UL Prospector


27 条结果
Arantal® BioXtract Arantal® is the best source of bioavailable Curcumin on the market. It is a proprietary formulation combining Curcumin with an emulsifier and an organic acid. Human pharmacokinetics data (Phase I) demonstrate the outstanding absorption of Curcumin.
Artiflex BioXtract Artiflex is an innovative formulation of Curcumin, the most active principal of Turmeric (curcuma longa l.). Resulting from several years of research and development, Artiflex is a unique composition, combining Curcumin and β-cyclodextrin, leading to a ma...展开 Artiflex is an innovative formulation of Curcumin, the most active principal of Turmeric (curcuma longa l.). Resulting from several years of research and development, Artiflex is a unique composition, combining Curcumin and β-cyclodextrin, leading to a marked improvement in uptake, with doses of Curcumin of 3.705 mg bio-equivalent to 1,200 mg of non-complexed curcumin. Artiflex will contribute to joint wellbeing by relieving pain, and protecting cartilage from breakdown. Taken long term, over time Artiflex will help improve flexibility and contribute to healthy joints. 收起
Calcium Ascorbate Kingchem LLC Calcium Ascorbate appears as a white to slightly yellow crystalline powder. This product combines calcium and ascorbic acid and is used in dietary supplements to aid in the absorption of salt in the digestive system. Calcium Ascorbate has a ph of 7.1, a...展开 Calcium Ascorbate appears as a white to slightly yellow crystalline powder. This product combines calcium and ascorbic acid and is used in dietary supplements to aid in the absorption of salt in the digestive system. Calcium Ascorbate has a ph of 7.1, a specific rofation of +96° and a loss on drying of .08%. 收起
Cassia Tora Powder – 100 Mesh Altrafine Gums Cassia Tora Powder – 100 Mesh is a wild crop and grows in most parts of India as a weed. A natural gelling agent which has industrial and food applications is made commercially from the seed. This product appears as an off-white to yellowish powder, and h...展开 Cassia Tora Powder – 100 Mesh is a wild crop and grows in most parts of India as a weed. A natural gelling agent which has industrial and food applications is made commercially from the seed. This product appears as an off-white to yellowish powder, and has a particle distribution of 100 mesh pass thru 80-100%. The primary chemical constituents of Cassia include cinnamaldehyde, gum, tannins, mannitol, coumarins, and essential oils. This product is used as a gelling agent, thickener, emulsifier, and a bonding agent. 收起
Cassia Tora Powder – 150 Mesh Altrafine Gums Cassia Tora Powder – 150 Mesh is a wild crop and grows in most parts of India as a weed. A natural gelling agent which has industrial and food applications is made commercially from the seed. This product appears as an off-white to yellowish powder, and h...展开 Cassia Tora Powder – 150 Mesh is a wild crop and grows in most parts of India as a weed. A natural gelling agent which has industrial and food applications is made commercially from the seed. This product appears as an off-white to yellowish powder, and has a particle distribution of 150 mesh pass thru 80-100%. The primary chemical constituents of Cassia include cinnamaldehyde, gum, tannins, mannitol, coumarins, and essential oils. This product is used as a gelling agent, thickener, emulsifier, and a bonding agent. 收起
Cassia Tora Powder – 60 Mesh Altrafine Gums Cassia Tora Powder – 60 Mesh is a wild crop and grows in most parts of India as a weed. A natural gelling agent which has industrial and food applications is made commercially from the seed. This product appears as an off-white to yellowish powder, and ha...展开 Cassia Tora Powder – 60 Mesh is a wild crop and grows in most parts of India as a weed. A natural gelling agent which has industrial and food applications is made commercially from the seed. This product appears as an off-white to yellowish powder, and has a particle distribution of 60 mesh pass thru 80-100%. The primary chemical constituents of Cassia include cinnamaldehyde, gum, tannins, mannitol, coumarins, and essential oils. This product is used as a gelling agent, thickener, emulsifier, and a bonding agent. 收起
