UL Prospector

Gelatine flüssig


Gelatine flüssig is a 20% gelatin product for beverage treatment and can be directly applied. Gelatine flüssig advances and accelerates the clarification process of beverages enormously. The product is preferably combined with silica sol to make treatment even more efficient and even safer. Since Gelatine flüssig can be added directly, without dissolution, handling is easy and consumer-friendly.


Erbslöh Geisenheim AG is a supplier of fruit-based beverages for the beverage industry. This company has a wide variety of products such as wines, beers, spirits, and juices. They use many filtration methods including filter sheets that contain a cross-linked fibre structure as well as special cellulose fibres. This company also uses modern distillation technologies to produce their high quality spirits.


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Erbslöh Geisenheim AG

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