UL Prospector


115 條結果
Adherant ADK Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 Adherant ADK 为增进復合油墨对 PET 材质附着性,以及溶剂型涂料对层间密着和各种塑料、金属底材的密着性的添加剂。
BENATHIX® Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 BENATHIX® rheological additive is an extremely efficient, modified bentonite clay for solventborne unsaturated polyester paint and coating systems. This organoclay is developed to impart thixotropy and drainage control and does not require high-shear mix...展開 BENATHIX® rheological additive is an extremely efficient, modified bentonite clay for solventborne unsaturated polyester paint and coating systems. This organoclay is developed to impart thixotropy and drainage control and does not require high-shear mixing equipment unlike conventional organoclays. 收起
BENGEL® 434 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 BENGEL® 434 流變助劑是一種通用型有機膨潤土,專門用於低至中極性脂肪烴及芳香烴塗料系統中。
BENGEL® 818 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 與傳統的有機黏土相比,BENGEL® 818 具有極佳的分散性、良好的搖變性、抗流掛性及防沉降性。它屬於超分散型,在生產過程中具有很大的靈活性。推薦用於氣幹型長油度醇酸瓷漆、聚氨酯打磨型封閉底漆、普通的工業維護系統和脂肪族系統中。
BENGEL® 828 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 BENGEL® 828 流變助劑的超分散性可大大簡化油漆系統的配製及製造。適用於有中至高極性塗料系統,如酮類、酯類、醇酯類、醚酯類、醇類。使用BENGEL® 828給油漆生產商提供了提高生產效率的機會。
BENGEL® 958 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 BENGEL® 958流变助剂是一种易分散型有机膨润土,适用于低到中极性有机溶剂体系。提供良好的抗流挂性和防沉性能。容易分散,在生产过程中可灵活操作。推荐使用在气乾型长油醇酸瓷漆、聚氨酯体系、打印油墨、密封胶和脂肪族体系中。
BENGEL® 988 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 BENGEL® 988 為超分散型有機膨潤土流變助劑,可簡化油漆系統的配製及製造。本產品具有廣泛的應用,可用於中/低至高極性溶劑塗料與油墨系統。
BENTONE® 27 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 BENTONE® 27 為一適用於中至高極性有機溶劑塗料系統與合成黏結劑系統的有機膨潤土添加劑。
BENTONE® 34 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 BENTONE® 34 為一適用於低至中極性有機溶劑塗料系統的有機膨潤土添加劑。
BENTONE SD® -1 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 BENTONE SD® -1 為一適用於脂肪族及非極性到中極性有機溶劑塗料系統的有機膨潤土添加劑。
BENTONE SD® -2 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 BENTONE SD® -2 為一適用於中至高極性有機溶劑塗料系統的有機膨潤土添加劑。
DAPRO® ACP-16W Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 DAPRO® ACP-16W 為水性密著增進劑,設計用於用增進水性塗料與油墨在聚丙烯(PP)材質上的密著效果。
DAPRO® AP 1622 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 DAPRO® AP 1622 為溶劑系統使用的矽酮改質液態泡沫抑制劑。在不同系統中,具有顯著的消泡性能。具有易於添加在各式溶劑塗料油墨的方便使用特點。
DAPRO® AP 7015 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 DAPRO® AP 7015 為一具有良好乳化性能的水性消泡劑,具有優異的消泡、抑泡效果。
DAPRO® AP 7072 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 DAPRO® AP 7072 高效適合用於高品質橡膠應用,且提供極佳的泡沫抑制和消泡性能。DAPRO® AP 7072 在水中極易分散。適用於建築塗料、黏合劑、乳液製備和水墨等水性系統。
DAPRO® BEZ 75 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 DAPRO® BEZ 75 是用於非水性塗料的高效能添加劑,具有極佳抗沉降與抗垂流效能,特別適用於不含芳香族的塗料配方。
DAPRO® DF 1760 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 DAPRO® DF 1760 是一高效能且不含有機矽長效型消泡劑。即使塗料長期存放後使用,仍可維持其有效的消泡性能。DAPRO® DF 1760 所含的所有非揮發性成分皆符合美國聯邦法規的藥物暨食品管理(FDA)CFR 21 175.105;175.300;176.170 與 176.180 條款的規定。
DAPRO® DF 677 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 DAPRO® DF 677 is a high performance defoamer. It is recommended for aqueous inks.
DAPRO® DF 690 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 DAPRO® DF 690 is an antifoaming agent for a grinding stage or high shear stage with excellent destabilizing effect on foaming and microbubbles. It exhibits excellent durability without affecting system gloss and color rendering.
DAPRO® DF 7015 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 DAPRO® DF 7015是一具有良好乳化性能的水性消泡剂。特别推荐用于研磨浆料、乳胶漆和油墨
DAPRO® UW 461 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 DAPRO® UW 46 is a high molecular weight modified silicone that delivers slip, mar-resistance and anti-blocking performance in water borne and high polarity systems.
