UL Prospector

BioCore® Replenish Cal/Mag/D

BioCore® Replenish Cal/Mag/D is designed to supplement the nutritional needs of individuals taking medication that is known to deplete calcium, magnesium and vitamin D. This product is designed to safely supplement potential nutrient depletions associated with the following classes of medications without interfering with the medications: Corticosteroids, Anti-convulsants, Female hormone medications, Bile acid sequesterants, Laxatives, and Synthetic thyroid hormone. BioCore® Replenish Cal/Mag/D offers potential benefits beyond nutrient depletions, such as supporting healthy bones and teeth, supporting healthy muscles, and is formulated to not interfere with the above medications or aggravate the conditions.


National Enzyme Company is a leader in nutritional enzyme technology for dietary supplement services in the Food, Beverage and Nutrition industry. Their enzymes include alpha-galactosidase, amylase, beta-glucanase, bromelain, catalase, cellulose, glucoamylase and more. NEC’s products offer health benefits for brain function, digestive, immune, joint, bone, muscle and skin health, and metabolic and cardio health.

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