UL Prospector

Genapol® EP 2484


Genapol® EP 2484 is a low foaming surfactant for all type of cleaners.

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Retailer Compliance Status

Name (CAS Number)
Alcohols, C12-14, ethoxylated propoxylated (68439-51-0) Sign in to view

Regulatory & Advisory Status

Name (CAS Number)
Alcohols, C12-14, ethoxylated propoxylated (68439-51-0)
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Compliance information powered by UL's ChemADVISOR™ Regulatory Database.


Clariant International Ltd. has expertise in the Industrial and Home Care industry, and provides solutions for fabric cleaning, floor washing products, and dish washing products. The company offers nonionic surfactants for detergents, and solvents, humectants, and plasticizers for many applications. Their portfolio also includes color-protecting polymers, amine oxides, and low foaming surfactants.


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