Levaslip 8627 is a modified polysiloxane with excellent leveling effect for solvent-based and UV curable system. Request Sample
Levaslip 8629 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 Levaslip 8629 为一聚醚改性有机硅氧烷之涂料油墨添加剂,能改善溶剂型和无溶剂型的平坦特性。 Request Sample
Levaslip 866 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 Levaslip 866 为一改性聚硅氧烷流平剂,适用于各种溶剂型体系。 Request Sample
Levaslip 872 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 Levaslip 872 为聚酯改性的聚硅氧烷流平剂。应用于烘漆体系,具有耐高温、再涂性佳等优点。 Request Sample
Levaslip 875 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 Levaslip 875 为一湿润性高的改性聚硅氧烷流平剂,对底涂湿润性佳。 Request Sample
Levaslip 879 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 Levaslip 879 为一改性聚硅氧烷流平剂,具有极佳的触感,可增进涂膜表面滑爽。 Request Sample
Levaslip W-461 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 Levaslip W-461 为适用于水性及高极性溶剂体系的平滑、耐摩擦、抗划伤、防止粘连助剂。 Request Sample
Levelol 495 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 Levelol 495 为一不含硅酮可再涂流平剂。 Request Sample
Levelol 835 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 Levelol 835 为不含硅酮可再涂流平剂。 Request Sample
Levelol 837 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 Levelol 837 为氟改性聚丙烯酸酯可再涂流平剂,提供优异流平性与底材润湿性。 Request Sample
Levelol 839 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 Levelol 839是不含芳烃氟改性的聚丙烯酸酯,可重涂于流平剂,可提供出色的流平性和底材润湿性。 Request Sample
Levelol TSP Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 Levelol TSP 由高沸点化合物与特殊界面活性剂所组成,可增进涂膜的流平与防止气泡、针孔的产生,适用于各种气干、烘干型的涂料。 Request Sample
Levelol W-469 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 Levelol W-469 为硅酮类底材润湿剂,适用于水性体系。 Request Sample
M-P-A® 1075 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 M-P-A® 1075 为一非反应性、不褪色,软浆状的全天然有机防沉剂 Request Sample
M-P-A® 1078 X Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 M-P-A® 1078 X 为高效防沉和防流挂添加剂。以分散于二甲苯的软蜡状提供。 Request Sample
M-P-A® 2000 X Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 M-P-A® 2000 X 是一个易操作、高效的有机防沉和防流挂添加剂,该产品以分散在二甲苯中的流动液体供应。 Request Sample
M-P-A® 20X Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 M-P-A® 20X 为半透明软浆状之流变助剂,适用于溶剂型涂料中颜料防沉。专为非水性体系中没有显着粘度增加之防沉功效所设计。 Request Sample
M-P-A® 24X Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 M-P-A® 24X is a translucent paste thixotropic rheological additive for solvent based coatings. It prevents pigment settling and gives good suspension. It is especially excellent for industrial, traffic and marine paints. Request Sample
M-P-A® 60X Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 M-P-A® 60X is a highly efficient anti-settling and sag-control additive supplied as a soft paste dispersed in xylene. Request Sample
NALZIN® FA 179 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 NALZIN® FA 179 特别推荐作为水性涂料的腐蚀抑制剂用于防止“闪锈”的形成,也可用作罐内腐蚀抑制剂。由于它在水中可乳化,所以也可用作临时性的防锈剂。 Request Sample
NALZIN® FA 579 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 NALZIN® FA 579 为一防止闪锈与罐内防腐且不含亚硝酸盐的防锈剂。由于它在水中可乳化,所以也可用作临时性的防锈剂。NALZIN® FA 579 适用于低 pH 值涂料配方中。 Request Sample
NUOSPERSE® 2000 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 NUOSPERSE® 2000 为一液态的载体和保湿剂,可用于符合挥发性有机物规范的色浆与颜料分散体。 Request Sample
NUOSPERSE® 2006 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 NUOSPERSE® 2006 为一不含有机溶剂的阴离子性表面活性剂。具有极佳的基材润湿性,可作为水性及溶剂性体系的润湿剂。 Request Sample
NUOSPERSE® 657 RD Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 NUOSPERSE® 657 RD 为一可用于各类溶剂涂料体系颜料的润湿分散剂,亦可应用于乙烯体系涂料工业。NUOSPERSE® 657 RD 含有环状芳香烃的量非常低。 Request Sample
NUOSPERSE® AP 657 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 NUOSPERSE® AP 657 为一可用于各类溶剂涂料体系颜料的润湿分散剂,亦可应用于乙烯体系涂料工业。 Request Sample
NUOSPERSE® FA 115 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 NUOSPERSE® FA 115 为一可用于改善通用色浆与基础漆之间兼容性的添加剂。 Request Sample
NUOSPERSE® FA 182 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 NUOSPERSE® FA 182 为一阴离子型表面活性剂,可用作分散体涂料的润湿剂。同时具有降低静电喷涂涂料电阻的功能,可用于有机体系和水性体系。 Request Sample
NUOSPERSE® FA 196 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 NUOSPERSE® FA 196 应用于有机溶剂体系的高度浓缩液体颜料分散剂。特别适用于碳黑的分散剂、热塑性丙烯酸体系的分散剂及作为促进通用色浆在基础醇酸涂料中进行分散的助剂。 Request Sample
NUOSPERSE® FA 601 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 NUOSPERSE® FA 601 专为溶剂型涂料体系设计的液态润湿分散剂。NUOSPERSE® FA 601 用于有机与无机颜料都具有良好的效果且成本低,可改善涂料的不透光性、光泽、色强度与明亮度。 Request Sample
NUOSPERSE® FN 211 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 NUOSPERSE® FN 211 为不含 VOC 且低气味的非离子颜料润湿分散剂,应用于水性涂料配方。可用来替代传统型烷基酚聚氧乙烯醚。 Request Sample
NUOSPERSE® FN 265 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 NUOSPERSE® FN 265 为一不含酚的非离子型润湿剂与乳化剂。 Request Sample
NUOSPERSE® FN 270 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 NUOSPERSE® FN 270 is an alkylphenol ethoxide-free and labelling-free, universal nonionic pigment wetting and dispersing agent. It is an effective replacement for nonylphenol-10eo. Request Sample
NUOSPERSE® FX 365 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 NUOSPERSE® FX 365 用于水性体系的非离子型润湿分散剂。具有优异的颜料润湿与稳定性能。 Request Sample
NUOSPERSE® FX 504 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 NUOSPERSE® FX 504 is a low-foaming, polymeric waterborne pigment dispersing agent that works effectively for many hydrophilic pigments and extenders that are used in aqueous coatings. Request Sample
NUOSPERSE® FX 600 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 NUOSPERSE® FX 600 为一高效水性颜料分散剂,可用于工业涂料、防护涂料、高光乳胶漆、色浆与印刷油墨。是一种液态多功能聚合物且不含有机溶剂。 Request Sample
NUOSPERSE® FX 605 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 NUOSPERSE® FX 605 为一低起泡性、低粘度且易于使用的水性颜料分散剂,可抵抗颜料于弱酸、中性与强碱性等环境下的絮凝现象发生。NUOSPERSE® FX 605 亦具有水解稳定性,因此在涂料的长期储存下仍可保持活性。 Request Sample
