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50 条结果
Acesulfame-k Qingdao Century Minghui International Trade Co., Ltd. Acesulfame-k is an artificial sweetener used in food products. It is a white powder that is virtually odorless, and has a very sweet taste (about 200 times sweeter than cane sugar). It is highly stable and can be used in a broad range of foods and beverag...展开 Acesulfame-k is an artificial sweetener used in food products. It is a white powder that is virtually odorless, and has a very sweet taste (about 200 times sweeter than cane sugar). It is highly stable and can be used in a broad range of foods and beverages, including soft drinks, sugars, syrups, chewing gum, and baked goods. It is also used in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and healthcare (toothpaste, mouthwash, etc.). 收起
Alpha-Linolenic Acid 武汉欧米嘉生物医药有限公司 Wuhan Omega Biomedicine Co., Ltd. α-亚麻酸简称ALA,CAS No.463-40-1。它存在于绿色植物中,是ω-3 系不饱和脂肪酸类的一种主要原料,是n-3 系多不饱和脂肪酸的母体。α-亚麻酸不能通过人体自身合成,也无法由其他营养来合成,必须依靠膳食来获得。α-亚麻酸具有延缓衰老、改善记忆、改善睡眠、提高智力、提高免疫力、调节血脂、血压、血糖、保护视力、通便、保肝等保健功效,在营养学界被誉为“植物脑黄金”。α-亚麻酸是人们必须的营养素之一,对人体的健康有重要的意义,其制剂也有很多医学上的治疗效果,可以预见,α-亚麻酸将在人类未来的保健和...展开 α-亚麻酸简称ALA,CAS No.463-40-1。它存在于绿色植物中,是ω-3 系不饱和脂肪酸类的一种主要原料,是n-3 系多不饱和脂肪酸的母体。α-亚麻酸不能通过人体自身合成,也无法由其他营养来合成,必须依靠膳食来获得。α-亚麻酸具有延缓衰老、改善记忆、改善睡眠、提高智力、提高免疫力、调节血脂、血压、血糖、保护视力、通便、保肝等保健功效,在营养学界被誉为“植物脑黄金”。α-亚麻酸是人们必须的营养素之一,对人体的健康有重要的意义,其制剂也有很多医学上的治疗效果,可以预见,α-亚麻酸将在人类未来的保健和营养方面发挥重要作用。我司产品主要应用于医药、食品、保健品、食用油、动物饲料等领域。 收起
cis-Palmitoleic Acid 武汉欧米嘉生物医药有限公司 Wuhan Omega Biomedicine Co., Ltd. 棕榈油酸,又名顺-9-十六烯酸,CAS No. 373-49-9,主要少量存在于沙棘类植物油脂中,具有重要的营养和医药价值,可以用于医药,试剂,农药等领域。产品优势:原料全部来源于植物,从天然沙棘果油中提取,纯天然,无化学添加成份。工艺采用分子蒸馏等提取分离技术,工艺稳定,健康环保,无环境污染。工业化生产40%和70%棕榈油酸,颜色浅,过氧化值低,可用于清真化妆品和保健品添加。
Gamma-Linolenic Acid 武汉欧米嘉生物医药有限公司 Wuhan Omega Biomedicine Co., Ltd. γ-亚麻酸,化学品名顺式-6,9,12-十八碳三烯酸,CAS No.506-26-3,天然以甘油酯形式存在于人乳及某些种子植物、孢子植物的油中,另外根据研究发现,γ-亚麻酸的营养保健作用如下:抗心血管疾病作用,降血脂作用,降血糖作用,抗癌作用,美白和抗皮肤老化作用。产品优势:原料全部来源于植物,从天然琉璃苣油中提取,纯天然,无化学添加成份。工艺采用多种先进提取技术,工艺稳定,成本低,健康环保,无污染排放。工业化生产40%和70%的γ-亚麻酸及其酯,具有颜色浅、过氧化值低的优点,可用于化妆品和保健品添加。另...展开 γ-亚麻酸,化学品名顺式-6,9,12-十八碳三烯酸,CAS No.506-26-3,天然以甘油酯形式存在于人乳及某些种子植物、孢子植物的油中,另外根据研究发现,γ-亚麻酸的营养保健作用如下:抗心血管疾病作用,降血脂作用,降血糖作用,抗癌作用,美白和抗皮肤老化作用。产品优势:原料全部来源于植物,从天然琉璃苣油中提取,纯天然,无化学添加成份。工艺采用多种先进提取技术,工艺稳定,成本低,健康环保,无污染排放。工业化生产40%和70%的γ-亚麻酸及其酯,具有颜色浅、过氧化值低的优点,可用于化妆品和保健品添加。另外我司通过微囊话技术可以提供高含量的微囊粉末,20-35%。 收起
Linoleic Acid 武汉欧米嘉生物医药有限公司 Wuhan Omega Biomedicine Co., Ltd. 亚油酸,化学品名顺-9,12-十八碳二烯酸,CAS No. 60-33-3,具有降低血脂、软化血管、降低血压、促进微循环的作用,可预防或减少心血管病的发病率,特别是对高血压、高血脂、心绞痛、冠心病、动脉粥样硬化、老年性肥胖症等的防治极为有利,能起到防止人体血清胆固醇在血管壁的沉积,有“血管清道夫”的美誉,具有防治动脉粥样硬化及心血管疾病的保健效果。产品优势:欧米嘉公司亚油酸产品主要以葵花籽油为原料,采用先进的提取工艺,保证了产品的质量。该产品尤其适于食品、医药和香料等行业。工艺为多种先进提取技术,工艺稳定...展开 亚油酸,化学品名顺-9,12-十八碳二烯酸,CAS No. 60-33-3,具有降低血脂、软化血管、降低血压、促进微循环的作用,可预防或减少心血管病的发病率,特别是对高血压、高血脂、心绞痛、冠心病、动脉粥样硬化、老年性肥胖症等的防治极为有利,能起到防止人体血清胆固醇在血管壁的沉积,有“血管清道夫”的美誉,具有防治动脉粥样硬化及心血管疾病的保健效果。产品优势:欧米嘉公司亚油酸产品主要以葵花籽油为原料,采用先进的提取工艺,保证了产品的质量。该产品尤其适于食品、医药和香料等行业。工艺为多种先进提取技术,工艺稳定,成本低,健康环保,无污染排放。具有工业化生产超高纯度99%的工艺,颜色浅,单杂低,可以用于注射级药用辅料原料。提供游离酸、乙酯,甲酯和甘油酯等不同的脂肪酸形式。 收起
MSG Qingdao Century Minghui International Trade Co., Ltd. MSG, or Monosodium Glutamate, is a of concentrated salt designed to be a food additive with the intent of enhancing flavors. While MSG is very common among traditional Chinese dishes, other food items that contain MSG include processed deli meats, sausage...展开 MSG, or Monosodium Glutamate, is a of concentrated salt designed to be a food additive with the intent of enhancing flavors. While MSG is very common among traditional Chinese dishes, other food items that contain MSG include processed deli meats, sausages, sauces, barbecued meats, a variety of soups, taco seasoning, hot dogs, smoked meats, some dried dip mixes, and ranch dressing. 收起