DAPRO® W-77 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 DAPRO® W-77 表面張力調整劑可作為高表面張力與低表面張力介面間的緩衝介質,無論是用於塗層與塗層之間或是塗層與基材之間。其可有效消除或減少塗膜缺陷如:表面塗布不均、魚眼、縮孔等。DAPRO® W-77 亦可促進塗料在難以潤濕或受污染的基材表面上的均勻塗布,並提供極佳的重塗性。DAPRO® W-77 不含烷基酚乙氧基化合物與有機矽,其非揮發性成分符合美國聯邦法規之藥物暨食品管理(FDA)之 CFR 21 175.300 條款的規定。
Defom 5800F Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 Defom 5800F 為不含芳香族的溶劑型消泡劑,符合環保規定,廣泛用於溶劑型塗料系統。
Defom 6800 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 Defom 6800 為適用於高固成份、高膜厚環氧地板塗料及絲網油墨抑泡、消泡劑。
Defom W-0506 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 Defom W-0506 为一以乳化聚硅氧烷为主要成份的消泡剂产品。广泛用于水性体系的抑泡、消泡。
Defom W-082 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 Defom W-082 为含疏水性粒子的矿物油系消泡剂。可提供优异的抑泡、消泡效果。
Defom W-086 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 Defom W-086 is a mineral oil-based defoamer which contains hydrophobic particles. It provides excellent foam suppression and anti-foaming effect.
DeuAdd MA-95 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 DeuAdd MA-95 为低气味多功能胺中和剂,兼具酸硷值调节和稳定﹑促进漆膜光泽展现﹑提高罐内防腐蚀性能等。
DeuRheo 201 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 DeuRheo 201 為一分散的聚乙烯蠟漿,添加時取用方便且易於分散的防沉劑。
DeuRheo 201P Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 DeuRheo 201P 为一分散的聚乙烯蜡浆,添加时取用方便且易于分散的防沉剂。
DeuRheo 229 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 DeuRheo 229 为一预先分散在溶剂中的聚 胺蜡,能够提供颜填料在涂料体系中的防沉性,以及防流挂效果。
DeuRheo WT-102 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 DeuRheo WT-102 為一締合型聚胺酯增稠劑,提供增稠、觸變等效能。
DeuRheo WT-105A Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 DeuRheo WT-105A 為一 締合型聚胺酯增稠劑,提供水性系統增稠、流動等效能。
DeuRheo WT-108 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 DeuRheo WT-108 is a non-ionic associative thickener (NiSAT) suitable for use in aqueous systems. It provides medium shear viscosity and is compatible with fluidity. This product is designed to be free of tin, APEO and organic solvents.
DeuRheo WT-108F Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 DeuRheo WT-108F 為非離子締合型增稠劑(NiSAT)適用於水性系統的應用,可提供中剪切黏度並兼顧流動性,本產品設計不含錫、APEO與有機溶劑。
Disponer 904S Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 Disponer 904S 為特殊酸與矽酮混合的潤濕、分散劑,對防止二氧化鈦和其他顏料配用所產生的分色、浮色特具效果;並可避免產生沉積硬結。
Disponer 912 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 Disponer 912 具有优异的颜料润湿分散性,可适用于溶剂型涂料及油墨中无机颜料及膨润土的润湿、分散,特别推荐使用于木器底漆中,以增进对木材导管的润湿性。
Disponer 929 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 Disponer 929 是針對碳黑而發展出來的分散、展色劑,可添加在塗料內研磨;作為研磨展色劑,單獨與碳黑混合研磨分散,作成調色或著色用黑色漿。
Disponer 983 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 Disponer 983 為高分子型分散劑,適用於溶劑型中極性系統碳黑及有機顏料的分散。
Disponer W-920 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 Disponer W-920是一種獨特的分散助劑,可用於有機顏料、鐵氧化物顏料在水性體系中的分散
DMAE Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 DMAE 為一高效的胺中和劑。可作為 pH 值調整、穩定及輔助溶劑等效能。
Greesol™ A04 A Chem Additive (YueYang) Co.,Ltd. Greesol™ A04 A is a multifunctional surfactant additive with wetting, foaming and dispersing properties. This is a non-ionic surfactant that can decrease surface tension, control foam and reduce water sensitivity. This product is well suited in the produc...展開 Greesol™ A04 A is a multifunctional surfactant additive with wetting, foaming and dispersing properties. This is a non-ionic surfactant that can decrease surface tension, control foam and reduce water sensitivity. This product is well suited in the production of waterborne industrial coatings, waterborne wood coatings, plastic water-based paint, water-based ink, water based varnish, pressure-sensitive adhesive, paint and dye manufacturing. It is a 2-Ethylhexanol solvent based product. 收起
Greesol™ A04 BC Chem Additive (YueYang) Co.,Ltd. Greesol™ A04 BC is a multifunctional surfactant additive with wetting, foaming and dispersing properties. This is a non-ionic surfactant that can decrease surface tension, control foam and reduce water sensitivity. This product is well suited in the produ...展開 Greesol™ A04 BC is a multifunctional surfactant additive with wetting, foaming and dispersing properties. This is a non-ionic surfactant that can decrease surface tension, control foam and reduce water sensitivity. This product is well suited in the production of waterborne industrial coatings, waterborne wood coatings, plastic water-based paint, water-based ink, water based varnish, pressure-sensitive adhesive, paint and dye manufacturing. It is a 2-Butoxylethanol solvent based product. 收起
Greesol™ A04 DPM Chem Additive (YueYang) Co.,Ltd. Greesol™ A04 DPM is a multifunctional surfactant additive with wetting, foaming and dispersing properties. This is a non-ionic surfactant that can decrease surface tension, control foam and reduce water sensitivity. This product is well suited in the prod...展開 Greesol™ A04 DPM is a multifunctional surfactant additive with wetting, foaming and dispersing properties. This is a non-ionic surfactant that can decrease surface tension, control foam and reduce water sensitivity. This product is well suited in the production of waterborne industrial coatings, waterborne wood coatings, plastic water-based paint, water-based ink, water based varnish, pressure-sensitive adhesive, paint and dye manufacturing. It is a Dipropandiol monomethanol ether solvent based product. 收起