NUOSPERSE® FX 631 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 NUOSPERSE® FX 631 is sodium salt of a hydrophobic copolymer dispersant and can be used a general purpose dispersant in paint, ink, adhesives and other water based formulations. NUOSPERSE® FX 631 is a versatile pigment dispersant and has excellent compati...展开 NUOSPERSE® FX 631 is sodium salt of a hydrophobic copolymer dispersant and can be used a general purpose dispersant in paint, ink, adhesives and other water based formulations. NUOSPERSE® FX 631 is a versatile pigment dispersant and has excellent compatibility and efficiency across wide array of latex resins. This general purpose dispersant offers many formulating benefits, such as improved dispersibility of inorganic pigments and good gloss maintananence. Coating and inks formulations based on this product exhibit excellent stabiliy and great color properties. 收起 Request Sample
NUOSPERSE® FX 665 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 NUOSPERSE® FX 665 is an ammonium salt of a hydrophobic copolymer dispersant and provides improved water resistant properties to water based paints. Typically properties such as corrosion, water spot, and early blister resistance are enhanced. In addition ...展开 NUOSPERSE® FX 665 is an ammonium salt of a hydrophobic copolymer dispersant and provides improved water resistant properties to water based paints. Typically properties such as corrosion, water spot, and early blister resistance are enhanced. In addition improvement of wet adhesion is also typically achieved when this dispersant additive is utilized. 收起 Request Sample
NUOSPERSE® FX 7500W Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 NUOSPERSE® FX 7500W为水性涂料及水性墨水用之润湿分散剂,具有非常低的 VOC和优异的降粘效果,同时能提高有机及无机颜料的展色力 Request Sample
NUOSPERSE® FX 9086 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 NUOSPERSE® FX 9086 分散剂设计是用于色浆,且对溶剂型涂料和油墨应用提供了极为稳定的颜料分散。 Request Sample
NUOSPERSE® FX 9200 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 NUOSPERSE® FX 9200 适用于溶剂型与无溶剂型的油墨体系,对于有机颜料与碳黑具有良好的润湿与分散效果。 Request Sample
NUOSPERSE® FX 9200UV Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 NUOSPERSE® FX 9200UV 适用于溶剂型与无溶剂型(UV)的油墨体系,对于有机颜料与碳黑具有良好的润湿与分散效果。 Request Sample
NUOSPERSE® FX 9360 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 NUOSPERSE® FX 9360 适用于溶剂型的涂料体系,对于有机颜料与碳黑具有良好的润湿与分散效果。 Request Sample
NUOSPERSE® FX 9380 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 NUOSPERSE® FX 9380为一种具有高分子量和高度支化的共聚物的新型高性能超分散剂,它含有多种颜料锚定基团和树脂相容的侧链,这种独特的结构能在其周围形成立体保护层并提供有机颜料和碳黑提供良好的润湿和分散性能。 Request Sample
NUOSPERSE® W-22 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 NUOSPERSE® W-22 为一高效水性颜料润湿分散剂,可稳定颜料分散,且避免结块与粘度改变。 Request Sample
NUOSPERSE® W-30 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 NUOSPERSE® W-30 为一对环境无害的分散剂(APE - Free),可提供各种颜料的展色性与提高产能,对于水性涂料体系的颜料分散有理想的效果,可稳定分散避免结块。 NUOSPERSE® W-30 不会造成气泡生成或降低光泽度,也不影响干燥时间、阻值或涂模硬度。在高光泽度涂料中,改善分散性的同时,可提高光泽度与鲜映性。 Request Sample
NUOSPERSE® W-33 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 NUOSPERSE® W-33 is a dispersing agent that can be used with a variety of pigments to help provide full colour development and maximum production output. It is highly effective in wetting and dispersing pigments in waterborne systems, and stabilizing the f...展开 NUOSPERSE® W-33 is a dispersing agent that can be used with a variety of pigments to help provide full colour development and maximum production output. It is highly effective in wetting and dispersing pigments in waterborne systems, and stabilizing the finished dispersion to prevent reflocculation and viscosity drift. NUOSPERSE® W-33 is low VOC and free of Alkylphenolethoxylates. 收起 Request Sample
PIGMENT BLUE 15:6(C.I.NO.:PB15:6,PIGMENT BLUE 15:6) Shanghai Honor Industrial Co., LTD C.I.NO.:PB15:6,PIGMENT BLUE 15:6 is the modification of copper phthalocyanine. It affords the reddest blue shade provided by any copper phthalocyanine blue pigment. In recent years it has become possible to sufficiently stabilize these pigments towards ch...展开 C.I.NO.:PB15:6,PIGMENT BLUE 15:6 is the modification of copper phthalocyanine. It affords the reddest blue shade provided by any copper phthalocyanine blue pigment. In recent years it has become possible to sufficiently stabilize these pigments towards change of modification in order to largely eliminate undesirable coloristic effects in application. In terms of fastness properties, C.I.NO.:PB15:6,PIGMENT BLUE 15:6 performs like other modifications. In baking enamels, stabilized types are completely fast to overcoating, but they are not entirely fast to bleeding in plasticized PVC. 收起
PIGMENT BLUE 60(C.I.NO.:PB60,PIGMENT BLUE 60) Shanghai Honor Industrial Co., LTD C.I.NO.:PB60,PIGMENT BLUE 60 is an Indanthrone pigment which demonstrates excellent weatherfastness. Most grades of this pigment, like other commercial vat type pigments, provide good transparency. They are primarily applied in automotive finishes, especi...展开 C.I.NO.:PB60,PIGMENT BLUE 60 is an Indanthrone pigment which demonstrates excellent weatherfastness. Most grades of this pigment, like other commercial vat type pigments, provide good transparency. They are primarily applied in automotive finishes, especially in metallic finishes. It is highly durable even in light white reductions, and shows very good fastness to organic solvents, including alcohols, esters, and ketones, aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons, and various types of plasticizers. This product may also be employed in plastics, rubber, and elastomers. 收起