Oleic Acid 武汉欧米嘉生物医药有限公司 Wuhan Omega Biomedicine Co., Ltd. 油酸,化学品名为9-顺式十八碳烯酸,为omega-9单不饱和脂肪酸,CAS No.112-80-1,天然以甘油酯形式存在于各种动植物脂肪中。油酸具有降低高血脂症患者血脂水平以及预防心血管疾病的作用,可降低血清总胆固醇、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇,并保持高密度脂蛋白胆固醇不降低。油酸的用途极为广泛,工业上可用于油墨、涂料等行业的增溶剂。纯度较高的油酸可以作为食品医药乳化剂和稳定剂。我司生产的90%油酸,可达到无色液体,热稳定性好,来源为天然食用油,质量稳定,可广泛用于食品加工行业。我司生产的99%以上的油酸,无色透...展开 油酸,化学品名为9-顺式十八碳烯酸,为omega-9单不饱和脂肪酸,CAS No.112-80-1,天然以甘油酯形式存在于各种动植物脂肪中。油酸具有降低高血脂症患者血脂水平以及预防心血管疾病的作用,可降低血清总胆固醇、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇,并保持高密度脂蛋白胆固醇不降低。油酸的用途极为广泛,工业上可用于油墨、涂料等行业的增溶剂。纯度较高的油酸可以作为食品医药乳化剂和稳定剂。我司生产的90%油酸,可达到无色液体,热稳定性好,来源为天然食用油,质量稳定,可广泛用于食品加工行业。我司生产的99%以上的油酸,无色透明液体,热稳定性极好,可用于注射级药用辅料吐温80的原料。产品优势:原料来源稳定,天然有机,非转基因。可工业化生产超高纯度99%以上,热稳定性好,颜色为无色液体,完全可以满足生产注射级吐温80(2015药典)的指标要求。80%/90%香精香料级油酸和油酸乙酯,工艺稳定,成本低,健康环保,无污染排放。 收起
Refinded Camellia Oil 武汉欧米嘉生物医药有限公司 Wuhan Omega Biomedicine Co., Ltd. 本品为纯天然植物油,CAS号: 225233-97-6。从山茶花(油茶)种子中压榨提纯而成。山茶精油的油酸含量高达80%以上,是一种具有很高抗氧化性的植物精油。山茶花属常绿山茶科油茶属,每年10月至次年1月期间开花。全球绝大部分山茶科植物精油都提取自山茶树种子。在中国,山茶花一般是指能提炼籽油的山茶属植物。种子含油量约为16‐17%,籽仁含油量约为60%。山茶花油是一种干性油,与椿花油类似。两者都属于山茶科山茶属。性状:本品为淡黄色透明液体,无味或较淡气味。由于其富含油酸,亚油酸含量较少,山茶花精油属于一...展开 本品为纯天然植物油,CAS号: 225233-97-6。从山茶花(油茶)种子中压榨提纯而成。山茶精油的油酸含量高达80%以上,是一种具有很高抗氧化性的植物精油。山茶花属常绿山茶科油茶属,每年10月至次年1月期间开花。全球绝大部分山茶科植物精油都提取自山茶树种子。在中国,山茶花一般是指能提炼籽油的山茶属植物。种子含油量约为16‐17%,籽仁含油量约为60%。山茶花油是一种干性油,与椿花油类似。两者都属于山茶科山茶属。性状:本品为淡黄色透明液体,无味或较淡气味。由于其富含油酸,亚油酸含量较少,山茶花精油属于一种干性油,具有很高的抗氧化性。用途:可用于食用植物油,化妆品,洗浴用品,护肤品,营养霜,冷霜;基础护肤产品:按摩霜,防晒油,润肤油;护发产品:发油,洗发水,焗油膏,护发素 收起
Sulfamic Acid Qingdao Century Minghui International Trade Co., Ltd. Sulfamic Acid is manufactured from urea, sulfur trioxide, and sulfuric acid. It appears as a white crystalline solid and is soluble and highly ionized in water. Sulfamic Acid is used in the manufacturing of paper and cardboard with the intent of being in ...展开 Sulfamic Acid is manufactured from urea, sulfur trioxide, and sulfuric acid. It appears as a white crystalline solid and is soluble and highly ionized in water. Sulfamic Acid is used in the manufacturing of paper and cardboard with the intent of being in contact with food items, and therefore it is FDA approved (GRAS) as an indirect food ingredient. 收起
VIDOCREM A UNIPEKTIN AG VIDOCREM A is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 40-80 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often use...展开 VIDOCREM A is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 40-80 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often used in yogurt, vinaigrette, mayonnaise, and ketchup. 收起
VIDOCREM B UNIPEKTIN AG VIDOCREM B is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 90-140 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often us...展开 VIDOCREM B is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 90-140 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often used in mayonnaise and ketchup. 收起
VIDOCREM C UNIPEKTIN AG VIDOCREM C is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 450-550 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often u...展开 VIDOCREM C is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 450-550 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often used in yoghurt, mayonnaise, and vinaigrette. 收起
VIDOCREM D UNIPEKTIN AG VIDOCREM D is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 900-1100 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often ...展开 VIDOCREM D is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 900-1100 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often used in vinaigrette, mayonnaise, yoghurt, and ketchup. 收起
VIDOCREM D150 UNIPEKTIN AG VIDOCREM D150 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a hot viscosity of 900-1250 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is ofte...展开 VIDOCREM D150 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a hot viscosity of 900-1250 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often used in mayonnaise and yoghurt. 收起
VIDOCREM E UNIPEKTIN AG VIDOCREM E is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 1400-1600 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often...展开 VIDOCREM E is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 1400-1600 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often used in ketchup, mayonnaise, and vinaigrette. 收起
