UL Prospector

Full Cream Goat Milk Powder


Full Cream Goat Milk Powder is manufactured by spray-drying whole fresh goat milk. The goat milk powder contains the natural content of fat and protein present at the time the goat milk is spray-dried. These contents are subject to seasonal fluctuation. However, the process can be modified to incorporate the standardization of the fat and protein content should this be required for a specific application. Full cream goat milk powder is suitable for use in a wide variety of foods such as, for example, dairy drinks and desserts, cheese, ice-cream, infant and follow-on formula, nutritional supplements, and tablets.


CBM is an international producer of goat milk powder. Some of the products they offer full cream and skim milk powder, goat cream and butter and pure goat lactose. CBM is able to supply custom blends by mixing skimmed or full cream goat milk powder with other powdered ingredients. They can also supply products suited for their customers specific processing, formulation and equipment requirements.

