UL Prospector



Granucol® types are activated carbon pellets of vegetable origin. Granucol® is prepared from activated carbon powder with correspondingly varied inner surface, thus specific adsorption capacity. Moreover, the special production process assures an excellent distribution of the individual pellets.

The convenient application of Granucol® results in a selective adsorption of undesired coloring matter, taste-giving or olfactive substances. The carbons undergo a special production process and thus finest matter can be bound without affecting adsorptive power. In such a way separation is effected more quickly and the bouquet substances of the beverages are widely preserved.

Accordingly selective is the reaction of the different Granucol® types with regard to the treatment of off-taste and off-smells and to reduce increased contents of tannins and coloring matter. Granucol® does not only deposit rather quickly but also very well. Usually, Granucol® is added first to the beverage, when combined with other fining agents. A subsequent gelatin/silica sol fining improves sedimentation and filterability.


Erbslöh Geisenheim AG is a supplier of fruit-based beverages for the beverage industry. This company has a wide variety of products such as wines, beers, spirits, and juices. They use many filtration methods including filter sheets that contain a cross-linked fibre structure as well as special cellulose fibres. This company also uses modern distillation technologies to produce their high quality spirits.


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Erbslöh Geisenheim AG

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