Greesol™ A04 E Chem Additive (YueYang) Co.,Ltd. Greesol™ A04 E is a multifunctional surfactant additive with wetting, foaming and dispersing properties. This is a non-ionic surfactant that can decrease surface tension, control foam and reduce water sensitivity. This product is well suited in the produc...展開 Greesol™ A04 E is a multifunctional surfactant additive with wetting, foaming and dispersing properties. This is a non-ionic surfactant that can decrease surface tension, control foam and reduce water sensitivity. This product is well suited in the production of waterborne industrial coatings, waterborne wood coatings, plastic water-based paint, water-based ink, water based varnish, pressure-sensitive adhesive, paint and dye manufacturing. It is a Ethandiol solvent based product. 收起
Greesol™ A04 NP Chem Additive (YueYang) Co.,Ltd. Greesol™ A04 NP is a multifunctional surfactant additive with wetting, foaming and dispersing properties. This is a non-ionic surfactant that can decrease surface tension, control foam and reduce water sensitivity. This product is well suited in the produ...展開 Greesol™ A04 NP is a multifunctional surfactant additive with wetting, foaming and dispersing properties. This is a non-ionic surfactant that can decrease surface tension, control foam and reduce water sensitivity. This product is well suited in the production of waterborne industrial coatings, waterborne wood coatings, plastic water-based paint, water-based ink, water based varnish, pressure-sensitive adhesive, paint and dye manufacturing. It is a Propanol solvent based product. 收起
Greesol™ A04 PA Chem Additive (YueYang) Co.,Ltd. Greesol™ A04 PA is a multifunctional surfactant additive with wetting, foaming and dispersing properties. This is a non-ionic surfactant that can decrease surface tension, control foam and reduce water sensitivity. This product is well suited in the produ...展開 Greesol™ A04 PA is a multifunctional surfactant additive with wetting, foaming and dispersing properties. This is a non-ionic surfactant that can decrease surface tension, control foam and reduce water sensitivity. This product is well suited in the production of waterborne industrial coatings, waterborne wood coatings, plastic water-based paint, water-based ink, water based varnish, pressure-sensitive adhesive, paint and dye manufacturing. It is a Isopropanol solvent based product. 收起
Greesol™ A04 PG Chem Additive (YueYang) Co.,Ltd. Greesol™ A04 PG is a multifunctional surfactant additive with wetting, foaming and dispersing properties. This is a non-ionic surfactant that can decrease surface tension, control foam and reduce water sensitivity. This product is well suited in the produ...展開 Greesol™ A04 PG is a multifunctional surfactant additive with wetting, foaming and dispersing properties. This is a non-ionic surfactant that can decrease surface tension, control foam and reduce water sensitivity. This product is well suited in the production of waterborne industrial coatings, waterborne wood coatings, plastic water-based paint, water-based ink, water based varnish, pressure-sensitive adhesive, paint and dye manufacturing. It is a Propandiol solvent based product. 收起
Greesol™ A04 SQR Chem Additive (YueYang) Co.,Ltd. Greesol™ A04 SQR is a multifunctional surfactant additive with wetting, foaming and dispersing properties. This is a non-ionic surfactant that can decrease surface tension, control foam and reduce water sensitivity. This product is well suited in the prod...展開 Greesol™ A04 SQR is a multifunctional surfactant additive with wetting, foaming and dispersing properties. This is a non-ionic surfactant that can decrease surface tension, control foam and reduce water sensitivity. This product is well suited in the production of waterborne industrial coatings, waterborne wood coatings, plastic water-based paint, water-based ink, water based varnish, pressure-sensitive adhesive and paint and dye manufacturing. It is a solvent based product according to user needs. 收起
Greesol™ A06 DPM Chem Additive (YueYang) Co.,Ltd. Greesol™ A06 DPM is a multifunctional surfactant wetting agent. This product is well suited for use in the production of waterborne industrial coatings, wood lacquers, plastic coatings, flexo ink, intaglio ink, OPV, laminating adhesive, plastic coatings, ...展開 Greesol™ A06 DPM is a multifunctional surfactant wetting agent. This product is well suited for use in the production of waterborne industrial coatings, wood lacquers, plastic coatings, flexo ink, intaglio ink, OPV, laminating adhesive, plastic coatings, and printing inks. This product contains 55% dipropylene glycol monomethyl ether based solvent. 收起