VIDOCREM F UNIPEKTIN AG VIDOCREM F is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 1800-2200 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often...展开 VIDOCREM F is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 1800-2200 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often used in mayonnaise, vinaigrette, and yoghurt. 收起
VIDOCREM G UNIPEKTIN AG VIDOCREM G is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 2400-2800 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often...展开 VIDOCREM G is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 2400-2800 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often used in yoghurt, ketchup, mayonnaise, and vinaigrette. 收起
VIDOCREM G150 UNIPEKTIN AG VIDOCREM G150 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a hot viscosity of 2400-2800 mPa.s.This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is ofte...展开 VIDOCREM G150 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a hot viscosity of 2400-2800 mPa.s.This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often used in vinaigrette and mayonnaise. 收起
VIDOGUM BIO L 150 UNIPEKTIN AG VIDOGUM BIO L 150 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a hot viscosity of 2300-3000 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is...展开 VIDOGUM BIO L 150 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a hot viscosity of 2300-3000 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often used as a natural and organic food additive in salad dressing, syrup, cheese, and ice cream. 收起
VIDOGUM BIO L 175 UNIPEKTIN AG VIDOGUM BIO L 175 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a hot viscosity of 2000-2800 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is...展开 VIDOGUM BIO L 175 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a hot viscosity of 2000-2800 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often used as a natural and organic food additive in cheese, salad dressing, and ice cream. 收起
VIDOGUM BIO L 200 UNIPEKTIN AG VIDOGUM BIO L 200 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a hot viscosity of 1600-2200 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is...展开 VIDOGUM BIO L 200 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a hot viscosity of 1600-2200 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often used as a natural and organic food additive in ice cream, cheese, processed fruit, and dried vegetables. 收起
VIDOGUM G 200 UNIPEKTIN AG VIDOGUM G 200 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 2000-3300 mPa.s and a hot viscosity of 3000-4300 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transpare...展开 VIDOGUM G 200 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 2000-3300 mPa.s and a hot viscosity of 3000-4300 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often used in salad dressings, ketchup, sauces, canned fish, and frozen food items. 收起
VIDOGUM GCZ 612 UNIPEKTIN AG VIDOGUM GCZ 612 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 2000-2500 mPa.s. It contains xanthan, which is produced by biotechnological procedures with the support of the microorganism Xanthomonas campe...展开 VIDOGUM GCZ 612 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 2000-2500 mPa.s. It contains xanthan, which is produced by biotechnological procedures with the support of the microorganism Xanthomonas campestis (non GMO origin), guar gum, obtained from the endosperm of the guar plant seed (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) and is blended with saccharose. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often used in salad dressings, ketchup, cheese, and processed meat, etc. 收起
