UL Prospector

Hansa Yellow 111 Product Code - TCY11101


Hansa Yellow 111 Product Code - TCY11101 is a yellow powder in the chemical class Monoazo Yellow and has a color index number C.I. pigment of yellow 111. It has a specific gravity (water=1) of 1.40~1.60, a specific surface of 20~35 m^2/g, and an average particle size of 50~150nm. This product is ideally used for printing ink and paint.


Trust Chem Europe BV is a global producer of organic pigments used in the Paint and Coatings industry. This company offers an extensive range of high performance pigments and classic pigments for use in industrial coatings, decorative coatings, automotive coatings, coil coatings, and powder coatings. These raw materials can improve the resistance of industrial substrates to meet weathering requirements.


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