PIGMENT BULE 15:2(C.I.NO.;PB15:2,PIGMENT BLUE 15:2) Shanghai Honor Industrial Co., LTD C.I.NO.:PB15:2,PIGMENT BLUE 15:2 encompasses a number of Copper Phthalocyanine types which are stabilized towards flocculation and change of modification. Their main area of application is in paints. In accordance with its good fastness to flocculation, C...展开 C.I.NO.:PB15:2,PIGMENT BLUE 15:2 encompasses a number of Copper Phthalocyanine types which are stabilized towards flocculation and change of modification. Their main area of application is in paints. In accordance with its good fastness to flocculation, C.I.NO.:PB15:2,PIGMENT BLUE 15:2 demonstrates good resistance to rub-out in most common binder systems. Other fastness properties in application largely equal those of P.B.15:1. In printing inks, C.I.NO.:PB15:2,PIGMENT BLUE 15:2 is employed mostly in special gravure and flexographic inks. 收起
PIGMENT BULE 15:4(C.I.NO.;PB15:4,PIGMENT BLUE 15:4) Shanghai Honor Industrial Co., LTD C.I.NO.:PB15:4,PIGMENT BLUE 15:4 is a Copper Phthalocyanine Blue pigment designated in the the Colour Index. It is stabilized towards flocculation, and shows largely the same coloristic and fastness properties as C.I.NO.:PB15:3,PIGMENT BLUE 15:3 types, bu...展开 C.I.NO.:PB15:4,PIGMENT BLUE 15:4 is a Copper Phthalocyanine Blue pigment designated in the the Colour Index. It is stabilized towards flocculation, and shows largely the same coloristic and fastness properties as C.I.NO.:PB15:3,PIGMENT BLUE 15:3 types, but often exhibits much better rheology. As with stabilized Copper Phthalocyanine Blue types, stabilization through surface treatment has proven to decrease the solvent fastness of Copper Phthalocyanine Blue, sometimes considerably so, making the pigment more sensitive to aromatics, alcohols, ethylene glycol, and ketones. This product is an attractive choice for oven drying paints, and is also recommended for gravure printing inks. 收起
PIGMENT GREEN 7 Shanghai Honor Industrial Co., LTD PIGMENT GREEN 7, C.I.NO.PG7是一种有蓝色阴影的酞菁绿颜料。它主要用于工业涂料,建筑涂料和粉末涂料,打印油墨和塑料中。这款产品具有出色的色牢度和良好的热稳定性。
PIGMENT ORANGE 13 Shanghai Honor Industrial Co., LTD PIGMENT ORANGE 13 含有C.I.NO. PO13。它与C.I.NO.:PO34,PIGMENT ORANGE 34有十分相似的颜色性,但一般更加偏黄一些。C.I.NO.:PO13, PIGMENT ORANGE 13的应用产品中聚烯烃含量很有限。此颜料是很快的清洁剂。它也被用于粘性旋转染色以及原浆染色。在图像行业,从另一方面说,使用C.I.NO.:PO13, PIGMENT ORANGE 13到一定程度用于包装印刷油墨。其耐光度比较均衡但是对一些有机溶剂色素的稳定性是极好的或近乎完美的。同...展开 PIGMENT ORANGE 13 含有C.I.NO. PO13。它与C.I.NO.:PO34,PIGMENT ORANGE 34有十分相似的颜色性,但一般更加偏黄一些。C.I.NO.:PO13, PIGMENT ORANGE 13的应用产品中聚烯烃含量很有限。此颜料是很快的清洁剂。它也被用于粘性旋转染色以及原浆染色。在图像行业,从另一方面说,使用C.I.NO.:PO13, PIGMENT ORANGE 13到一定程度用于包装印刷油墨。其耐光度比较均衡但是对一些有机溶剂色素的稳定性是极好的或近乎完美的。同样,此油墨在石蜡,植物酯和脂肪酸盐应用迅速。它们热稳定性强,能高达200°C。C.I.NO.:PO13, PIGMENT ORANGE 13也被用于金属装饰涂装,提供适合的耐光性。同样,它对清洁的漆层有抵抗性,杀菌能力也是很好的。 收起
PIGMENT ORANGE 16 Shanghai Honor Industrial Co., LTD PIGMENT ORANGE 16也被称为Dianisidine Orange。它呈黄橙色,比P.O.13和34红。PIGMENT ORANGE 16应用的主要领域在打印油墨行业。这种颜料专门用于调整P.Y.12型苯胺黄色颜料的色调。为了提供更好的透明度还生产了树脂处理类型。PIGMENT ORANGE 16不耐光也并不耐用,不适合用于涂料。但是由于它成本较低,使其适用于橡胶和纺织印刷的着色剂。
PIGMENT ORANGE 34(C.I.NO.:PO34,PIGMENT ORANGE 34) Shanghai Honor Industrial Co., LTD C.I.NO.:PO34,PIGMENT ORANGE 34 is supplied in a variety of types, which differ considerably in their particle size distributions. Specific surface areas range from 15 m2/g in highly opaque versions to about 75 m2/g in transparent types. Transparent C.I.NO...展开 C.I.NO.:PO34,PIGMENT ORANGE 34 is supplied in a variety of types, which differ considerably in their particle size distributions. Specific surface areas range from 15 m2/g in highly opaque versions to about 75 m2/g in transparent types. Transparent C.I.NO.:PO34,PIGMENT ORANGE 34 versions represent the most frequent choice for printing inks as they provide a clean, yellowish orange hue and high tinctorial strength. This product is also used in textiles and plastics to a certain extent. 收起
PIGMENT ORANGE 36, C.I.NO.: PO36 Shanghai Honor Industrial Co., LTD PIGMENT ORANGE 36, C.I.NO.: PO36, red shade orange, HP Orange 3633,an Benzimidazolone Pigments, with excellent light fastness, weather fastness, solvent fastness, and opaque organic pigments, used for industrial and automotive coatings, packaging inks, me...展开 PIGMENT ORANGE 36, C.I.NO.: PO36, red shade orange, HP Orange 3633,an Benzimidazolone Pigments, with excellent light fastness, weather fastness, solvent fastness, and opaque organic pigments, used for industrial and automotive coatings, packaging inks, metal inks. 收起
PIGMENT ORANGE 38 (C.I.NO.:PO38, PIGMENT ORANGE 38) Shanghai Honor Industrial Co., LTD PIGMENT ORANGE 38是一种黄色调红色,主要用于打印油墨和塑料中。它显示出良好的牢度,适用于胶印油墨以及金属装饰印刷。塑料行业主要使用P.O.38为PVC,聚烯烃和聚苯乙烯着色。在涂料行业中,这种颜料有出色的耐溶剂性,可以在高档工业涂料等对于光牢度和耐用性要求不太苛刻的应用中使用。
PIGMENT ORANGE 71, C.I.NO.71, DPP Orange - HP ORANGE 3349 Shanghai Honor Industrial Co., LTD PIGMENT ORANGE 71,C.I.NO.71, DPP orange pigments is a medium orange pigment. It is mainly used for plastic color concentrate, in HDPE, PP AND PVC resins. This product has perfect migration-resistance properties, and heat resistance up to 300 degrees. It i...展开 PIGMENT ORANGE 71,C.I.NO.71, DPP orange pigments is a medium orange pigment. It is mainly used for plastic color concentrate, in HDPE, PP AND PVC resins. This product has perfect migration-resistance properties, and heat resistance up to 300 degrees. It is also used in printing inks with perfect solvent fastness and light-fastness and weather fastness. 收起
PIGMENT ORANGE 73, C.I.NO.73-HP ORANGE 3642 Shanghai Honor Industrial Co., LTD PIGMENT ORANGE 73,C.I.NO.73, DPP orange, Orange 3642 is recommended for high grade industrial paints, like OEM, Solvent stove paints, powder coatings and Coil coatings.