VIDOGUM GE UNIPEKTIN AG VIDOGUM GE is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a hot viscosity of 4000-5300 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often ...展开 VIDOGUM GE is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a hot viscosity of 4000-5300 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often used in sauces, salad dressings, ketchup, and cheese. 收起
VIDOGUM GH 150 UNIPEKTIN AG VIDOGUM GH 150 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 2200-3300 mPa.s and a hot viscosity of 3200-4200 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transpar...展开 VIDOGUM GH 150 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 2200-3300 mPa.s and a hot viscosity of 3200-4200 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often used in sauces, salad dressings, and ketchup. 收起
VIDOGUM GH 175 UNIPEKTIN AG VIDOGUM GH 175 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 2700-3800 mPa.s and a hot viscosity of 3600-4500 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transpar...展开 VIDOGUM GH 175 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 2700-3800 mPa.s and a hot viscosity of 3600-4500 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often used in processed fruit, dried vegetables, salad dressing, and cheese products. 收起
VIDOGUM GH 200 UNIPEKTIN AG VIDOGUM GH 200 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity greater than 3200 and a hot viscosity greater than 4400. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparen...展开 VIDOGUM GH 200 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity greater than 3200 and a hot viscosity greater than 4400. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often used in ketchup, sauces, and salad dressings. 收起
VIDOGUM GH 250 UNIPEKTIN AG VIDOGUM GH 250 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 4200-5500 and a hot viscosity of 4700-6000. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the ...展开 VIDOGUM GH 250 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 4200-5500 and a hot viscosity of 4700-6000. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often used in salad dressing, sauces, processed fruit, and dried vegetables. 收起
VIDOGUM GH 325 UNIPEKTIN AG VIDOGUM GH 325 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 4200-5500 mPa.s and a hot viscosity of 4700-6000 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transpar...展开 VIDOGUM GH 325 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 4200-5500 mPa.s and a hot viscosity of 4700-6000 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often used in sauces and salad dressing. 收起
VIDOGUM GS UNIPEKTIN AG VIDOGUM GS is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 50-150 mPa.s, and it is blended with carrageenan processed from red seaweeds (Rhodophyceae). This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a...展开 VIDOGUM GS is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 50-150 mPa.s, and it is blended with carrageenan processed from red seaweeds (Rhodophyceae). This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often used in processed fruits and dried vegetables. 收起
VIDOGUM L 150 UNIPEKTIN AG VIDOGUM L 150 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a hot viscosity of 2500-3100 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is oft...展开 VIDOGUM L 150 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a hot viscosity of 2500-3100 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often used in ice cream, infant formulas, yogurt, and mayonnaise. 收起
VIDOGUM L 150/3000 UNIPEKTIN AG VIDOGUM L 150/3000 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a hot viscosity of 2800-3500 mPa.s (measured for a dry matter of 100%). This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transpar...展开 VIDOGUM L 150/3000 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a hot viscosity of 2800-3500 mPa.s (measured for a dry matter of 100%). This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often used in ice cream, jellies, and infant formulas. 收起