Cognityl® BioXtract Cognityl® is an innovative food-supplement, associating highly active xanthines (caffeine and theobromine) in well defined ratio and concentration for an optimal action on intellectual performance and concentration. Cognityl® improves mental energy (motiv...展开 Cognityl® is an innovative food-supplement, associating highly active xanthines (caffeine and theobromine) in well defined ratio and concentration for an optimal action on intellectual performance and concentration. Cognityl® improves mental energy (motivation, cognition, wellbeing and alertness) and reduces intellectual fatigue. Cognityl® contains cocoa extract and supercritical tea extract, and is standardized in theobromine and caffeine. The specific ratio of xanthines has psychostimulant effects without the side effects observed with highly concentrated caffeine products. Cognityl®’s rapid enhancement of neuronal inter-connection allows you to rapidly be more efficient. 收起
Cumin Seed Altrafine Gums Cumin is native to Egypt and has been cultivated in the Middle East, India, and China and Mediterranean countries for millennia. Cumin has played an important role as a food and medicine and has been a cultural symbol with varied attributes. Today and his...展开 Cumin is native to Egypt and has been cultivated in the Middle East, India, and China and Mediterranean countries for millennia. Cumin has played an important role as a food and medicine and has been a cultural symbol with varied attributes. Today and history also has experienced the flavor of cumin during the Roman Empire and in the ancient India where cumin has its mention as the sugandhan “well-smelling”. Cumin still maintained an important role in Indian and Middle Eastern cuisines. Today, cumin is experiencing improved recognition owing to newfound appreciation of its culinary and therapeutic properties. Cumin is supposed to increase lactation and reduce nausea in pregnancy and has been shown to be effective in treating carpal tunnel syndrome, as well as diarrhea, indigestion and morning sickness. 收起
D-Calcium Pantothenate Kingchem LLC D-Calcium Pantothenate appears as a white powder. This product is a water soluble vitamin that is used in dietary supplements to help with the production of hormones, energy production and fat storage. D-Calcium Pantothenate has a specific optical rotat...展开 D-Calcium Pantothenate appears as a white powder. This product is a water soluble vitamin that is used in dietary supplements to help with the production of hormones, energy production and fat storage. D-Calcium Pantothenate has a specific optical rotation of +25.9°, a loss on drying of 4.1% and has a nitrogen content of 5.74%. 收起
Fennel Seed Altrafine Gums Fennel is a highly aromatic and flavorful herb with culinary and medicinal uses, and is one of the primary ingredients of absinthe. Florence fennel or finocchio is a selection with a swollen, bulb like stem base that is used as a vegetable. Fennel is used...展开 Fennel is a highly aromatic and flavorful herb with culinary and medicinal uses, and is one of the primary ingredients of absinthe. Florence fennel or finocchio is a selection with a swollen, bulb like stem base that is used as a vegetable. Fennel is used as a food plant by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including the Mouse Moth and the Anise Swallowtail. Fennel yields both an herb and a spice. All plant parts are edible: roots, stalks and leaves, with the spice coming from the dried seeds. A native to the Mediterranean, Fennel is an ancient and common plant known to the ancient Greeks and spread throughout Europe by Imperial Rome. 收起
Fenugreek Gum Powder Altrafine Gums Fenugreek Gum Powder is an edible seed and hence its isolated gum is the latest addition to the list of galactomannan gums. Fenugreek is an annual crop, mainly cultivated in India. Fenugreek gums was not used in industries till 1990 but after that fenugr...展开 Fenugreek Gum Powder is an edible seed and hence its isolated gum is the latest addition to the list of galactomannan gums. Fenugreek is an annual crop, mainly cultivated in India. Fenugreek gums was not used in industries till 1990 but after that fenugreek had dual use by removing the spice and other components and separate the unique galactomannan which is also known as fenugreek gum powder to be used in the industries. The fenugreek gum powder is tasteless and odourless. It contains galactomannan which is a polysaccharide made of galactose combined with mannan. It is considered very good for obesity and diabetic patients. 收起