Greesol™ A06 E Chem Additive (YueYang) Co.,Ltd. Greesol™ A06 E is a multifunctional surfactant wetting agent. This product is well suited for use in the production of waterborne industrial coatings, wood lacquers, plastic coatings, flexo ink, intaglio ink, OPV, laminating adhesive, plastic coatings, an...展開 Greesol™ A06 E is a multifunctional surfactant wetting agent. This product is well suited for use in the production of waterborne industrial coatings, wood lacquers, plastic coatings, flexo ink, intaglio ink, OPV, laminating adhesive, plastic coatings, and printing inks. This product contains 55% dipropylene glycol monomethyl ether based solvent. 收起
Greesol™ A06 PA Chem Additive (YueYang) Co.,Ltd. Greesol™ A06 PA is a multifunctional surfactant wetting agent. This product is well suited for use in the production of waterborne industrial coatings, wood lacquers, plastic coatings, flexo ink, intaglio ink, OPV, laminating adhesive, plastic coatings, a...展開 Greesol™ A06 PA is a multifunctional surfactant wetting agent. This product is well suited for use in the production of waterborne industrial coatings, wood lacquers, plastic coatings, flexo ink, intaglio ink, OPV, laminating adhesive, plastic coatings, and printing inks. This product contains 55% dipropylene glycol monomethyl ether based solvent. 收起
Greesol™ A06 SQR Chem Additive (YueYang) Co.,Ltd. Greesol™ A06 SQR is a multifunctional surfactant wetting agent. This product is well suited for use in the production of waterborne industrial coatings, wood lacquers, plastic coatings, flexo ink, intaglio ink, OPV, laminating adhesive, plastic coatings, ...展開 Greesol™ A06 SQR is a multifunctional surfactant wetting agent. This product is well suited for use in the production of waterborne industrial coatings, wood lacquers, plastic coatings, flexo ink, intaglio ink, OPV, laminating adhesive, plastic coatings, and printing inks. The dipropylene glycol monomethyl ether percentage can be customized per request. 收起
Greesol™ ASE Chem Additive (YueYang) Co.,Ltd. Greesol™ ASE surfactant is a gemini based nonionic additive that can reduce static surface tension and dynamic surface tension of waterborne systems. This product is well suited in the production of waterborne industrial coatings, wood lacquers, plastic c...展開 Greesol™ ASE surfactant is a gemini based nonionic additive that can reduce static surface tension and dynamic surface tension of waterborne systems. This product is well suited in the production of waterborne industrial coatings, wood lacquers, plastic coatings, flexo ink, intaglio ink, OPV and laminating adhesives. 收起
Greesol™ DF11 Chem Additive (YueYang) Co.,Ltd. Greesol™ DF11 is a non-silicone, mineral oil-free defoamer. It is characterized as possessing persistent foam suppression. This product is well suited for use in the production of waterborne industrial coatings, wood lacquers, plastic coatings, flexo inks...展開 Greesol™ DF11 is a non-silicone, mineral oil-free defoamer. It is characterized as possessing persistent foam suppression. This product is well suited for use in the production of waterborne industrial coatings, wood lacquers, plastic coatings, flexo inks, intaglio inks, OPV, and laminating adhesives. 收起
Greesol™ DF42 Chem Additive (YueYang) Co.,Ltd. Greesol™ DF42 is a silica-based defoamer. This miscible product is well suited for use in paints, inks, emulsion polymerization processes, and adhesive foam control.
Greesol™ DF901 Chem Additive (YueYang) Co.,Ltd. Greesol™ DF901 is a miscible polyether modified silicone water-based defoamer. Its content of non-volatile substances is 85%. This product is well suited for the production of fountain solutions, metal cleaners, inkjet inks, adhesives, water-based inks, a...展開 Greesol™ DF901 is a miscible polyether modified silicone water-based defoamer. Its content of non-volatile substances is 85%. This product is well suited for the production of fountain solutions, metal cleaners, inkjet inks, adhesives, water-based inks, and OPV. 收起
Greesol™ DF975 Chem Additive (YueYang) Co.,Ltd. Greesol™ DF975 is a polyether modified silicone water-based defoamer. Its content of non-volatile substances is 100%. This product is well suited for the production of fountain solutions, metal cleaners, inkjet inks, adhesives, water-based inks, and OPV.
Greesol™ DFM Chem Additive (YueYang) Co.,Ltd. Greesol™ DFM is a polyether modified silicone water-based defoamer. Its content of non-volatile substances is 60%. This product is well suited for use in the production of fountain solutions, metal cleaners, inkjet inks, adhesives, water-based inks, OPV.
