UL Prospector

Psyllum (Husk)


Psyllium husk or isphagula is the covering of seeds grown on the plant, Plantago Psyllium, which flourishes in the Middle East. Psyllium husk has long been recognized as an excellent means of getting more dietary fiber into a person’s diet due to its high fiber count in comparison to other grains. Oat bran, also a good source of fiber, has about five grams of fiber per a third of a cup. Psyllium husk, on the other hand, offers approximately 71 grams of fiber for that same third of a cup. This heavy dose of dietary fiber makes psyllium husk the choice of many who manufacture dietary fiber supplements and powders like Metamucil. For those suffering from constipation or diarrhea, appropriate daily dietary fiber intake can help improve these conditions. As psyllium husk travels through the human digestive tract, it absorbs water, but is not digested. This results in stool that is bulkier, but also softer, translating to fewer problems with passing stool. Although most associate psyllium husk with improving digestion, clinical studies on isphagula have also shown that it is beneficial in lowering blood cholesterol. Of course, cholesterol is more likely to be lowered when combined with a low fat diet. Yet even with a higher fat diet, psyllium husk, when taken regularly, lowers low-density lipoproteins, known as “bad cholesterol” by about 7%.


I.H.C. Chempharm is a company working with products for the Cosmetic, Pharma, Chemical, Petfood, Feed and Food Industries. Products for the Food include Amino Acids, Hydrocolloids, Releasing Agents, Fiber, Emulsifiers/Stabilizers, Carriers/Fillers/Wetting Agents, Dyestuff, Dietary Supplement, Carbohydrates, Plasticizers, Vitamins, Acidifier, Antioxidants, Preservatives, Flavor Additives and Sweeteners.


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