PIGMENT RED 112 Shanghai Honor Industrial Co., LTD PIGMENT RED 112 是一种十分好的中度红色颜料,混合了C.I. No. PR112。它的主要应用市场包括油墨印刷,抛光剂及涂料;但它也被用于其他一些领域。印刷油墨领域使用此产品主要在凸版印刷和平板印刷,凹版包装印刷油墨,柔性油墨。它的着色力很强。此颜料显现出了极好的耐光性。本产品极易溶于脂肪酸盐中,虽然它完全不能溶于石蜡,只是仅仅微溶于黄油及其它油脂类(步骤3)。它们也被干净漆涂层影响和具有杀菌作用。 在油漆中,PIGMENT RED 112 产生了类似红色的颜色。它或许能被使用到,但绝...展开 PIGMENT RED 112 是一种十分好的中度红色颜料,混合了C.I. No. PR112。它的主要应用市场包括油墨印刷,抛光剂及涂料;但它也被用于其他一些领域。印刷油墨领域使用此产品主要在凸版印刷和平板印刷,凹版包装印刷油墨,柔性油墨。它的着色力很强。此颜料显现出了极好的耐光性。本产品极易溶于脂肪酸盐中,虽然它完全不能溶于石蜡,只是仅仅微溶于黄油及其它油脂类(步骤3)。它们也被干净漆涂层影响和具有杀菌作用。 在油漆中,PIGMENT RED 112 产生了类似红色的颜色。它或许能被使用到,但绝不仅限于空气干燥漆之中,而且在烘烤搪瓷中,提供了合适的条件以避免爆裂。烘烤温度介于140-160°C 之间,浓度阈值为0.1%;介于180-200°C,极限位2.5%。其耐涂性不尽人意。但耐光性和耐环境性十分优异,甚至减少了白色。优异的牢固性能使得该产品适用于高级涂料,比如汽车漆及其他普通工业涂料。电泳漆是一种特殊用途的涂料,在乳胶漆中也有其特殊的用途,尽管它在外观上的固定性相对较差。 收起
PIGMENT RED 12 Shanghai Honor Industrial Co., LTD PIGMENT RED 12 是其中一种更为重要的波尔多有色材料,混合了C.I. No. PR12。印刷行业在平版印刷,凹版包装印刷和柔性水墨中广泛使用了PIGMENT RED 12。此颜料十分的耐晒而不褪色。它显示出很高的着色强度;对溶剂及其他的媒介的印刷牢度很适度。印刷品会受石蜡、黄油及其他的因素影响。PIGMENT RED 12 同样相似的对碱很敏感。 纺织品印刷使用PIGMENT RED 12 绝对的耐晒且不褪色。它能够承受最高达150°C的高温;甚至到了180°C,此颜料可保持其初始颜色值。涂...展开 PIGMENT RED 12 是其中一种更为重要的波尔多有色材料,混合了C.I. No. PR12。印刷行业在平版印刷,凹版包装印刷和柔性水墨中广泛使用了PIGMENT RED 12。此颜料十分的耐晒而不褪色。它显示出很高的着色强度;对溶剂及其他的媒介的印刷牢度很适度。印刷品会受石蜡、黄油及其他的因素影响。PIGMENT RED 12 同样相似的对碱很敏感。 纺织品印刷使用PIGMENT RED 12 绝对的耐晒且不褪色。它能够承受最高达150°C的高温;甚至到了180°C,此颜料可保持其初始颜色值。涂料行业主要将其用在干燥漆之中。它仅适用于高浓度配方。特别是在充分和相关的色调中。PIGMENT RED 12 具有相当令人满意的耐光性。此种颜料实际上偶尔也用于其牢度性能符合其规格的乳胶漆中。此产品也有一些特殊的运用, 比如说汽车清洁剂、地板抛光、鞋抛光等,并经常用于将办公用品和皮革染色。 收起
PIGMENT RED 122, C.I.NO.: PR122 Shanghai Honor Industrial Co., LTD PIGMENT RED 122,C.I.NO.: PR122, HP Red 26120 is a Quinacridone pigments with color index number pigment red 122, C.I.NO.: PR122, this is belong to Quinacridone group, with excellent anti-migration and heat stability property, and blue shade red or Pink co...展开 PIGMENT RED 122,C.I.NO.: PR122, HP Red 26120 is a Quinacridone pigments with color index number pigment red 122, C.I.NO.: PR122, this is belong to Quinacridone group, with excellent anti-migration and heat stability property, and blue shade red or Pink color. Is mainly used for high quality coatings, inks and plastics. 收起
PIGMENT RED 146 Shanghai Honor Industrial Co., LTD PIGMENT RED 146是一种具有很好耐溶性的蓝红色颜料。它主要用于印刷油墨、涂料和油漆。油墨行业使用C.I.NO.:PR146, PIGMENT RED 146来作为凸版印刷和胶印的油墨,同时也作为包装凹印和柔印印刷的油墨。此颜料可抗石油溶剂、邻苯二甲酸二丁酯、黄油、肥皂脂肪酸盐、碱、酸。此外,它们也十分稳定以清理漆涂层。至于热稳定性,C.I.NO.:PR146, PIGMENT RED 14能保留其颜色至10分钟(200°C),以及在180°C时30分钟。C.I.NO.:PR146, PIGME...展开 PIGMENT RED 146是一种具有很好耐溶性的蓝红色颜料。它主要用于印刷油墨、涂料和油漆。油墨行业使用C.I.NO.:PR146, PIGMENT RED 146来作为凸版印刷和胶印的油墨,同时也作为包装凹印和柔印印刷的油墨。此颜料可抗石油溶剂、邻苯二甲酸二丁酯、黄油、肥皂脂肪酸盐、碱、酸。此外,它们也十分稳定以清理漆涂层。至于热稳定性,C.I.NO.:PR146, PIGMENT RED 14能保留其颜色至10分钟(200°C),以及在180°C时30分钟。C.I.NO.:PR146, PIGMENT RED 14在纺织品中还显现出了良好的耐光性。C.I.NO.:PR146, PIGMENT RED 14还可用于涂料,主要应用于乳液建筑涂料;它也适合应用在耐久性不是很重要的一般工业涂料行业。C.I.NO.:PR146, PIGMENT RED 14可用于与钼酸盐颜料产生明亮的不透明红色颜料组合。在聚合物中,C.I.NO.:PR146, PIGMENT RED 14只用于彩色硬质PVC。C.I.NO.:PR146, PIGMENT RED 14是各种特殊应用的合适选择。该列表中包括木材污渍。此产品具有快速覆盖和稳定性在硝基酸催化聚酯清漆。强烈的色彩处于蓝色色标第七等耐光性。它的其它应用领域包括办公用品和艺术类颜料,清洁剂、纸张的纺前原浆着色,洗衣标记等。 收起
PIGMENT RED 169(C.I.NO.:PR169,PIGMENT RED 169) Shanghai Honor Industrial Co., LTD C.I.NO.:PR169,PIGMENT RED 169 is suited to letterpress and offset printing inks, where it provides the standard purple-red for three and four color printing in accordance with the DIN scale. Moreover, this product is frequently used for toluene based publ...展开 C.I.NO.:PR169,PIGMENT RED 169 is suited to letterpress and offset printing inks, where it provides the standard purple-red for three and four color printing in accordance with the DIN scale. Moreover, this product is frequently used for toluene based publication gravure printing inks, where it is sometimes applied in combination with C.I.NO.:PR53,PIGMENT RED 53. One of the major fields of application for C.I.NO.:PR169,PIGMENT RED 169 is in aqueous flexographic printing inks. 收起