VIDOGUM L 150/3200 UNIPEKTIN AG VIDOGUM L 150/3200 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a hot viscosity greater than 3000 mPa.s (measured for a dry matter of 100%). This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the tra...展开 VIDOGUM L 150/3200 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a hot viscosity greater than 3000 mPa.s (measured for a dry matter of 100%). This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often used in infant formulas, ice cream, cheese, and confectionery. 收起
VIDOGUM L 175 UNIPEKTIN AG VIDOGUM L 175 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a hot viscosity of 2400-3000 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often used...展开 VIDOGUM L 175 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a hot viscosity of 2400-3000 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often used in mayonnaise, vinaigrette, and yogurt. 收起
VIDOGUM L 175/2800 UNIPEKTIN AG VIDOGUM L 175/2800 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a hot viscosity of 2600-3000 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It i...展开 VIDOGUM L 175/2800 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a hot viscosity of 2600-3000 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often used in vinaigrette and mayonnaise. 收起
VIDOGUM L 175/C500 UNIPEKTIN AG VIDOGUM L 175/C500 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 300-600 mPa.s and a hot viscosity of 2400-3000 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transp...展开 VIDOGUM L 175/C500 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 300-600 mPa.s and a hot viscosity of 2400-3000 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often used in ice cream, cheese, processed fruit, and confectionery. 收起
VIDOGUM L 190 UNIPEKTIN AG VIDOGUM L 190 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a hot viscosity of 1800-2700 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is oft...展开 VIDOGUM L 190 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a hot viscosity of 1800-2700 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often used in ice cream, jellies, and infant formulas. 收起
VIDOGUM L 190/C500 UNIPEKTIN AG VIDOGUM L 190/C500 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 300-600 mPa.s and a hot viscosity of 1800-2700 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transp...展开 VIDOGUM L 190/C500 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 300-600 mPa.s and a hot viscosity of 1800-2700 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often used in ice cream, processed fruit, infant formulas, and cheese. 收起
VIDOGUM L 200 UNIPEKTIN AG VIDOGUM L 200 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a hot viscosity of 1700-2300 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is oft...展开 VIDOGUM L 200 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a hot viscosity of 1700-2300 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often used in jellies, mayonnaise, and vinaigrette. 收起
VIDOGUM L 200/2000 UNIPEKTIN AG VIDOGUM L 200/2000 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a hot viscosity greater than 2000 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy....展开 VIDOGUM L 200/2000 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a hot viscosity greater than 2000 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often used in ice cream, cheese, and infant formulas. 收起
VIDOGUM L Clear UNIPEKTIN AG VIDOGUM L Clear is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a hot viscosity of 800-1500 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is of...展开 VIDOGUM L Clear is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a hot viscosity of 800-1500 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often used in ice cream, cheese, processed fruit, and infant formula. 收起
