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6 条结果
Corn Flour Rohan International Corn Flour is obtained from naturally cultivated raw maize, grown using natural manure. It is a yellowish cream color, with excellent taste, and high nutritional value. Corn Flour is used in biscuits, pasta, papad, cookies, and pastries.
Jasmine Castle Malting Jasmine uses the Jasmini Flos part of the Jasmine plant. The main components of Jasmine are 80-90% water. It has a sweet and unique perfume and is very floral. It is used in Blonde beers, IPA, wheat and light beers.
L-Cysteine Hydrochloride Monohydrate Shijiazhuang Shixing Amino Acid Co., Ltd. L-Cysteine Hydrochloride Monohydrate is a non-essential amino acid containing sulfur. It is a white powder with a very strong acid taste that has antiseptic and anti-oxidant properties. It is used as a dietary supplement, flavoring, bread improver, and ...展开 L-Cysteine Hydrochloride Monohydrate is a non-essential amino acid containing sulfur. It is a white powder with a very strong acid taste that has antiseptic and anti-oxidant properties. It is used as a dietary supplement, flavoring, bread improver, and color fixer. 收起
L-Cystine Shijiazhuang Shixing Amino Acid Co., Ltd. L-Cystine is a semi-essential amino acid that is produced in the body under normal physiological conditions. It is a main ingredient in dough conditioner and is widely used as a flavor enhancer for food. When L-Cysteine is combined with sugar in noneynz...展开 L-Cystine is a semi-essential amino acid that is produced in the body under normal physiological conditions. It is a main ingredient in dough conditioner and is widely used as a flavor enhancer for food. When L-Cysteine is combined with sugar in noneynzymatic browning processes (Maillard reaction), it yields a meat flavor. It is also used as a nutritional supplement. 收起
Rice Flour Rohan International Rice Flour is produced from polished raw rice and is gluten free. It is in the form of finely ground powder, has no odor, and is a natural white color. Rice Flour is used cereals, crackers, chips, snacks, baking mixes, sweets, dough, and pasta.
"Soon Soon" Hydrogenated Palm Stearine Soon Soon Oilmills SDN BHD "Soon Soon" Hydrogenated Palm Stearine provides functional and structural stability to foods and improves shelf life. It is used in peanut butter, bakery mixes, breading mixes, seasoning mixes, and shortening.