UL Prospector

Gelbentonite™ DC


Gelbentonite DC is classified as “special” because of its purity and high activity. It was created by Dal Cin Spa Laboratories in 1968, and has since been improved in its now filament form. The raw material is selected specifically for this purpose and goes through several complex transformations in order to eliminate any contaminants from the pure montmorillonite. It takes 3kg of raw material to produce 1 kg of final product. The final product is made from very pure montmorillonite with high absorption and clarifying power and is about 5 times more effective than the best classic powdered bentonites on the market. This results in lower rates being used which also produces less sediment. The filament form also reduces the hazards caused by dust during the preparation. The properties of Gelbentonite DC are particularly suited to the fining of premium white juices, white wines, and red wines where over fining should be avoided.


Dal Cin manufactures and specializes in bentonites and clarification/filtration media for solid and liquid separation. Their products are used in the filtration of juices, beer, waste waters and solvents for example. Dal Cin has world wide distribution.


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Dal Cin Gildo Spa

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