VIDOGUM L CON UNIPEKTIN AG VIDOGUM L CON is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a hot viscosity of 1900-2500. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often use...展开 VIDOGUM L CON is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a hot viscosity of 1900-2500. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often used in vinaigrette, mayonnaise, ice cream and yogurt. 收起
VIDOGUM L-B UNIPEKTIN AG VIDOGUM L-B is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 650-1200 mPa.s and a hot viscosity of 2500-3400 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency...展开 VIDOGUM L-B is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 650-1200 mPa.s and a hot viscosity of 2500-3400 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often used in ice cream, cheese, and processed fruit. 收起
VIDOGUM LS 35 UNIPEKTIN AG VIDOGUM LS 35 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 800-1500 mPa.s and a hot viscosity of 2800-3700 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparen...展开 VIDOGUM LS 35 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 800-1500 mPa.s and a hot viscosity of 2800-3700 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often used in ice cream, cheese, and yogurt. 收起
VIDOGUM LS 35/E UNIPEKTIN AG VIDOGUM LS 35/E is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 300-800 mPa.s and a hot viscosity of 1000-2000 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transpare...展开 VIDOGUM LS 35/E is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 300-800 mPa.s and a hot viscosity of 1000-2000 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often used in cheese, yogurt, and infant formulas. 收起
VIDOGUM LS 36 UNIPEKTIN AG VIDOGUM LS 36 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 400-700 mPa.s and a hot viscosity of 2700-3500 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparenc...展开 VIDOGUM LS 36 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 400-700 mPa.s and a hot viscosity of 2700-3500 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often used in yogurt, ice cream, and cheese. 收起
VIDOGUM LS 6535/2001 UNIPEKTIN AG VIDOGUM LS 6535/2001 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 500-1100 mPa.s and a hot viscosity of 2100-2900 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the tr...展开 VIDOGUM LS 6535/2001 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 500-1100 mPa.s and a hot viscosity of 2100-2900 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often used in infant formulas, cheese, yogurt, and ice cream. 收起
VIDOGUM SP-SYN UNIPEKTIN AG VIDOGUM SP-SYN is the trade name of a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 900-1300 mPa.s and a hot viscosity of 1250-1650 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor,...展开 VIDOGUM SP-SYN is the trade name of a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 900-1300 mPa.s and a hot viscosity of 1250-1650 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often used in yogurt, ice cream, and cheese products. 收起
VIDOGUM SP175 UNIPEKTIN AG VIDOGUM SP175 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 2600-3500 mPa.s and a hot viscosity of 4100-5300 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transpare...展开 VIDOGUM SP175 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 2600-3500 mPa.s and a hot viscosity of 4100-5300 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often used in ice cream, cheese products, processed fruit, and fat spreads. 收起
VIDOGUM SP200 UNIPEKTIN AG VIDOGUM SP200 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 2600-3500 mPa.s and a hot viscosity of 3600-4800 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transpare...展开 VIDOGUM SP200 is a stabilizing, binding and thickening agent for the food industry. It has a cold viscosity of 2600-3500 mPa.s and a hot viscosity of 3600-4800 mPa.s. This product is a white to cream-colored powder with a neutral flavor, and the transparency of the solution is cloudy. It is often used in processed fruit, ice cream, and cheese products. 收起