UL Prospector

Pectazina LS


Pectazina LS is a liquid enzymatic formulation based on a pool of complimentary activities, and was developed for the clarification and maceration of white grapes. Clarification: Pectazina LS used at this phase causes the fast hydrolysis of pectinolytic substances while facilitating and accelerating the separation of turbidity present in the must. The results are significant from the technological point of view (compactness of the sediment and clarity of supernatant) as well as from the qualitative point of view (reduced proliferation of the indigenous microflora and lessening of vegetative sensations). In order to increase efficiency, it is possible to add Pectazina LS during pressing. By doing this, it is possible to achieve greater yield using lower pressure. The liquid formulation is extremely practical whether for use in static clarification or for use in continuous flotation clarification. When Pectazina LS is used in this phase, partial disorganization of the cellular structure of the grape is obtained with the liberation of aromatic components and their precursors.


Dal Cin manufactures and specializes in bentonites and clarification/filtration media for solid and liquid separation. Their products are used in the filtration of juices, beer, waste waters and solvents for example. Dal Cin has world wide distribution.


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