UL Prospector



Vitals alpha content is relatively high but it is unique especially due to very high content of DMX. The smell of hops is pronounced hoppy and spicy. In brewing trials and beer tasting contests Vital showed good influence on beer taste and smell. Vital is medium susceptible to downy mildew (Pseudoperonospora humuli) and tolerant to powdery mildew (Podosphaera macularis). It is available in Type T90 Hop Pellets and in Leaf Hops.


Castle Malting® is the oldest malting plant in Belgium and one of the oldest malt producers and suppliers in the world. They offer malt, hops, yeasts, spices, caps, sugars and cleaning products. Castle Malting® has managed to create a truly unique company that is able to respond to malt demands of any kind including those of a home brewer to the customized requirements of industrial breweries.


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