Guar Gum Powder Altrafine Gums Gum is derived from guar seeds or cyamopsis tetragonoloba termed as Guar Gum. Guar Gum is relatively cost effective as compared to other thickeners and stabilizers along with it being an effective binder, plasticizer and emulsifier. One of the important p...展开 Gum is derived from guar seeds or cyamopsis tetragonoloba termed as Guar Gum. Guar Gum is relatively cost effective as compared to other thickeners and stabilizers along with it being an effective binder, plasticizer and emulsifier. One of the important properties of guar gum, a polysaccharide, is that it is high on galactose and mannose. Guar gum has been proven to lower blood glucose and insulin levels. 收起
Kappa Carrageenan Gum Powder Altrafine Gums Kappa Carrageenan Gum Powder is a product extracted from seaweed plant tissue that provides gelling properties for food products. This product is a compatible gelling agent that can be used in hot or cold foods. It is also a good stabilizing agent that ca...展开 Kappa Carrageenan Gum Powder is a product extracted from seaweed plant tissue that provides gelling properties for food products. This product is a compatible gelling agent that can be used in hot or cold foods. It is also a good stabilizing agent that can control the structure of water molecules, and as such is commonly used as a prime component in puddings. Kappa Carrageenan Gum Powder is synergistically compatible with other gum products in producing the desire gelling effect, and can be used as an alternative to animal based gelatin products. 收起
Locust Bean Gum Powder Altrafine Gums Locust Bean Gum Powder has a similar taste profile to cocoa, and is used in food products for moisture control, as a viscous agent, a stabilizer, thickening agent, as a texture modifier and to improve elasticity. This product is used to thicken products s...展开 Locust Bean Gum Powder has a similar taste profile to cocoa, and is used in food products for moisture control, as a viscous agent, a stabilizer, thickening agent, as a texture modifier and to improve elasticity. This product is used to thicken products such as ice creams, baby foods, desserts and fruit extract syrups. Locust Bean Gum Powder is often used as a substitute for cocoa in specialty food items made for diet conscious and diabetic end users. 收起
Mustard Seed Altrafine Gums Mustard seeds are also known as rapeseeds. Mustard seeds are the smallest seeds of the various mustard plants. The seeds are about 2mm in diameter and come in yellowish with to black. French have used mustard seeds as a spice since 800 AD, and it was amon...展开 Mustard seeds are also known as rapeseeds. Mustard seeds are the smallest seeds of the various mustard plants. The seeds are about 2mm in diameter and come in yellowish with to black. French have used mustard seeds as a spice since 800 AD, and it was amongst spices taken by the Spanish on explorations throughout the 1400s. Mustard is highly used in a variety of Indian pickles consisting of mangoes and aavalu powdered mustard and it is very popular in South India. The basic taste and heat of the mustard is largely determined by seed type, preparation and ingredients. Black seed mustard is generally regarded as the hottest type. 收起
Nasaler® BioXtract Nasaler® is unique on the market, offering a natural solution for total care of allergic rhinitis. It has bioavailable curcumin, quercetin and vitamin D for total care of allergic rhinitis. Open-label clinical trial demonstrates improvement of all symptom...展开 Nasaler® is unique on the market, offering a natural solution for total care of allergic rhinitis. It has bioavailable curcumin, quercetin and vitamin D for total care of allergic rhinitis. Open-label clinical trial demonstrates improvement of all symptoms in less than 28 days in allergic patients. It's used for seasonal and non-seasonal allergies, and has no side-effects or drowsiness. 收起
Psyllium Husk 85% Altrafine Gums Psyllium Husk 85% is obtained from the Psyllium plant. This product is an annual crop cultivated largely in Gujarat and in some parts of Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. The Botanical name of Psyllium husk is Plantago Ovata, and it is better known as Isabgol...展开 Psyllium Husk 85% is obtained from the Psyllium plant. This product is an annual crop cultivated largely in Gujarat and in some parts of Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. The Botanical name of Psyllium husk is Plantago Ovata, and it is better known as Isabgol in India. Psyllium Husk 85% is mucilage having a combination of xylose, aucubin, galacturonic, arabinose and semi drying fatty oils. Psyllium consists of 80% water soluble fiber. Psyllium mucilage has a viscosity that is undeterred in a temperature range of 68 to 122 degrees F, a pH range from 2 to 10 and by sodium chloride up to 0.15 m. This product has a swell volume of not less than 40 ml/gram and a minimum psyllium mucilloid content of 85%. 收起