PIGMENT RED 176 (C.I.NO.:PR176, PIGMENT RED 176) Shanghai Honor Industrial Co., LTD PIGMENT RED 176提供蓝红色调,比C.I.NO.:PR187,PIGMENT RED 187和208更蓝,比C.I.NO.:PR185和PIGMENT RED 185更黄。它主要用于塑料行业。该颜料在增塑PVC中显示出很好的迁移牢度。这款颜料还用于聚烯烃和聚苯乙烯,其耐光性同样良好。应用包括层压塑料板装饰打印等。PIGMENT RED 176的色调接近三和四色打印的标准洋红色。
PIGMENT RED 177(C.I.NO.:PR177,PIGMENT RED 177) Shanghai Honor Industrial Co., LTD C.I.NO.:PR177,PIGMENT RED 177 is mainly applied in industrial paints, in spin dyeing, and in polyolefin and PVC coloration. Combined with inorganic pigments, ir exhibits high lightfastness and weatherfastness. Combinations with Molybdate Red are also used...展开 C.I.NO.:PR177,PIGMENT RED 177 is mainly applied in industrial paints, in spin dyeing, and in polyolefin and PVC coloration. Combined with inorganic pigments, ir exhibits high lightfastness and weatherfastness. Combinations with Molybdate Red are also used in automotive finishes, especially for automotive O.E.M. finishes and for automotive refinishes. The types are highly transparent, which makes them suitable colorants for transparent paints. At typical processing temperatures for oven drying systems, C.I.NO.:PR177,PIGMENT RED 177 is entirely fast to overcoating. This product is recommended for automotive finishes, plastics, transparent films, PUR and PVC, spin dyeing, and printing inks. 收起
PIGMENT RED 179(C.I.NO.:PR179,PIGMENT RED 179) Shanghai Honor Industrial Co., LTD C.I.NO.:PR179,PIGMENT RED 179, a dimethyllperylimide compound, is probably the most significant member of its class. The pigment is primarily used in industrial coatings, especially for high grade original automotive (O.E.M) finishes and automotive refini...展开 C.I.NO.:PR179,PIGMENT RED 179, a dimethyllperylimide compound, is probably the most significant member of its class. The pigment is primarily used in industrial coatings, especially for high grade original automotive (O.E.M) finishes and automotive refinishes. It can provide clean shades of red, as well as maroon and Bordeaux shades. Transparent types are available for metallic finishes, sometimes also in combination with other organic or inorganic pigments. This product is used to a considerable extent in paints, and may also be used in plastics. 收起
PIGMENT RED 184 Shanghai Honor Industrial Co., LTD PIGMENT RED 184 带来了C.I.NO.:PR146.中偏蓝色的红色色彩。这两种产品在应用之中也十分的类似。它的印刷品抗脂肪酸盐、黄油、石蜡、邻苯二甲酸二丁酯、石油溶剂,和甲苯。C.I.NO.:PR184, PIGMENT RED 184是特殊用于抗碱、酸、耐皂性环境中。优良的耐有机溶剂性使得C.I.NO.:PR184, PIGMENT RED 184成为凸版印刷和胶印应用的合适选择,以及包装凹印油墨、柔印油墨。其金属装饰印刷品能抵抗清漆涂层。. C.I.NO.:PR184, PIGMENT ...展开 PIGMENT RED 184 带来了C.I.NO.:PR146.中偏蓝色的红色色彩。这两种产品在应用之中也十分的类似。它的印刷品抗脂肪酸盐、黄油、石蜡、邻苯二甲酸二丁酯、石油溶剂,和甲苯。C.I.NO.:PR184, PIGMENT RED 184是特殊用于抗碱、酸、耐皂性环境中。优良的耐有机溶剂性使得C.I.NO.:PR184, PIGMENT RED 184成为凸版印刷和胶印应用的合适选择,以及包装凹印油墨、柔印油墨。其金属装饰印刷品能抵抗清漆涂层。. C.I.NO.:PR184, PIGMENT RED 184还用于橡胶之中。 收起
PIGMENT RED 185 (C.I.NO.:PR185, PIGMENT RED 185) Shanghai Honor Industrial Co., LTD PIGMENT RED 185提干净,偏蓝色调的红色。这款颜料完全或几乎完全不溶于普通溶剂中。其主要应用在图形打印和塑料的大量着色领域。打印油墨行业在所有印刷技术中使用C.I.NO.:PR185,PIGMENT RED 185。打印油墨显示出很好的溶剂牢度。C.I.NO.:PR185,PIGMENT RED 185在塑料行业广泛应用于为PVC、聚氯乙烯和聚烯烃上色。
PIGMENT RED 188 Shanghai Honor Industrial Co., LTD PIGMENT RED 188 是一种偏黄的红色颜料,其具有很好的色牢性。其主要应用领域是在印刷油墨和油漆,此颜料适用于所有的印刷技术。1/1-1/25 SD凸版印刷论证此产品5-6等在蓝色色标上的耐光性等同于5等。颜料的着色强度表现的较差。然而,这些印刷品能很快抗御有机溶剂、脂肪、石蜡、脂肪酸盐、碱和酸。它们亦可以快速清除漆涂层,并可用于消毒。在DIN 16 524/1混合溶剂中色牢度稳定,然而,这还不够完美。说到它的热稳定性,, P.R.188颜料可容忍暴露在最高220°C的环境中10分钟,或是在18...展开 PIGMENT RED 188 是一种偏黄的红色颜料,其具有很好的色牢性。其主要应用领域是在印刷油墨和油漆,此颜料适用于所有的印刷技术。1/1-1/25 SD凸版印刷论证此产品5-6等在蓝色色标上的耐光性等同于5等。颜料的着色强度表现的较差。然而,这些印刷品能很快抗御有机溶剂、脂肪、石蜡、脂肪酸盐、碱和酸。它们亦可以快速清除漆涂层,并可用于消毒。在DIN 16 524/1混合溶剂中色牢度稳定,然而,这还不够完美。说到它的热稳定性,, P.R.188颜料可容忍暴露在最高220°C的环境中10分钟,或是在180°C 达到30分钟. 涂料工业使用C.I.NO.:PR188, PIGMENT RED 188在高档工业涂料的优秀稳定性。它的全色调等于蓝色色标上的第七等。TiO2降到1:5也能表现出相同点耐光性。颜料的耐候性同样等同于全色彩和其余相近的深色调。此颜料在烘烤温度低于160°C的情况下不渗透分散,它在涂料在可以保持其色彩在最高200°C当中。C.I.NO.:PR188, PIGMENT RED 188常常可在装饰性涂料中找到,此领域在美国的适用范围十分广泛。高度不透明的C.I.NO.:PR188, PIGMENT RED 188级已被推广在市场中。它比其他任何种类带来了灿烂的,至今更加偏黄的红色。 收起
