UL Prospector

Exosin DS5


Exosin DS5, disodium ethoxylated alcohol (C10-C12) half ester of succinic acid, is an anionic surfactant used as stabilizer and dispersing agent in resins and pigment systems. Exosin DS5 is also an excellent emulsifier for the emulsion polymerization.


What started as a small family business producing foam rubber for the mattress industry has developed into a worldwide supplier of adhesives, specialty binders, coatings and surfactants for a wide variety of applications and industries. Their products are the backbones of everyday products. From the bath mat you walk on in the morning over the shampoo you use in the shower, the cereal box and your morning paper at breakfast all the way to your comforting bed at night. There is a touch of EOC in every aspect of your life.

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