Greesol™ E20 Chem Additive (YueYang) Co.,Ltd. Greesol™ E20 is a multifunctional surfactant and gemini nonionic surfactant containing 20% of ethylene oxide. It is widely applied to waterborne printing ink. This product is well suit for use in fountain solutions for offset printing applications. This p...展開 Greesol™ E20 is a multifunctional surfactant and gemini nonionic surfactant containing 20% of ethylene oxide. It is widely applied to waterborne printing ink. This product is well suit for use in fountain solutions for offset printing applications. This product will not cause rubber roller swelling. 收起
Greesol™ E40 Chem Additive (YueYang) Co.,Ltd. Greesol™ E40 is a multifunctional surfactant and gemini nonionic surfactant containing 40% of ethylene oxide. It can be used to improve the coatability of low surface energy substrates such as silane, release paper or plastic film. This product is well su...展開 Greesol™ E40 is a multifunctional surfactant and gemini nonionic surfactant containing 40% of ethylene oxide. It can be used to improve the coatability of low surface energy substrates such as silane, release paper or plastic film. This product is well suit for use in fountain solutions for offset printing applications. This product will not cause rubber roller swelling. 收起
Greesol™ E65 Chem Additive (YueYang) Co.,Ltd. Greesol™ E65 is a multifunctional surfactant and gemini nonionic surfactant containing 65% of ethylene oxide and has wetting, defoaming, flow and leveling capabilities. It can be used to improve in the fluency of dye-based and pigment-based ink jet ink. T...展開 Greesol™ E65 is a multifunctional surfactant and gemini nonionic surfactant containing 65% of ethylene oxide and has wetting, defoaming, flow and leveling capabilities. It can be used to improve in the fluency of dye-based and pigment-based ink jet ink. This product can also be use as a gloss agent in a electroplating and pickling solution. 收起
Greesol™ E85 Chem Additive (YueYang) Co.,Ltd. Greesol™ E85 is a multifunctional surfactant and gemini nonionic surfactant containing 85% of ethylene oxide. It can be used to improve in the fluency of dye-based and pigment-based ink jet ink. This product can be also be used as a gloss agent in a elect...展開 Greesol™ E85 is a multifunctional surfactant and gemini nonionic surfactant containing 85% of ethylene oxide. It can be used to improve in the fluency of dye-based and pigment-based ink jet ink. This product can be also be used as a gloss agent in a electroplating and pickling solution. 收起
Greesol™ F06 Chem Additive (YueYang) Co.,Ltd. Greesol™ F06 is a silicone-based surfactant that reduces surface tension and provides good wetting spreadability. This product is well suited for the production of waterborne industrial coatings, wood lacquers, plastic coatings, flexo ink, intaglio ink, a...展開 Greesol™ F06 is a silicone-based surfactant that reduces surface tension and provides good wetting spreadability. This product is well suited for the production of waterborne industrial coatings, wood lacquers, plastic coatings, flexo ink, intaglio ink, and OPV. 收起
Greesol™ F07 Chem Additive (YueYang) Co.,Ltd. Greesol™ F07 surfactant is a gemini low-foam nonionic wetting agent. It can reduce static surface tension and dynamic surface tension to promote the wetting of base materials of many waterborne systems. This product can be used in the production of waterb...展開 Greesol™ F07 surfactant is a gemini low-foam nonionic wetting agent. It can reduce static surface tension and dynamic surface tension to promote the wetting of base materials of many waterborne systems. This product can be used in the production of waterborne industrial coatings, wood lacquers, plastic coatings, flexo ink, intaglio ink, and OPV. 收起
Greesol™ FS85 Chem Additive (YueYang) Co.,Ltd. Greesol™ FS85 surfactant is a gemini based nonionic additive that can reduce static surface tension and dynamic surface tension of waterborne systems and is specially developed for fountain solutions with little to no alcohol content. This product is suit...展開 Greesol™ FS85 surfactant is a gemini based nonionic additive that can reduce static surface tension and dynamic surface tension of waterborne systems and is specially developed for fountain solutions with little to no alcohol content. This product is suitable for use in commercial printing presses, and been shown to be effective in clear edge of printing dots and does not cause excessive ink emulsion in ink jet inks. 收起
Greesol™ LE5 Chem Additive (YueYang) Co.,Ltd. Greesol™ LE5 is a water-dispersible leveling agent. This product is a multifunctional additive that reduces friction and is abrasion resistant. This product is well suited for the production of fountain solutions, metal cleaners, inkjet inks, adhesives, w...展開 Greesol™ LE5 is a water-dispersible leveling agent. This product is a multifunctional additive that reduces friction and is abrasion resistant. This product is well suited for the production of fountain solutions, metal cleaners, inkjet inks, adhesives, water-based inks, and OPV. 收起
Greesol™ LE7 Chem Additive (YueYang) Co.,Ltd. Greesol™ LE7 is a polyorganosiloxane leveling agent that can improve paint flow, reduce cellulite, improve brightness, prevent air bubbles and pinholes. The content of non-volatile substances is 40%. This product is well suited for use in the production o...展開 Greesol™ LE7 is a polyorganosiloxane leveling agent that can improve paint flow, reduce cellulite, improve brightness, prevent air bubbles and pinholes. The content of non-volatile substances is 40%. This product is well suited for use in the production of fountain solutions, metal cleaners, inkjet inks, adhesives, water-based inks, and OPV. 收起