PIGMENT RED 2 Shanghai Honor Industrial Co., LTD PIGMENT RED 2 是一种中等红色类型颜料混合了C.I. No. PR2。它主要的实用范围是印刷油墨领域。此类型物质是一些粗糙的颗粒,经常被用来配制高度着色的油墨,具有良好的流动性,并能够够满足相应的应用要求的类型。此颜料同时也展现出了良好的光泽型。 PIGMENT RED 2 在一些特殊的印刷品之中并不是表现的很完美。它主要用于平版印刷和凹版包装印刷和柔印水墨。此颜料同时也适用于纺织印刷。本产品还可作为一种颜料连接黏胶纤维和黏胶纤维素染色纺织品以及作为木浆棉膜的纺前染色。
PIGMENT RED 202(C.I.NO.:PR202,PIGMENT RED 202) Shanghai Honor Industrial Co., LTD C.I.NO.:PR202,PIGMENT RED 202, a very lightfast and weatherfast mixed phase quinacridone pigment, provides a dull bluish shade. It is primarily applied in automotive finishes. Even highly transparent types with fine particle sizes provide two-coat metalli...展开 C.I.NO.:PR202,PIGMENT RED 202, a very lightfast and weatherfast mixed phase quinacridone pigment, provides a dull bluish shade. It is primarily applied in automotive finishes. Even highly transparent types with fine particle sizes provide two-coat metallic finishes which offer excellent rheological properties. In terms of fastness to overcoating and other aspects of pigment performance and properties, C.I.NO.:PR202,PIGMENT RED 202 largely behaves like C.I.NO.:PR122,PIGMENT RED 122. 收起
PIGMENT RED 208(C.I.NO.:PR208,PIGMENT RED 208) Shanghai Honor Industrial Co., LTD C.I.NO.:PR208,PIGMENT RED 208 affords medium shades of red. The pigment exhibits good fastness to chemicals and solvents. Its main area of application is in the mass coloration of plastics and in packaging gravure printing inks. This product can be also b...展开 C.I.NO.:PR208,PIGMENT RED 208 affords medium shades of red. The pigment exhibits good fastness to chemicals and solvents. Its main area of application is in the mass coloration of plastics and in packaging gravure printing inks. This product can be also be used in spin dyeing, general industrial finishes, and in a variety of specialty media. 收起
PIGMENT RED 213 (C.I.NO.:PR213, PIGMENT RED 213) Shanghai Honor Industrial Co., LTD PIGMENT RED 213是一种很少在日本以外遇到的产品。颜料呈现蓝色调红色,匹配三和四色打印的标准品红色时其蓝色太深。市售类型相对较不透明,但是与其它Naphthol AS颜料相比比较不耐光。
PIGMENT RED 22 Shanghai Honor Industrial Co., LTD PIGMENT RED 22 是一种黄-红色颜料混合C.I. No. PR22.。它主要的市场在纺织品印刷,但它也被用于整个图像领域,比如说在平面印刷和凹版印刷,尤其是在硝化纤维为基础的油墨中。PIGMENT RED 22 在抗脂肪酸盐与碱性必须条件下使用十分有效。这款产品有着很高的着色强度,它在一定程度上又比C.I.NO.:PR9 淡一些,PIGMENT RED 9有着很高的区域浓度;在较低浓度的色素区是偏黄色。涂料工业在空气干燥系统中采用PIGMENT RED 22,在乳胶漆中,有时偶尔用于工业用漆。...展开 PIGMENT RED 22 是一种黄-红色颜料混合C.I. No. PR22.。它主要的市场在纺织品印刷,但它也被用于整个图像领域,比如说在平面印刷和凹版印刷,尤其是在硝化纤维为基础的油墨中。PIGMENT RED 22 在抗脂肪酸盐与碱性必须条件下使用十分有效。这款产品有着很高的着色强度,它在一定程度上又比C.I.NO.:PR9 淡一些,PIGMENT RED 9有着很高的区域浓度;在较低浓度的色素区是偏黄色。涂料工业在空气干燥系统中采用PIGMENT RED 22,在乳胶漆中,有时偶尔用于工业用漆。其应用领域包括paper mass和表面着色,颜色铅笔,艺术上色及其他用途。 收起
PIGMENT RED 242(C.I.NO.:PR242,PIGMENT RED 242) Shanghai Honor Industrial Co., LTD C.I.NO.:PR242,PIGMENT RED 242 affords a yellowish red shade, referred to as scarlet. It exhibits good to excellent resistance to organic solvents, such as alcohols, esters, ketones, and aliphatic hydrocarbons. The pigment is more soluble in aromatic hydro...展开 C.I.NO.:PR242,PIGMENT RED 242 affords a yellowish red shade, referred to as scarlet. It exhibits good to excellent resistance to organic solvents, such as alcohols, esters, ketones, and aliphatic hydrocarbons. The pigment is more soluble in aromatic hydrocarbons. C.I.NO.:PR242,PIGMENT RED 242, like other members of its class, is fast to alkali and acid. This product is used in plastics, paints, and printing inks. 收起
PIGMENT RED 254(C.I.NO.:PR254,PIGMENT RED 254) Shanghai Honor Industrial Co., LTD C.I.NO.:PR254,PIGMENT RED 254 is a DPP pigment which shows good coloristic and fastness properties. It is a widely used pigment for high industrial paints, especially in original automotive finishes and automotive refinishes. This product shows very good ...展开 C.I.NO.:PR254,PIGMENT RED 254 is a DPP pigment which shows good coloristic and fastness properties. It is a widely used pigment for high industrial paints, especially in original automotive finishes and automotive refinishes. This product shows very good fastness to organic solvents, fast blooming and bleeding, and good lightfastness and weatherfastness. It is used to color plastics which are processed at high temperatures. 收起
