UL Prospector

Dicalite Kieselgur


Dicalite Kieselgur (diatomaceous earth) consists of silicic acid-containing shells of diatoms (algae) which, when dead, settled to the bottom of the sea or lakes. Processed Dicalite kieselguhrs consist of almost pure amorphous and microcrystalline silicic acid (SiO2) and are largely inert. Already for nearly a century, kieselguhr has been in use for different filtration purposes. Particularly the finely powdered types are perceptible by their rose color. An important advantage of Dicalite Kieselgur is its constant high quality.

Kieselguhr is applied for the clarification of beverages in combination with precoat filters, in the course of which different filter aids can be applied at the same time. A distinction is made between one and several precoat layers and a continuous dosage of filter aids during filtration. The technical service of Erbslöh assists and supports you in product application and performance of filtration. Benefit from our service and call us! Our technical experts answer all of your questions and provide you with knowledge and solution-oriented service.


Erbslöh Geisenheim AG is a supplier of fruit-based beverages for the beverage industry. This company has a wide variety of products such as wines, beers, spirits, and juices. They use many filtration methods including filter sheets that contain a cross-linked fibre structure as well as special cellulose fibres. This company also uses modern distillation technologies to produce their high quality spirits.


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