Greesol™ LE8 Chem Additive (YueYang) Co.,Ltd. Greesol™ LE8 is a ultra-high molecular weight polyether silicone leveling agent. It can be used for UV and aqueous formulation systems. It has a low friction coefficient, smooth feel, good leveling, low foam stability, and resistance to shrinkage. The con...展開 Greesol™ LE8 is a ultra-high molecular weight polyether silicone leveling agent. It can be used for UV and aqueous formulation systems. It has a low friction coefficient, smooth feel, good leveling, low foam stability, and resistance to shrinkage. The content of non-volatile substances is 40%. This product is well suited for use in the production of fountain solutions, metal cleaners, inkjet inks, adhesives, water-based inks, and OPV. 收起
Hypomer FX-2052 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 乾燥速度快、塑膠密著性佳、耐候性佳、對乙丁纖維素相容性佳、可用於自乾塗料
Levaslip 435 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 Levaslip 435 為適用於溶劑型系統的流平劑。
Levaslip W-461 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 Levaslip W-461 為適用於水性及高極性溶劑系統的平滑、耐摩擦、抗刮傷、防止貼合助劑。
Levelol 839 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 Levelol 839 為不含芳香烴氟改質聚丙烯酸酯可重塗流平劑,可提供優異流平性與底材潤濕性。
Levelol W-469 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 Levelol W-469 为硅酮类底材润湿剂,适用于水性体系。
NUOSPERSE® FA 196 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 NUOSPERSE® FA 196 應用於有機溶劑系統的高度濃縮液體顏料分散劑。特別適用於碳黑的分散劑、熱塑性丙烯酸系統的分散劑及作為促進通用色漿在基礎醇酸塗料中進行分散的助劑。
NUOSPERSE® FX 365 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 NUOSPERSE® FX 365 用於水性系統的非離子型潤濕分散劑。具有優異的顏料潤濕與穩定性能。
NUOSPERSE® FX 600 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 NUOSPERSE® FX 600 為一高效水性顏料分散劑,可用於工業塗料、防護塗料、高光乳膠漆、色漿與印刷油墨。是一種液態多功能聚合物且不含有機溶劑。
NUOSPERSE® FX 7500W Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 NUOSPERSE® FX 7500W 為水性塗料及水性墨水用之潤濕分散劑。具有優異的降黏效果,同時能提高有機及無機顏料的展色力。
NUOSPERSE® FX 9200 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 NUOSPERSE® FX 9200 適用於溶劑型與無溶劑型的油墨系統,對於有機顏料與碳黑具有良好的潤濕與分散效果。
NUOSPERSE® FX 9200UV Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 NUOSPERSE® FX 9200UV 適用於溶劑型與無溶劑型(UV)的油墨系統,對於有機顏料與碳黑具有良好的潤濕與分散效果。
NUOSPERSE® W-22 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 NUOSPERSE® W-22为一高效水性颜料润湿分散剂,可稳定颜料分散,且避免结块与粘度改变。
NUOSPERSE® W-30 Elementis 海名斯特殊化学 NUOSPERSE® W-30为一对环境无害的分散剂(APE - Free),可提供各种颜料的展色性与提高产能,对于水性涂料体系的颜料分散有理想的效果,可稳定分散避免结块。 NUOSPERSE® W-30不会造成气泡生成或降低光泽度,也不影响乾燥时间、阻值或涂模硬度。在高光泽度涂料中,改善分散性的同时,可提高光泽度与鲜映性。
Polytone AP 108 Polyols and Polymers Polytone AP 108 is a para-tertiary butyl-phenol (PTBP) formaldehyde resin that is a part of the alkyl phenol family of organic compounds. This product is a heat reactive adhesive resin that has a pale yellow color and is delivered as small solid pieces. P...展開 Polytone AP 108 is a para-tertiary butyl-phenol (PTBP) formaldehyde resin that is a part of the alkyl phenol family of organic compounds. This product is a heat reactive adhesive resin that has a pale yellow color and is delivered as small solid pieces. Polytone AP 108 is primarily used as an additive for rubber, upholstery, shoe, leather and many other types of adhesives. It is also used as an additive in coatings that provide strength and heat resistance. 收起
Polytone AP 109 Polyols and Polymers Polytone AP 109 is a para-tertiary butyl-phenol (PTBP) formaldehyde resin that is a part of the alkyl phenol family of organic compounds. This product is a heat reactive adhesive resin that has a pale yellow color and is delivered as small solid pieces. P...展開 Polytone AP 109 is a para-tertiary butyl-phenol (PTBP) formaldehyde resin that is a part of the alkyl phenol family of organic compounds. This product is a heat reactive adhesive resin that has a pale yellow color and is delivered as small solid pieces. Polytone AP 109 is primarily used to impart good open time combined with green tack and durability, and provides some heat resistance similar to Polytone AP 108 but not as strong of resistance. Polytone AP 109 is used as an additive in rubber, upholstery, shoe, leather, automotive and many other adhesives along with strong enamels, coatings and varnishes. 收起
Polytone AP 110 Polyols and Polymers Polytone AP 110 is a para-tertiary butyl-phenol (PTBP) formaldehyde resin that is a part of the alkyl phenol family of organic compounds. This product is a heat reactive adhesive resin that has a pale yellow color and is delivered as small solid pieces. P...展開 Polytone AP 110 is a para-tertiary butyl-phenol (PTBP) formaldehyde resin that is a part of the alkyl phenol family of organic compounds. This product is a heat reactive adhesive resin that has a pale yellow color and is delivered as small solid pieces. Polytone AP 110 is primarily used to impart good open time combined with green tack and durability, and provides heat resistance. Polytone AP 110 is used as an additive in rubber, upholstery, shoe, leather, automotive and many other adhesives along with strong enamels, coatings and varnishes. 收起
Polytone AP 111 Polyols and Polymers Polytone AP 111 is a para-tertiary butyl-phenol (PTBP) formaldehyde resin that is a part of the alkyl phenol family of organic compounds. This product is a heat reactive adhesive resin that has a pale yellow color and is delivered as small solid pieces an...展開 Polytone AP 111 is a para-tertiary butyl-phenol (PTBP) formaldehyde resin that is a part of the alkyl phenol family of organic compounds. This product is a heat reactive adhesive resin that has a pale yellow color and is delivered as small solid pieces and is formulated to be used in neoprene. It imparts low initial viscosity and stable viscous adhesives that are similar to the nature of this adhesive. Polytone AP 111 is primarily used with adhesive grades of chloroprene that provides bond strength at room or higher temperatures. It is used as an additive in rubber, upholstery, shoe, leather, automotive and many other adhesives along with enamels, coatings and varnishes. 收起