PIGMENT RED 255(C.I.NO.:PR255,PIGMENT RED 255) Shanghai Honor Industrial Co., LTD C.I.NO.:PR255,PIGMENT RED 255 affords reddish shades of orange, actually scarlet shades, which are distinctly more yellowish than those of C.I.NO.:PR254,PIGMENT RED 254. It shows excellent hiding power, lightfastness, and weatherfastness. This product is ...展开 C.I.NO.:PR255,PIGMENT RED 255 affords reddish shades of orange, actually scarlet shades, which are distinctly more yellowish than those of C.I.NO.:PR254,PIGMENT RED 254. It shows excellent hiding power, lightfastness, and weatherfastness. This product is recommended for high grade lead-free industrial finishes, especially automotive O.E.M. finishes. It is also of interest for the use in tinting systems for decorative paints. Within the plastics area it can be used in rigid and plasticized PVC. The list of applications also includes packaging and decorative printing inks. 收起
PIGMENT RED 269 Shanghai Honor Industrial Co., LTD PIGMENT RED 269的C.I.号码为PR269。它提供蓝色色调。这款颜料推荐用于打印油墨。
PIGMENT RED 272(C.I.NO.:PR272,PIGMENT RED 272) Shanghai Honor Industrial Co., LTD C.I.NO.:PR272,PIGMENT RED 272 is a medium red shade pigment and exhibits high color strength. It is said to be designed for use in PE, PP and PVC plastics applications, such as injection molding, sheet and cable extrusion and calendering as well as PP fib...展开 C.I.NO.:PR272,PIGMENT RED 272 is a medium red shade pigment and exhibits high color strength. It is said to be designed for use in PE, PP and PVC plastics applications, such as injection molding, sheet and cable extrusion and calendering as well as PP fibers application. The heat stability in these plastic materials reaches 300°C in the mass tone and 260°C in white reductions with a very low influence on shrinkage in HDPE. The pigment demonstrates good lightfastness and weatherfastness, but mass tone colorations tend to darken. Due to its good opacity, the pigment is recommended in general industrial paint applications for lead- and cadmium-free formulations. 收起
PIGMENT RED 3 Shanghai Honor Industrial Co., LTD PIGMENT RED 3也叫做C.I.NO.:PR3或甲苯胺红。它主要用于风干涂料。其色相随着粒径改变有很大变化,因此颜料制造商通常可以提供一系列品牌。较粗粒径的产品通常是蓝色的。甲苯胺红的全色彩非常耐光和耐候,但是随着添加白色颜料而迅速变差。该颜料推荐在全色或相似的深色调使用。推荐在室内应用或短期广告和标记等应用中使用。C.I.NO.:PR3, PIGMENT RED 3在打印油墨中的应用受到限制。在塑料行业,Toluidine Red仅限用于PVC。
PIGMENT RED 31 Shanghai Honor Industrial Co., LTD PIGMENT RED 31 呈现出红中带蓝色调,波尔多红(枣红色)。它主要应用在橡胶中,它具有良好的耐光性。此产品据观察不会渗透到自然橡胶或织物背面。该颜料能抗冷、抗热开水、肥皂类脂肪酸盐,洗涤剂溶剂,5%个水乙酸,和50%乙醇水。在聚苯乙烯、聚甲基丙烯酸酯、不饱和聚酯树脂等类似的中介物,C.I.NO.:PR31,PIGMENT RED 31高度透明的中等红色,这可被用作汽车尾灯及其它信号灯目的。它在PS和PMA挤压制品中的热稳定性好(5分钟),可在最高约280°C仍然稳定。C.I.NO.:PR31, ...展开 PIGMENT RED 31 呈现出红中带蓝色调,波尔多红(枣红色)。它主要应用在橡胶中,它具有良好的耐光性。此产品据观察不会渗透到自然橡胶或织物背面。该颜料能抗冷、抗热开水、肥皂类脂肪酸盐,洗涤剂溶剂,5%个水乙酸,和50%乙醇水。在聚苯乙烯、聚甲基丙烯酸酯、不饱和聚酯树脂等类似的中介物,C.I.NO.:PR31,PIGMENT RED 31高度透明的中等红色,这可被用作汽车尾灯及其它信号灯目的。它在PS和PMA挤压制品中的热稳定性好(5分钟),可在最高约280°C仍然稳定。C.I.NO.:PR31, PIGMENT RED 31对常见的过氧化物催化剂很稳定。此颜料有很好耐光性(0.025%在PMA制剂中,1.5mm毫米厚度层:位于蓝色色标第七等)。C.I.NO.:PR31, PIGMENT RED 31也常被用于纺织印染。 收起
PIGMENT RED 48:1 (C.I.NO.:PR48:1, PIGMENT RED 48:1) Shanghai Honor Industrial Co., LTD PIGMENT RED 48:1是一种通用的钡盐颜料。根据产品的表面情况提供淡黄色到中等红色色调。在多种常见有机溶剂中的牢度良好,如酯,酮,脂肪族和芳香烃等。P.R.48:1的主要应用领域是在打印油墨和塑料行业中。为了在印刷中增加透明性和减少印刷变成青铜色的强烈倾向,设计用于打印油墨的颜料常常以树脂化形式供应。这款产品常用于廉价的工业涂料中,展现出良好的重涂色牢度。
PIGMENT RED 48:2 (C.I.NO.:PR48:2, PIGMENT RED 48:2) Shanghai Honor Industrial Co., LTD PIGMENT RED 48:2是一种钙盐颜料,赋予蓝红色或红宝石般的色调。它常用于凹版包装油墨,以及印刷油墨中,特别是以NC为基础的包装油墨中。这款产品推荐用于三和四色印刷区域,如杂志封面等。这款产品通常用于塑料,提供良好的着色强度。
