UL Prospector

Organo Co 6


Organo Co 6 is a cobalt drier in the form of a low viscosity liquid. It has a metal content of 5.8 to 6.2% and a density of 0.885 to 0.900 g/cm3. This product can be used in solvent-borne coatings and printing inks.


Organometal SA is a manufacturer that specializes in metal carboxylates of synthetic and natural fatty acid and additives for use in the Paint and Coatings and Graphic Arts and Inks industries. This company utilizes its equipped laboratory to test all products and ensure the high quality standards. Featured products include Anfoam S, Organo Co 5, Organo Mn 10, Organo Pb 33, Organo Zn 8, and more.


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Organometal SA

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