UL Prospector



  1. 匯集了來自油漆與塗料行業250多家頂級原料供應商的原材料和設備信息。
  2. 包含了上千餘種原材料的最新TDS(技術數據表)、參考配方以及資質證書等內容。
  3. Prospector賽百庫內的各種高效搜索工具,不但能幫助您從眾多供應商的產品中精煉出所需的產品,還支持價格咨詢和在線樣品申請。所有的操作完全電子化,十分快捷、高效。



Recent Articles from the Prospector Knowledge Center
10 Apr
Rheology – Understanding and Control
Knowledge Center

Rheology – Understanding and Control

painting supplies - Learn more about bio-based resins
This article is the second in a series concerning rheology of paint and paint processes. The term rheology was first described by Professor Bingham and accepted by The American Society of Rheology when it was founded in 1929 and defined … Continued

The post Rheology – Understanding and Control appeared first on Prospector Knowledge Center.

27 Mar
Unveiling the Power of Concrete Sealants: Shielding Surfaces for Extended Durability
Knowledge Center

Unveiling the Power of Concrete Sealants: Shielding Surfaces for Extended Durability

Concrete sealants, alternatively referred to as concrete sealers or coatings, are applied to concrete surfaces to safeguard them from diverse environmental elements and prolong their durability. These substances create a protective layer on the concrete surface, mitigating potential damage from … Continued

The post Unveiling the Power of Concrete Sealants: Shielding Surfaces for Extended Durability appeared first on Prospector Knowledge Center.

13 Mar
The Importance of Particle Size in Coatings Formulations
Knowledge Center

The Importance of Particle Size in Coatings Formulations

What is particle size and why is it important? What is a particle? How is particle size measured and described? What effects can the particle size of coatings ingredients have on the formula properties? Let’s explore these questions.  Particles are … Continued

The post The Importance of Particle Size in Coatings Formulations appeared first on Prospector Knowledge Center.