PIGMENT RED 49:1 Shanghai Honor Industrial Co., LTD PIGMENT RED 49:1是一种孔雀蓝,C.I. No.为PR49:1。它与Lake Red C颜料(P.R.53:1)在有机溶剂、酸碱和应用中的色牢度方面类似,热稳定性较差。应用方面,特别是在美国,包括弹性体,工业涂料,风干和硝基涂料。主要市场是印刷油墨。
PIGMENT RED 4(C.I.NO.:PR4,PIGMENT RED 4) Shanghai Honor Industrial Co., LTD C.I.NO.:PR4, PIGMENT RED 4 is also known as chlorinated Para Red. The pigment affords a yellowish red shade. Full shades exhibits good lightfastness, but darken somewhat upon exposure. Addition of even small amounts of TiO2 reduces the lightfastness consi...展开 C.I.NO.:PR4, PIGMENT RED 4 is also known as chlorinated Para Red. The pigment affords a yellowish red shade. Full shades exhibits good lightfastness, but darken somewhat upon exposure. Addition of even small amounts of TiO2 reduces the lightfastness considerably. Only full and similarly deep shades tolerate weather. This product is recommended for printing inks (especially for offset printing, packaging gravure, and flexo printing), and specialized applications. 收起
PIGMENT RED 53:1 (C.I.NO.:PR53:1, PIGMENT RED 53:1) Shanghai Honor Industrial Co., LTD PIGMENT RED 53:1是在印刷油墨中使用的最重要的红色颜料之一。它在一次性印刷产品中使用,特别是单张和卷筒纸胶印,凹版印刷和柔版印刷油墨。这款产品在其色调范围内是相对强烈和明亮的颜料。PR53:1在一系列有机溶剂中有良好的牢度,作为塑料的着色剂有出色的热稳定性,还显示出中等着色强度。这款产品还可以在涂料中使用,可以满足对牢度特别是光牢度的要求。
PIGMENT RED 57:1 (C.I.NO.:PR57:1,PIGMENT RED 57:1) Shanghai Honor Industrial Co., LTD PIGMENT RED 57:1是一种在有机颜料中就产品量和使用率都排名较高的钙盐颜料。它有较高的着色强度,主要用于打印油墨中。塑料行业在应用性能要求不高的情况下使用这种颜料,特别是对耐光性要求不高时。这款颜料偶尔也会用于工业涂料中。
PIGMENT RED 81(C.I.NO.:PR81,PIGMENT RED 81) Shanghai Honor Industrial Co., LTD C.I.NO.:PR81,PIGMENT RED 81 affords a very clean bluish red shade, which matches the purple-red on the DIN 16 508 color scale for letterpress application and also on the DIN 16 509 offset scale. It lacks fastness to polar solvents, such as alcohols, keton...展开 C.I.NO.:PR81,PIGMENT RED 81 affords a very clean bluish red shade, which matches the purple-red on the DIN 16 508 color scale for letterpress application and also on the DIN 16 509 offset scale. It lacks fastness to polar solvents, such as alcohols, ketones, and esters, as well as to the DIN 16 524 solvent mixture. However, C.I.NO.:PR81,PIGMENT RED 81 prints are very fast to aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, paraffin, butter, and many other fats, although they are not entirely stable to sterilization. This product is used especially in three and four color printing and lends itself to various printing processes, therefore pigments of this type are referred to as “Process Red” in the USA. 收起
PIGMENT RED 8(C.I.NO:PR8,PIGMENT RED 8) Shanghai Honor Industrial Co., LTD C.I.NO:PR8, PIGMENT RED 8 affords clean, bluish shades of red. It is primarily used in the printing ink industry. It exhibits high tinctorial strength and produces brilliant prints. This product is used in prints which require no particular solvent resist...展开 C.I.NO:PR8, PIGMENT RED 8 affords clean, bluish shades of red. It is primarily used in the printing ink industry. It exhibits high tinctorial strength and produces brilliant prints. This product is used in prints which require no particular solvent resistance. The prints are fast to soap but not entirely stable to butter and paraffin. C.I.NO:PR8, PIGMENT RED 8 is used in a variety of special media outside the paints, printing inks, and plastics field, which is also true for other members of this class of pigments. One such application is in the paper industry, where the pigment is used for mass coloration and surface coating formulations. It also lends itself to application in artists’ colors and office articles. 收起
PIGMENT RED PR170 F3RK, C.I.NO.: PR170 Shanghai Honor Industrial Co., LTD PIGMENT RED 170, C.I.NO.: PR170 F3RK70,HP Red 2130 is an AZO pigments with middium red shade, C.I.NO.: PR170,it is an opaque, high solvent stability, mainly used for industrial coatings, powder coatings, and also for PP, PVC colorants.