Polytone AP 121 Polyols and Polymers Polytone AP 121 is a para-octyl phenol (POP) formaldehyde resin that is a part of the alkyl phenol family of organic compounds. This product is a non-heat reactive adhesive resin that has a pale yellow-light reddish brown color, delivered as small solid. ...展開 Polytone AP 121 is a para-octyl phenol (POP) formaldehyde resin that is a part of the alkyl phenol family of organic compounds. This product is a non-heat reactive adhesive resin that has a pale yellow-light reddish brown color, delivered as small solid. Polytone AP 121 is primarily used as a tackifier in the production of mechanical goods. It is soluble in aromatic solvents including toluene, benzene, ketones and chlorinated hydrocarbon. 收起
Polytone AP 122 Polyols and Polymers Polytone AP 122 is a para-octyl phenol (POP) formaldehyde resin that is a part of the alkyl phenol family of organic compounds. This product is a non-heat reactive thermoplastic alkyl resin that has a pale yellow-light reddish brown color, delivered as sm...展開 Polytone AP 122 is a para-octyl phenol (POP) formaldehyde resin that is a part of the alkyl phenol family of organic compounds. This product is a non-heat reactive thermoplastic alkyl resin that has a pale yellow-light reddish brown color, delivered as small solid pieces. Polytone AP 122 is primarily used as a tackifier in the production of rubber goods and adhesives. It is soluble in esters, ketones, aromatic and aliphatic chlorinated hydrocarbons. 收起
Polytone AP 130 Polyols and Polymers Polytone AP 130 is a para-tertiary butyl-phenol (PTBP) formaldehyde resin that is a part of the alkyl phenol family of organic compounds. This product is a non-heat reactive thermoplastic alkyl resin that has a pale yellow-light reddish brown color, deliv...展開 Polytone AP 130 is a para-tertiary butyl-phenol (PTBP) formaldehyde resin that is a part of the alkyl phenol family of organic compounds. This product is a non-heat reactive thermoplastic alkyl resin that has a pale yellow-light reddish brown color, delivered as small solid pieces. It is intended to give reliable performance as a reinforcing resin in synthetic and natural rubber based goods that require high hardness, chip and abrasion resistance when cross-linked with methylene. Polytone AP 130 is primarily used as a reinforcing resin as a lining in several different rubber products and as an additive in rubber adhesives. It is soluble in ester, ketones, aromatic and aliphatic chlorinated hydrocarbons and is not soluble in alcohols. 收起
Polytone AP 131 Polyols and Polymers Polytone AP 131 is a para-octyl phenol (POP) formaldehyde resin (Novolac) that is a part of the alkyl phenol family of organic compounds. This product is a non-heat reactive thermoplastic alkyl resin that has a pale yellow-light reddish brown color, deliv...展開 Polytone AP 131 is a para-octyl phenol (POP) formaldehyde resin (Novolac) that is a part of the alkyl phenol family of organic compounds. This product is a non-heat reactive thermoplastic alkyl resin that has a pale yellow-light reddish brown color, delivered as small solid pieces. It is intended to be used in synthetic natural rubber based compounds. Polytone AP 131 is primarily used in applications that require high hardness in industrial areas to prevent chips and abrasion. It is soluble in esters, ketones, aromatic and aliphatic chlorinated hydrocarbons. 收起
Polytone AP 132 Polyols and Polymers Polytone AP 132 is a phenol formaldehyde resin (Novolac) that is a part of the alkyl phenol family of organic compounds. This product is a non-heat reactive thermoplastic unmodified phenol-formaldehyde resin that has a pale amber color and is delivered as...展開 Polytone AP 132 is a phenol formaldehyde resin (Novolac) that is a part of the alkyl phenol family of organic compounds. This product is a non-heat reactive thermoplastic unmodified phenol-formaldehyde resin that has a pale amber color and is delivered as small solid pieces. It is intended to provide steady performance as axs reinforcing resin in synthetic and natural rubber based goods that need high hardness along with chip and abrasion resistance when cross linked with a methylene product. Polytone AP 132 is primarily used as a reinforcing additive in rubber adhesives, conveyer belts, apex strips and many more. 收起
Polytone K 93 Polyols and Polymers Polytone K 93 is a cyclohexanone formaldehyde resin. This product is a pearly white color and comes in a granular solid form. It imparts gloss, adhesiveness, leveling and also reduces levels in the VOC. The hydroxyl polarity allows for wetting of pigments...展開 Polytone K 93 is a cyclohexanone formaldehyde resin. This product is a pearly white color and comes in a granular solid form. It imparts gloss, adhesiveness, leveling and also reduces levels in the VOC. The hydroxyl polarity allows for wetting of pigments and surfaces. Polytone K 93 is primarily used as an additive for polishing lacquers and finishes it is also used in heat seal coatings, primers and base coatings and gasoline resistant coatings. The different uses of Polytone K 93 are flexographic and gravure inks, ball point inks, Pants and coatings and different types of varnishes. 收起
Polytone K 94 Polyols and Polymers Polytone K 94 is a cyclohexanone formaldehyde resin. This product is a pearly white color and comes in a granular solid form. It is close to being acid free and is a unsaponifiable ketone formaldehyde resin that has light resistance and has tendency to h...展開 Polytone K 94 is a cyclohexanone formaldehyde resin. This product is a pearly white color and comes in a granular solid form. It is close to being acid free and is a unsaponifiable ketone formaldehyde resin that has light resistance and has tendency to have solvent retention. Plus this resin improves gloss, hardness, filling, adhesive strength and durability. Polytone K 94 is primarily used to impart gloss, adhesiveness in the inks and increase the solid content in flexographic and gravure inks, ball point inks, lacquers, varnishes, paintings and coatings. 收起