Psyllium Husk 95% Altrafine Gums Psyllium Husk 95% is obtained from the Psyllium plant. This product is an annual crop cultivated largely in Gujarat and in some parts of Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. The Botanical name of Psyllium husk is Plantago Ovata, and it is better known as Isabgol...展开 Psyllium Husk 95% is obtained from the Psyllium plant. This product is an annual crop cultivated largely in Gujarat and in some parts of Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. The Botanical name of Psyllium husk is Plantago Ovata, and it is better known as Isabgol in India. Psyllium Husk 95% is mucilage having a combination of xylose, aucubin, galacturonic, arabinose and semi drying fatty oils. Psyllium consists of 80% water soluble fiber. Psyllium mucilage has a viscosity that is undeterred in a temperature range of 68 to 122 degrees F, a pH range from 2 to 10 and by sodium chloride up to 0.15 m. This product has a swell volume of not less than 50ml/gram and a minimum psyllium mucilloid content of 95%. 收起
Psyllium Husk 98% Altrafine Gums Psyllium Husk 98% is obtained from the Psyllium plant. This product is an annual crop cultivated largely in Gujarat and in some parts of Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. The Botanical name of Psyllium husk is Plantago Ovata, and it is better known as Isabgol...展开 Psyllium Husk 98% is obtained from the Psyllium plant. This product is an annual crop cultivated largely in Gujarat and in some parts of Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. The Botanical name of Psyllium husk is Plantago Ovata, and it is better known as Isabgol in India. Psyllium Husk 98% is mucilage having a combination of xylose, aucubin, galacturonic, arabinose and semi drying fatty oils. Psyllium consists of 80% water soluble fiber. Psyllium mucilage has a viscosity that is undeterred in a temperature range of 68 to 122 degrees F, a pH range from 2 to 10 and by sodium chloride up to 0.15 m. This product has a swell volume of not less than 55ml/gram and a minimum psyllium mucilloid content of 98%. 收起
Psyllium Husk 99% Altrafine Gums Psyllium Husk 99% is obtained from the Psyllium plant. This product is an annual crop cultivated largely in Gujarat and in some parts of Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. The Botanical name of Psyllium husk is Plantago Ovata, and it is better known as Isabgol...展开 Psyllium Husk 99% is obtained from the Psyllium plant. This product is an annual crop cultivated largely in Gujarat and in some parts of Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. The Botanical name of Psyllium husk is Plantago Ovata, and it is better known as Isabgol in India. Psyllium Husk 99% is mucilage having a combination of xylose, aucubin, galacturonic, arabinose and semi drying fatty oils. Psyllium consists of 80% water soluble fiber. Psyllium mucilage has a viscosity that is undeterred in a temperature range of 68 to 122 degrees F, a pH range from 2 to 10 and by sodium chloride up to 0.15 m. This product has a swell volume of not less than 65ml/gram and a minimum psyllium mucilloid content of 99%. 收起
Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (Vitamin B6) Kingchem LLC Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (Vitamin B6) appears as an almost white crystalline powder. This product has a loss on drying of .08%, a residue on ignition of .01% and a chloride content (on dried basis) of 17.3%. Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (Vitamin B6) is used...展开 Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (Vitamin B6) appears as an almost white crystalline powder. This product has a loss on drying of .08%, a residue on ignition of .01% and a chloride content (on dried basis) of 17.3%. Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (Vitamin B6) is used as a nutrition enhancer in dietary supplements. 收起
