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Pancoating Spray


Pancoating Spray is a universal release agent for all bread types and easy to release pastry products in a handy aerosol. Clean, fast and trouble-free release thanks to Pancoating Spray. The handy 600 ml spray makes applying this vegetable oil and wax-based release agent easier than ever.

The spray adheres perfectly to the surface of baking moulds to ensure a perfect release every time. Pancoating Spray is a universal release agent and is used for the release of all sorts of bread products.


Sonneveld Group BV is a supplier of an extensive range of release agents, pastry mixes and bread improvers for both industrial and craft bakeries. They have products to assist in many different applications including Sourdough Bread, Clean Label, Banquet, Specialties, Crusty and Flat Bread, Small Bread or Great Bread.





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