Polytone K 95 Polyols and Polymers Polytone K 95 is a cyclohexanone formaldehyde resin. This product is a pearly white color and comes in a granular solid form. It is close to being acid free and is a unsaponifiable ketone formaldehyde resin that has light resistance and has tendency to h...展開 Polytone K 95 is a cyclohexanone formaldehyde resin. This product is a pearly white color and comes in a granular solid form. It is close to being acid free and is a unsaponifiable ketone formaldehyde resin that has light resistance and has tendency to have solvent retention. Plus this resin improves gloss, hardness, filling, adhesive strength and durability. Polytone K 95 is primarily used to impart gloss, adhesiveness in the inks and increase the solid content in flexographic and gravure inks, ball point inks, lacquers, varnishes, paintings and coatings. 收起
Polytone K 96 Polyols and Polymers Polytone K 96 is a cyclohexanone formaldehyde resin. This product is a pearly white color and comes in a granular solid form. It is close to being acid free and is an unsaponifiable ketone formaldehyde resin that has light resistance and has tendency to ...展開 Polytone K 96 is a cyclohexanone formaldehyde resin. This product is a pearly white color and comes in a granular solid form. It is close to being acid free and is an unsaponifiable ketone formaldehyde resin that has light resistance and has tendency to have solvent retention. Plus this resin improves gloss, hardness, filling, adhesive strength and durability. It is used in the production of all types of nitro lacquers and is appropriate for paper lacquers; this resin is also useful in producing PVC polishing lacquers. Polytone K 96 is primarily used to impart gloss, adhesiveness in the inks and increase the solid content in flexographic and gravure inks, ball point inks, lacquers, varnishes, paintings and coatings. 收起
Polytone K 97 Polyols and Polymers Polytone K 97 is a cyclohexanone formaldehyde resin. This product is a pearly white color and comes in a granular solid form. It is close to being acid free and is an unsaponifiable ketone formaldehyde resin that has light resistance and has tendency to ...展開 Polytone K 97 is a cyclohexanone formaldehyde resin. This product is a pearly white color and comes in a granular solid form. It is close to being acid free and is an unsaponifiable ketone formaldehyde resin that has light resistance and has tendency to have solvent retention. Plus this resin improves gloss, hardness, filling, adhesive strength and durability. It is used in the production of all types of nitro lacquers and is appropriate for paper lacquers; this resin is also useful in producing PVC polishing lacquers. Polytone K 97 is primarily used to impart gloss, adhesiveness in the inks and increase the solid content in flexographic and gravure inks, ball point inks, lacquers, varnishes, paintings and coatings. 收起
Polytone M 135 Polyols and Polymers Polytone M 135 is a rosin modified maleic resin. This product is an spirit soluble yellow color resin that comes in small solid pieces. Polytone M 135 is primarily used as an additive in spirit soluble varnishes, nitrocellulose lacquers, road marking pain...展開 Polytone M 135 is a rosin modified maleic resin. This product is an spirit soluble yellow color resin that comes in small solid pieces. Polytone M 135 is primarily used as an additive in spirit soluble varnishes, nitrocellulose lacquers, road marking paints and liquid inks. 收起
Polytone M 136 Polyols and Polymers Polytone M 136 is a rosin modified maleic resin. This product is a spirit soluble yellow color resin that comes in small solid pieces. Polytone M 136 is primarily used as an additive in paper varnishes and liquid inks.
Polytone P 140 Polyols and Polymers Polytone P 140 is a rosin modified penta esterified and phenol formaldehyde resin. This product is yellowish-brown and comes in small solid pieces. It is a modified phenolic resin for use with drying oil such as linseed and tung oil. It is highly soluble ...展開 Polytone P 140 is a rosin modified penta esterified and phenol formaldehyde resin. This product is yellowish-brown and comes in small solid pieces. It is a modified phenolic resin for use with drying oil such as linseed and tung oil. It is highly soluble in white spirit. Polytone P 140 is primarily used as an additive for its anticorrosion properties, water resistance and the retention of color in printing inks, paint coatings, sealants and marine finishes. 收起
Polytone P 141 Polyols and Polymers Polytone P 141 is a rosin modified penta esterified and phenol formaldehyde resin. This product is yellowish-brown and comes in small solid pieces. It is a high melting modified phenolic resin that is suitable for manufacture of offset printing inks where...展開 Polytone P 141 is a rosin modified penta esterified and phenol formaldehyde resin. This product is yellowish-brown and comes in small solid pieces. It is a high melting modified phenolic resin that is suitable for manufacture of offset printing inks where low body is required. Polytone P 141 is primarily used as an additive in liquid inks that have good solvent release properties. It is used in flexographic, offset, and printing inks along with varnishes and has several more uses. It is soluble with aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, ester and varnish oils. It is not soluble with aldehydes. 收起