Regulid Plus BioXtract Regulid Plus is unique on the market, offering a natural solution for avoiding yo-yo dieting process. It stabilizes weight and fights a yo-yo effect. It reduces adipocyte differentiation & increase lipolysis anti-inflammatory action. It's a natural extrac...展开 Regulid Plus is unique on the market, offering a natural solution for avoiding yo-yo dieting process. It stabilizes weight and fights a yo-yo effect. It reduces adipocyte differentiation & increase lipolysis anti-inflammatory action. It's a natural extract of organic garlic. 收起
Riboflavin 5 Phosphate Sodium USP35 Kingchem LLC Riboflavin 5 Phosphate Sodium USP35 appears as an orange-yellow, crystalline powder. This product has a specific rotation of +38.1°, a ph value of 6.1 and a loss on drying of 5.6%. Riboflavin 5 Phosphate Sodium USP35 is used as a coloring in the food i...展开 Riboflavin 5 Phosphate Sodium USP35 appears as an orange-yellow, crystalline powder. This product has a specific rotation of +38.1°, a ph value of 6.1 and a loss on drying of 5.6%. Riboflavin 5 Phosphate Sodium USP35 is used as a coloring in the food industry. 收起
Sesbania Gum Powder Altrafine Gums Sesbania gum is extracted from sesbania seeds which is originated from India. The sesbania gum powder is white loose milky powder which is soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol, ketones, ethers and other organic solvents. Sesbania gum powder can be dispe...展开 Sesbania gum is extracted from sesbania seeds which is originated from India. The sesbania gum powder is white loose milky powder which is soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol, ketones, ethers and other organic solvents. Sesbania gum powder can be dispersed in cold water to form a viscous solution. The viscosity of sesbania gum powder is 5-10 times higher than natural plant gum, sodium alginate. It plays a major role as a flocculant in water and wastewater treatment. 收起
Tamarind Kernel Powder (De-Oil) - 200 Mesh Altrafine Gums Tamarind Kernel Powder (De-Oil) - 200 Mesh is derived from the plant Tamarindus Indica. Tamarind is an evergreen tree. The white kernel obtained of tamarind seeds are utilized for producing Tamarind Kernel Powder. This product appears as an off-white to c...展开 Tamarind Kernel Powder (De-Oil) - 200 Mesh is derived from the plant Tamarindus Indica. Tamarind is an evergreen tree. The white kernel obtained of tamarind seeds are utilized for producing Tamarind Kernel Powder. This product appears as an off-white to creamy powder, and has a particle distribution of 200 mesh. Tamarind pulp is one of the souring agent in Indian curries. For the reason that of sugar and acid contents the tamarind pulp is used in kitchens for curries, sauces, syrups and other food beverages. Tamarind kernel is rich in protein, carbohydrates, fibers and oils. 收起
Tamarind Kernel Powder (Oil) – 300 Mesh Altrafine Gums Tamarind Kernel Powder (Oil) – 300 Mesh is derived from the plant Tamarindus Indica. Tamarind is an evergreen tree. The white kernel obtained of tamarind seeds are utilized for producing Tamarind Kernel Powder. This product appears as an off-white to crea...展开 Tamarind Kernel Powder (Oil) – 300 Mesh is derived from the plant Tamarindus Indica. Tamarind is an evergreen tree. The white kernel obtained of tamarind seeds are utilized for producing Tamarind Kernel Powder. This product appears as an off-white to creamy powder, and has a particle distribution of 300 mesh. Tamarind pulp is one of the souring agent in Indian curries. For the reason that of sugar and acid contents the tamarind pulp is used in kitchens for curries, sauces, syrups and other food beverages. Tamarind kernel is rich in protein, carbohydrates, fibers and oils. 收起
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) Kingchem LLC Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) appears as a yellow, crystalline powder. This product has a specific rotation of -129, a loss on drying of .10% and a residue on ignition of .10 %. Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) is used in the food industry as an anti-oxidant and an ir...展开 Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) appears as a yellow, crystalline powder. This product has a specific rotation of -129, a loss on drying of .10% and a residue on ignition of .10 %. Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) is used in the food industry as an anti-oxidant and an iron metabolizer. 收起