UL Prospector

Carthamus Yellow Color


Carthamus Yellow Color is extracted and purified from the petals of Carthamus tinctorius L. This product appears as a yellow or yellowish-brown powder, soluble in water and dilute ethanol, insoluble in acetone and oil. It is stable in acidic pH ranges. Carthamus Yellow Color can be used in tea beverages, snacks, noodles, candies, tinned food, and wine applications.


Hua Kang Natural Color Factory is a supplier that specializes in manufacturing natural colors used in the Food, Beverage and Nutrition industry. This company utilizes advanced technology and specialized equipment to produce more than ten natural colors, which include Purple Sweet Potato Color, Gardenia Yellow Color, Chlorophyll, and more. These products are mainly used to bring color to food and beverages.


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Hua Kang Natural Color Factory

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